One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 223

C223 – Upgrade the Danger Perception

The system’s statement left Jiang Hao at a loss for words.

“Abandon the Immortal Body upgrade?”

That was out of the question—absolutely impossible!

In that moment, Jiang Hao silently savored the enhancements from the Immortal Body’s recent level-up.

With each fist he clenched, a surge of formidable power coursed through him. It felt like his punches could shatter the sky!

Yet, this sensation was merely an illusion, a side effect of his newfound might.

But the real thrill came when Jiang Hao saw his body’s attributes had doubled on the System Panel. He was ecstatic!

Strength: 48

Agility: 12.2

Spirit: 9.2

Endurance: 7.6

All four basic attributes had doubled—Jiang Hao’s power had skyrocketed!

“Upgrading the Immortal Body was undoubtedly the right decision!”

The transformation in his body’s four-dimensional attributes was just one perk of the Immortal Body.

Another was its accelerated recovery and healing capabilities!

“Could a level 2 Immortal Body compare to Wolverine’s constitution?” Jiang Hao pondered.

Yet, without a clear understanding of his own Immortal Body, he couldn’t make a direct comparison. Surely he couldn’t injure himself just to test its regenerative powers, right?

With that thought, Jiang Hao decided to set aside the Immortal Body for the time being and turned his attention to his other skills.

Quickly, his focus landed on the Innate Ability: Danger Perception—a skill that definitely required an upgrade.

Danger Perception had saved his life on multiple occasions!

Having made up his mind, Jiang Hao gave the command.

“System, use 100 skill points to enhance my talent: Danger Perception to level 4!”

“Affirmative, host!”

“Ding… Talent: Danger Perception successfully upgraded!”

Danger Perception Level 4 (0/500): Endows you with a sharp sixth sense, enabling you to detect imminent danger and respond accordingly. Agility +8, Spirit +6!

The upgrade to his Talent Perception was swift, and Jiang Hao could sense his surroundings with crystal clarity.

He could perceive all that was around him without even looking!

Overwhelmed with excitement, Jiang Hao tried it out a few times, then calmed the thrill inside him and checked the notification.

He noticed that the skill points required to reach level 5 of Danger Perception had not increased tenfold as before!

He breathed a small sigh of relief.

But still, it would take five hundred skill points to level up!

That was the sum total of his earnings from several days of toil!

“Ah, without skill points, I’m really at a loss!”

Now, with his Immortal Body and Danger Perception upgraded, he had enough skill points to enhance three more abilities!

He needed to consider his options carefully to maximize the benefits and not squander this opportunity.

Jiang Hao’s brow furrowed as he surveyed the System Panel.

“I’ll put the innate abilities on hold for now. The others are sufficient at the moment. I’ll tackle Super Power once I’ve gotten a handle on this surge in strength.”

Then, Jiang Hao turned his attention to the skill list.

Swimming, hacking, basketball—these skills were adequate; no upgrades needed there.

Next up was the God Chef skill.

Jiang Hao’s eyes lingered on the God Chef skill.

He vividly recalled how a level two God Chef could create food with special properties. What wonders would a level three bring?

The more he pondered, the more intrigued he became.

“Perhaps food crafted by a level three God Chef comes with permanent additional attributes?”

With that thought, Jiang Hao’s hesitation vanished.

“System, use one hundred skill points to upgrade the God Chef skill to level three!”

“Understood, host!”

“Ding… God Chef skill successfully upgraded!”

God Chef Level 3 (0/1000): The skill practiced by chefs of legend, designed to cook for the gods themselves.

Capable of using all the elements of the world as ingredients, it creates dishes that even the gods would extol without end!

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