One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 197

Chapter 197 - Sit Down

?Despite the dean's confusion over Jiang Hao's bold claims, he followed through with them anyway. Having spent considerable time with Jiang Hao, he came to realize that Jiang Hao wasn't one to stir up trouble without cause. As a result, the dean found himself trusting Jiang Hao more and more.

“Divine Doctor Jiang, please wait a moment,” the dean requested before settling in front of a computer in his office and swiftly logging into his account. In no time, he retrieved the registration information for the individual in question.

“Divine Doctor Jiang, here is the information,” the dean said, turning to Jiang Hao who was observing nearby.

Jiang Hao took a brief look and instructed, “Stand up and pay attention to what I'm about to do.”

The dean promptly rose, making room for Jiang Hao. With a skeptical audience watching, Jiang Hao seated himself at the computer, his hands poised above the keyboard. Then, with a flurry of rapid keystrokes, he unleashed a hacking assault with the ferocity of a tiger.

Given Jiang Hao's peak hacking prowess, infiltrating someone's electronic devices and conducting a personal investigation was a trivial task for him. To the astonishment of onlookers, the computer screen began to fill with damning information about the doctor with the surname Party.

As the details emerged, their expressions morphed from surprise to shock, and then to horror. The more they absorbed the sordid revelations about the doctor, the angrier, more appalled, and frightened they became.

The man had been secretly selling non-commercial hospital medications, conspiring with counterfeit drugstores to recommend their products to patients, all while pocketing a commission. The list of criminal evidence was extensive.

Most heinous of all, he had coerced a patient's daughter into a sexual encounter by withholding her father's medication, leading to the girl's tragic suicide. The incident had once caused an uproar, but without a clear cause identified, it had been hastily dismissed.

Lee Ya felt a chill run through her as she realized the danger she had narrowly escaped. Had she not met Jiang Hao today, and without the means to offer a bribe, she wondered if she too might have fallen victim to such cruelty.

Jiang Hao had long suspected that this man was no good, and his suspicions were now confirmed.

“Who's got a flash drive? Hand it over!”

Jiang Hao didn't bother to look up from his computer screen as he made the request.

The request jolted everyone into action, patting down their pockets in search of one.

Eventually, the dean detached a USB drive from his keychain.

“Here you go, Divine Doctor Jiang!”

Jiang Hao accepted the drive and promptly plugged it into the computer to download the evidence.

With a definitive “click,” the download was complete. After a final keystroke, Jiang Hao ejected the USB drive.

“All set!”

Awe was etched on everyone's faces as they regarded Jiang Hao.

In that moment, Jiang Hao handed the USB back to the dean, fixing him with a steady gaze.

“Dean, will this evidence suffice?”

Startled into alertness, the dean quickly responded.

“More than enough!”

“This evidence not only gives me solid grounds to dismiss him, but he might also face a few years behind bars!”

The room was filled with a palpable sense of fear as eyes turned towards Jiang Hao.

They made a silent vow: offend anyone they might, but never cross Jiang Hao again.

The thought was downright frightening!

Jiang Hao was not just a miraculous healer; he was a hacking prodigy of the highest order!

This was particularly unsettling for the dean and Specialist Hong, who knew all too well the skeletons in their own closets.

Crossing Jiang Hao, who could unravel them in mere minutes, was unthinkable!

As Jiang Hao observed the mix of shock and fear in their eyes, he casually waved his hand and boasted with a smirk.

“Take a seat, everyone. Relax, this was just a basic maneuver!”

The crowd was dumbstruck, internally grumbling over his understatement.

“Basic? If that's basic, then we're talking a whole new level of expertise!”

Jiang Hao's display had significantly diminished the fear he once inspired in the onlookers.

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