One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 195

Chapter 195 - A Mouse Spoiled a Pot of Porridge

Jiang Hao quickly realized that Lee Ya had gotten the wrong idea and hastened to clarify.

“Don't worry, I'm not one of the doctors here; I'm here as a patient's family member, just like you!”

“Look at me, I'm too young to be a doctor, right?”

“Plus, I just finished my senior year of high school this year, just like you. I'm here to visit my uncle!”

Lee Ya seemed to be swayed by Jiang Hao's logical explanation.

“Is that true?”

Jiang Hao sighed and nodded in resignation.

Relieved, Lee Ya's tension eased.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao decided to lend her a hand.

“Listen, I sympathize with your situation. Why don't you come with me?

I'm acquainted with the hospital director. I'll see if I can get your dad a different attending physician.”

However, Jiang Hao's offer immediately put Lee Ya on high alert.

She once harbored such innocent thoughts, but her father's words shattered that innocence.

“Xiao Ya, we can't fight them. They stick together, officials looking out for one another. How can we, just ordinary folks, stand a chance against them?”

Jiang Hao understood Lee Ya's wariness all too well.

She had been led astray by a minority of corrupt doctors,

leading her to distrust all doctors.

This thought infuriated Jiang Hao.

How many people in the nation fall ill? Millions? Tens of millions? Maybe even hundreds of millions?

And how many have been disillusioned by doctors, just like Lee Ya, because of those corrupt few?

It's like one bad apple spoiling the whole barrel!

“Lee Ya, if you trust me, come with me. If not, then let's leave it at that.”

Jiang Hao was at his wit's end, too frustrated to offer further explanations.

He had extended the opportunity to Lee Ya; it was up to her to take it.

“Old Hong, let's go!”

With that, Jiang Hao turned and walked away.

“Yes, Divine Doctor Jiang!”

Hong Yangwei had been silent the whole time, but at Jiang Hao's words, he nodded with respect and followed.

Jiang Hao stopped in his tracks upon hearing the title and corrected him.

“From now on, call me Mr. Jiang, not Divine Doctor Jiang.”

Hong Yangwei promptly adjusted his address.

“Yes, Mr. Jiang!”

Jiang Hao had barely taken a few steps when Lee Ya's voice reached him from behind.

“I believe you!”

At her words, a slight smile graced Jiang Hao's lips.

He then turned to Hong Yangwei with a question.

“Old Hong, where's the dean?”

Without hesitation, Hong Yangwei replied,

“The dean is waiting for you in Mr. Guo's room!”

Jiang Hao glanced at Lee Ya and beckoned to her.

“Hey, let's go!”

Lee Ya nodded her agreement, her head bobbing obediently.

They proceeded in silence to ward 34, where, sure enough, the dean was present.

Upon noticing Jiang Hao's arrival, the dean approached with an air of deference.

“Mr. Jiang, I've completed Mr. Guo's discharge paperwork!”

Jiang Hao simply nodded, then addressed his relatives.

“Uncle, aunt, cousin, just hold on a second. I've got one more thing to handle, then we can leave.”

Guo Jianye caught sight of Lee Ya behind Jiang Hao, his eyes betraying a flicker of surprise.

“Alright, Hao Hao, take care of what you need to. We're in no rush!”

With Guo Jianye's response, Jiang Hao gave a nod of acknowledgment.

He then turned and made his way to the door, pausing beside the dean to speak up suddenly.

“Dean, Old Hong, step outside with me, will you?”

The dean, though taken aback, complied and followed.

Hong Yangwei, having anticipated something, did the same.

Lee Ya, trailing behind Jiang Hao, was taken aback by the dean's respectful demeanor towards him.

Yet, it was Jiang Hao's own attitude towards the dean that left her truly astonished.

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