One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 177

Chapter 177 - Cousin's Shock

Guo Yifei trailed behind Jiang Hao.

“Bro, these houses must be pretty pricey, huh?”

Jiang Hao mulled it over before responding with a hint of uncertainty.

“They shouldn't be too expensive, right?”

“I didn't pay much when I bought it—just a little over five million!”

Jiang Hao's comment caused Guo Yifei, who was following close behind, to nearly stumble in shock.

“What's the matter? Are you okay? Take it easy, sis!”

Jiang Hao quickly spun around to steady his cousin.

Guo Yifei, teeth clenched, shot Jiang Hao a fierce look before shrugging him off.

“I'm fine!”

Internally, however, she had silently railed against him more times than she could count.

“Damn little brother, annoying little brother. Over five million and you act like it's nothing, making me look like a fool. You're too much, I can't even deal with you right now!”

Jiang Hao, watching his cousin give him the cold shoulder, sank into a sullen mood.

“Understanding a woman's heart is like searching for a needle at the bottom of the sea!”

Still, he was only speaking the truth; five million really wasn't much compared to his net worth of several hundred million.

After a bit, Guo Yifei recalled how Jiang Hao had come to her aid against that creep, and she felt a twinge of embarrassment.

“Hey, I really owe you one for today, little bro.”

Just as Jiang Hao turned to face his cousin, the elevator dinged.

They had arrived at the 16th floor.

With no other option, Jiang Hao led his cousin out of the elevator to their door, using his fingerprint to unlock it.

“Cousin, come on in!”

Guo Yifei surveyed the lavishly decorated, tasteful, and luxurious residence with appreciation.

At that moment, Jiang’s mother, hearing the door, hurried over.

She caught sight of Guo Yifei.

“Consort Yi?”

Jiang’s mother exclaimed with joy.


Guo Yifei greeted Jiang’s mother in return.

The two embraced warmly, both surprised and delighted.

Time passed, and on the sofa, Jiang’s mother sat with red, swollen eyes, clutching the phone, visibly agitated.

Next to her, Guo Yifei's eyes were similarly red and swollen.

Jiang’s father and Jiang Hao sat close by, the father with a look of concern and Jiang Hao wearing an odd expression.

Just now, Guo Yifei revealed her reason for coming here.

She had taken a leave of absence from school and traveled to Tianhee City, driven by a pressing cause.

It all started with a bolt from the blue.

Her father, who is also Jiang Hao's uncle, had recently complained of chest pain.

Accompanied by her mother, he went to the hospital for tests.

Shockingly, they discovered it was cancer, and terminal at that.

The news devastated the entire family.

Guo Yifei was urgently summoned home from school by her mother.

Her father owned a modest cosmetics company and the family was fairly well-off.

Her mother spared no expense, bringing in numerous specialists.

Yet, with the level of medical science today, not a single expert could guarantee a cure for cancer.

Especially since her father was in the late stages of lung cancer, where interventional treatments were futile, leaving only full-body chemotherapy as an option.

Despite this, her father's life hung by a thread.

As the family's cornerstone, his sudden decline nearly brought them all down.

Refusing to accept this fate, she turned to the internet, hoping to find some unconventional remedies.

That's when she stumbled upon a viral video.

In it, a man was struck crossing the street, critically injured and near death.

Then, a young man placed his hand on the injured man's forehead, and within moments, the man who was at death's door miraculously came back to life!

People were calling the young man a miracle worker.

This video reignited Guo Yifei's hope.

“Perhaps, this miracle worker could heal my father's illness!”

After extensive research, she learned that the incident in the video took place in Tianhee City.

That was her true motive for coming here.

At that moment, Jiang Hao looked at her with a puzzled expression.

“So, cousin, you've come all this way to find me?”

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