One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 174

Chapter 174 - His Cousin Who Suddenly Appeared

In the afternoon, right after lunch, Jiang Hao was gearing up to head out, hoping to chance upon a master craftsman who could forge a weapon for him. After all, he was a skilled fighter now, and what kind of expert didn't have his own weapon? It was particularly pressing since he had mastered the extraordinary Lee's Flying Knife technique, yet embarrassingly, he didn't even own a single flying knife to his name. It would be laughable if word got out!

Moreover, just yesterday on his way home, he had managed to extract nine pieces of fine iron—perfect for crafting a set of nine custom-made flying daggers for himself.

As he was about to step out, his phone erupted with a ring.

“Who could it be at this hour?” he wondered, reaching for his phone with a hint of curiosity.


Seeing the name, Jiang Hao didn't hesitate to answer.

“Hey, cousin, it's me, your sister!” came a cheerful female voice from the other end.

Jiang Hao replied with a warm smile, “Cousin, it's been too long!”

“Hehe, indeed it has, but we'll be seeing each other very soon—I'm in Tianhee City!”

“Quick, where have you guys moved to? I asked the neighbors, and they told me you've moved?”

Jiang Hao was taken aback.

“Cousin, aren't you supposed to be in school? Aren't you attending university on the East China Sea?”

The voice on the other end suddenly grew somber.

“There's been an incident. I've taken a leave from school.”

Jiang Hao immediately sensed his cousin's distress and quickly responded, “Cousin, go wait at Uncle Zhou's for a few minutes. I'm on my way!”


After hanging up, Jiang Hao was riddled with questions.

“What on earth could have happened to make my cousin take a leave from school? And why would my powerful aunt allow her to come to Tianhee City?”

He was still pondering as he called out to his mother, who was bustling about in the kitchen, “Mom, my cousin Consort Yi is in Tianhee City. I'm going to pick her up!”

With that, he turned on his heel and left. By the time Jiang’s mother made it to the door, Jiang Hao was already out of sight. She stood there, filled with her own doubts, murmuring to herself.

“Why would my sister-in-law send Consort Yi to Tianhee City? And isn't Consort Yi supposed to be attending university in Donghai?”

“That Hao Hao, the kid never explains things properly!”


Meanwhile, Jiang Hao had already driven off towards his cousin's location.

Arriving shortly after, Jiang Hao spoke with the driver, asking him to wait a moment while he went to pick someone up.

The urge to own a car intensified within him. Money was no longer an issue, but getting a driver's license would take some time!

Before long, Jiang Hao spotted a tall, elegant woman dressed in a white dress, with a small bag slung over her shoulder and a suitcase in tow.

It was his cousin!

But something was off; she seemed to be in trouble. A creep in a white tank top, baggy shorts, and flip-flops was tailing her!

At that moment, Guo Yifei's anxiety peaked. She hadn't anticipated being followed right after leaving Zhou's Noodle House.

“When will my cousin get here?” she wondered, her mind racing with scenes from the alarming videos she had seen, which only heightened her fear.


In the midst of her panic, she suddenly heard her cousin's voice.

Quickly, she looked towards the sound and saw a boy approaching her.

It was her cousin!

Overjoyed to see Jiang Hao, Guo Yifei felt a significant portion of her fear dissipate. She quickly wheeled her suitcase over to greet him.

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