One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 171

Chapter 171 - The Real Martial Arts?

Jiang Hao watched the spry, white-haired old man leisurely strike various poses and couldn't help but speculate.

“This must be Tai Chi, right?”

“Yet, is it truly the legendary Tai Chi capable of moving immense weight with minimal effort?”

Jiang Hao sat in quiet observation. The man in the green robe had noticed Jiang Hao's arrival but made no attempt to hide.

He continued his unhurried practice.

Elsewhere, under a tree, two muscular young men with piercing gazes were intently watching Jiang Hao, their bodies coiled tight, one hand resting on the small of his back.

They were convinced that at the first sign of any suspicious move from Jiang Hao, they would act without hesitation.

Suddenly, one of them spoke up.

“Old Eight, should we drive him off?”

“Hold off, Old Nine! The Old Master hasn't given us the word, and it's not our place to intervene. Besides, you know full well the extent of the Old Master's prowess.”

Old Nine seemed to recall something, fear flickering in his eyes as he gazed with reverence at the elder practicing martial arts.

“That's right!”

Meanwhile, Jiang Hao, seated on the bench, felt the sensation of being watched.

He furrowed his brow and swiftly turned his head, his piercing gaze landing on Old Eight and Old Nine, who were taken aback and quickly averted their eyes.

“Old Eight, he's onto us!”


In that moment, Jiang Hao was lost in contemplation.

“Who are they?”

Just then, the green-robed elder appeared to finish his routine and gradually ceased his movements.

He then made his way directly toward Jiang Hao, who felt a twinge of embarrassment, thinking the elder was approaching to reprimand him.

Peeking at someone else's training was indeed improper.

As the elder approached, Jiang Hao's cheeks flushed, and he quickly rose to his feet, apologizing.

“I'm sorry, sir, for the intrusion!”

The elder in green offered Jiang Hao a slight smile and responded.

“No harm done.”

“You've observed for quite some time. Did you notice anything?”

Jiang Hao, puzzled by the question, wasn't sure how to respond.

Jiang Hao pondered for a moment before venturing a question.

“Grandpa, were you practicing Tai Chi just now?”

“Mm-hmm, anything else?”


With a puzzled look, Jiang Hao eyed the old man, who simply nodded noncommittally.

Jiang Hao couldn't help feeling a bit frustrated.

What else could there be?

Noticing Jiang Hao's confusion, the old man shook his head, a tinge of disappointment in his gesture.

Then, the old man turned to walk away.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao quickly spoke up, voicing a question that had long troubled him.

“Grandpa, does martial arts truly exist?”

The old man turned back, giving Jiang Hao a glance, then began scanning the surroundings.

Spotting the wooden bench Jiang Hao was sitting on, his eyes brightened. He approached, under Jiang Hao's curious gaze.

With a light touch on the bench, and a subtle movement of his hand, he stepped back, hands clasped behind him, offering Jiang Hao a knowing smile without uttering a word.

Jiang Hao's eyes widened as he saw where the old man's hand had been—a palm print, a full centimeter deep, was etched into the wood!

A wave of astonishment washed over him.

He also remembered Uncle Hai's acupoint techniques, which he had seen used by Soong Wanzhong's side.

“So, Kung Fu really does exist in the real world!”

Just then, Jiang Hao looked up to find the old man posing with the enigmatic air of a true master.

A mischievous impulse struck him, and a playful smirk crept across his face.

He decided it was time to have some fun with this old man who had the audacity to strut his stuff before him.

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