One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 156

C156 – A Mad Dog Attacking People

​”Alright, I’ll post an announcement in our group chat to get everyone’s input!” Jiang Hao said before hanging up the phone and promptly messaging the entire class group.

The response was swift, with the majority voicing their agreement. Since everyone was soon going to head in different directions, potentially with few chances to meet in the future, it seemed like the perfect occasion for a reunion. Following the principle of majority rule, the meetup was scheduled for 4 PM at the entrance of the Grand Hotel.

As the class monitor, Jiang Hao needed to head over to the Grand Hotel earlier to secure a spot.

For now, he decided to take a short break before heading out. Settling into the couch, he casually scrolled through some web pages.

That’s when a news article caught his eye. It detailed a dog attack incident right there in Tianhee City. The report described a harrowing encounter where a young mother, after picking up her child from school, came across a young man walking two dogs. Without warning, the dogs went berserk, broke free, and knocked the mother and child to the ground. The man shouted at the dogs but to no avail; they continued their frenzied assault, prompting him to flee in terror.

Thankfully, an on-duty police officer happened upon the scene and managed to fend off the dogs, saving the mother and child. Both, however, sustained injuries of varying severity.

The current whereabouts of the two aggressive dogs were unknown, prompting the report to caution the public to stay vigilant and to report any sightings to the police, who were actively trying to capture the animals.

Yet, shockingly, beneath the report, a number of self-proclaimed dog lovers were defending the dogs in the comments section.

“They must have provoked those adorable dogs; otherwise, why would they attack?” one comment read.

“Seriously, a bunch of peasants showing up at the hospital? They’re lower than dogs!” another added.

“Damn, dogs are so cute. How could you dare to hit them? I’ll bring two wreaths to your doorstep tomorrow!” one threatened.

Some even went as far as planning to dox the brave officer who had intervened to stop the vicious dogs.

Jiang Hao seethed with anger at the barrage of insults he saw online.

There had been numerous dog attacks, and some extreme dog lovers had even committed acts beyond imagination!

The more he read, the more incensed he became, so he shut off his phone to spare himself further irritation.

Yet, with the two vicious dogs still at large, Jiang Hao couldn’t help but worry about his family’s safety.

He promptly called his parents to caution them to be vigilant.

He also texted Jiang Zixuan, advising him to catch a ride straight home after school and not to linger on the streets.

With his family warned, he noticed it was already past ten o’clock.

Jiang Hao gathered his belongings and set out to reserve a table at the Grand Hotel.


After securing the reservation, Jiang Hao left the Grand Hotel as the clock neared twelve.

Ready to head home, his concern for Jiang Zixuan nagged at him.

Since the school wasn’t far, he decided to detour to where Jiang Zixuan was studying.

He reached the school gates before noon and had no choice but to wait outside.

Standing there, Jiang Hao’s gaze wandered aimlessly.

Suddenly, his eyes snapped to two large dogs, one white and one black, in the distance.

“Those are the dogs from the news report!” he realized.

In a flash, they darted into an alley and vanished from sight.

On high alert, Jiang Hao wasted no time and hurried after them.

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