One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 147

C147 – Made a Miracle

“Ma’am, please take my seat; your child is crying!”

Jiang Hao rose to his feet, offering his seat to the young mother with a warm smile.

The mother, hearing his offer, turned and gratefully met Jiang Hao’s gaze.

“Thank you so much!”

She then sat down with her child in her arms.

Yet, the little girl continued to cry inconsolably for some unknown reason.

The bus was crowded, and with the sweltering heat of June, it was unbearably hot.

The child’s cries only added to the stifling atmosphere, causing a stir among the passengers who frowned in distress.

Jiang Hao stood aside, observing as the mother gently tried to soothe her child, but to no avail—the little girl’s sobs were heartbreaking.

Something about the next moment, however, struck Jiang Hao as off.

The child’s relentless wailing was enough to sadden anyone who heard it.

As Jiang Hao watched the mother, he noticed her growing impatience with the child, her face contorted with disdain for the crying girl.

He then saw the mother pull a lollipop from her pocket, unwrap it, and thrust it into the little girl’s mouth.

Jiang Hao’s brow furrowed at the sight.

Doubt crept in—was this truly her child?

She seemed unable to comfort her own child, showing signs of disdain, and her actions hardly seemed maternal.

As Jiang Hao paid closer attention to the mother, he noticed her awkward way of holding the child.

He also spotted that one of the little girl’s feet was bare, her shoe missing without anyone’s knowledge.

Even more alarming, the girl’s pants had slipped down, and the mother appeared completely oblivious.

Jiang Hao was baffled.

“Could a mother really be this negligent and awkward?”

It was then that he recalled a recent news article he’d seen online.

It warned of a surge in human trafficking, with frequent incidents occurring, and that the traffickers had recently moved their operations to Tianhee City.

With this realization, a shock ran through Jiang Hao.

“Could it be that I’ve stumbled upon human traffickers?”

As Jiang Hao’s gaze fell upon the little girl, he noticed that she ceased her tears the moment she had candy in her hand.

Witnessing this, Jiang Hao mused to himself,

“Could I have been mistaken? Maybe this is just her mother’s way of soothing her?”

With a poker face, Jiang Hao surveyed the scene, when suddenly, his Eye of Law Destruction came to mind.

His eyes sparkled with realization, and he intently observed the odd pair, activating his Eye of Law Destruction.

Images began to flood his mind.

Initially, everything seemed normal. A mother cradling her little girl.

But then, a jarring image flashed before him.

The mother in the vision was someone else, not the woman he saw now!

A mother entered a hair salon with her little girl. While the mother got her hair done, the child wandered out, her steps wobbly and uncertain.

It was then that the woman currently holding the child spotted the scene from a distance and swiftly approached the girl.

With a lollipop in hand, she enticed the little girl to come with her.

After a short walk, the woman glanced back to ensure they were unnoticed.

Then, she quickly scooped up the girl, handed her the candy, and bolted away!

At this revelation, Jiang Hao’s suspicions were confirmed.

He had unwittingly made room for a child trafficker!

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