Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 15: The Strong Don’t Need Pity

Chapter 15: The Strong Don’t Need Pity

Be it in this life or the previous one, Li Mo intervened all the same.

What did you see?

Su Haoyang stuck out his chin, his face hostile.

I saw you trip Lu Meng.

Ha-ha, ridiculous. Why would I trip him?

Because you saw Lu Meng was close to exceeding you. Envy gnawed your heart so you tripped him.

Su Haoyangs face turned cold, raised his foot and kicked.

Su Haoyang was the first tester to enter Starscape and, although his luck wasnt as good as Du Fei, a humans innate talent was tyrannical. After the spiritual root entered the body, the human body would absorb spiritual energy by itself every minute, every second, and strengthen it. Su Haoyang received the spiritual energys baptism and was now many times stronger than an average human. This was the cause behind the footprints in the marble.

Military Instructor Yang Honglei looked over with the blade of grass in his mouth. He saw what happened but didnt stop it. 

In Li Mos previous life, Su Haoyang bullied Lu Meng, slapping him a few times, until Lu Meng was bleeding from mouth and nose. Yang Honglei still didnt stop him. Li Mo ran to help Lu Meng, but Su Haoyangs kick broke three ribs. Yang Honglei again didnt stop it.

That time, Li Mo couldnt get up and Yang Honglei walked over to say, The weak dont need pity.

As Su Haoyang was kicking, Li Mo replied in kind.

The kicks met and Li Mo stood his ground while Su Haoyang fell back one step.

Su Haoyang turned pale. His leg screamed in pain, but for appearance sake he chose to push through it by acting all relaxed.

Li Mo said, Lu Meng, go and slap him a couple of times.

Lu Meng was starled then walked to Su Haoyang.

Seeing Lu Meng walking over, Su Haoyang wanted to move, but it was as if his accupoint was hit and his body wouldnt listen to him, not even a finger budged. 

Li Mos kick wasnt powerful, or Su Haoyangs leg wouldve been ruined.

Su Haoyang was frozen in place because Li Mos energy entered his body throwing Su Haoyangs own energy out of balance and bringing the same result as having ones accupoint hit. 

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Lu Meng lifted his hand and slapped Su Haoyang five times.

The two of you are looking to die!

Su Haoyang roared.

Yang Honglei walked over to ask, Whats your name?

Im Lu Meng.

Li Mo.

Oh. Yang Honglei nodded then pointed at the campus, I order you to resume running, with no rest until 21:00.

Oh. Lu Meng ran to the campus. A frank man like him wouldnt cut corners, and was even a beat slower when wanting to ask questions compared to others. He ran half a lap before reacting, stopping and scratching his head. 

Instructor Yang, why must we run until 21:00 with no rest?

This is your punishment for striking a fellow student.


Lu Meng understood this time and picked up the pace. 

Yang Honglei turned to Li Mo, Why arent you running?

Li Mo retorted, Why should I?

He-he, you beat up a fellow student and now you want to avoid punishment?

At this time, Su Haoyangs butt touched the ground as he gasped. The energy in his body returned to normal and his body could move again.

Su Haoyang stood up with an odd expression and watched calmly.

He was very clear on his bodys condition and was a bit afraid of Li Mo now.

Yang Honglei took a step, This is a military drill. I am your military instructor and you are my soldiers. I tell you to live, you live. I tell you to die, you die!

At this point, Yang Hongleis aura was that of a towering war god. A few of the shy students started to shiver. 

Li Mo, dont talk back to the military instructor. Its your fault for urging Lu Meng to beat Su Haoyang. With blame comes punishment, and since Military Instructor Yang told you to run, you must run.

Huang Yao yelled nervously.

Having stood an entire hour in the sun, Huang Yao already reached her limit. She had rested for a long time below a tree and only now recovered a bit.

Huang Yao was materialistic, but her words werent out of consideration for Li Mo, and instead thought she and Li Mo were as different as black and white. 

Li Mo turned a deaf ear to Huang Yaos warning, and smiled at Yang Honglei, May I ask, Military Instructor Yang, what makes you think I will live by your will, and die at your order?

Because Im better than you!

You dont say. Where exactly?

I am better than you in every way imaginable!

You dont seem convinced. Alright then, lets run together. If you can outrun me, Ill comply to your terms, if its within my limits. If you cant best me, then kneel here and reflect for a day and night!

Li Mo smiled, Alright.

Li Mo! Huang Yao stomped her feet anxiously.

Yang Honglei took his military pants off and revealed the weights underneath. 

Yang Honglei tapped the weights while watching Li with contempt, These here are 50 kg. You are a student, I am a soldier. To keep this fair, I will keep this weight and even add an extra 50. 

Yang Honglei hoisted a 50 kg backpack.

Li Mos expression was calm, standing next to Yang Honglei on the starting line.

Yang Hongleis clear voice resounded, There is no limit on the distance, nor time. But you cant jogg, and well run until one of us collapses!

Everyone here shall bear witness!

Yang Honglei looked over at Su Haoyang, and Su Haoyang looked at him with a slight nod in thanks.

Yang Honglei and the Su clan were long time friends. Yang Honglei was obviously discriminating because of this. 

Su Haoyang walked behind Li Mo and whispered coldly, Li Mo, was it? I know you have some trick up your sleeve, but do you know the difference between you and brother Honglei? He is a member of the strongest national special force, Wolf Fang Division, second detachment. He is a soldier among soldiers, elite among the elites. Challenging him is the same as asking to be killed!

Li Mo stood at the starting line as if Su Haoyang never existed, or his words.

Huang Yao was nervous, leaving when she suddenly recalled something.

Yang Chong blocked her, Where are you going?

Im going to my dad. Only he can persuade Li Mo out of this.

Only allowed on

No you wont!


If I say you wont, it stays that way. You are my girlfriend. If you dont listen to me, we are through.

Huang Yao bit her lip as she watched Yang Chong with hesitation on her face. It was at this moment Li Mo and Yang Hongleis contest started.

The 800,000 purse and Yang Chongs nice red sports car were duking it out in her mind for Huang Yaos decision, which she only made after a long time.

The bag is mine, while the car isnt!

I never once was your girlfriend. You never cared for me!

Huang Yao left with a sprint in her step, under the ashen-faced Yang Chongs eyes.

On the campus, Li Mo and Yang Hongleis contest was now underway.

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