Omega Summoner

Chapter 1945 Time Traveling Again

Chapter 1945 Time Traveling Again

Adrian secretly left before the Avatar of the World Tree gives him a mission to get rid of the Primordial Beast Nidhogg. The fact that the Avatar of the World Tree was freely speaking it to him meant something. All of his instincts are screaming for him to run away and runaway he did.

Adrian appeared in a place that is still in complete ruins where parts of it is still tainted with miasma. This was the location of the fallen empire of the central continent or what is left of it. The world expansion must have not touched this place as much as the general area where rubble is seen is still the same from back then.

"Even some players are still evading this area as they are afraid of being cursed. Well, there are still those that really do want to get cursed and some looking for undead to raise." Adrian stated as he could see some players that one would classify as absolute loners due to their playstyle.

"Guild master? Why are you here?" A person suddenly called to Adrian, and he turned back to see it really was one of his guild members.

"Hexy! Why are you here?" Adrian asked as he knows all of his guild members as she was one of those that did not leave when the training was extremely harsh.

Hexy is one of the loner players that joined Pantheon guild. She joined the guild because of Creepysoo as she wanted to discuss hexes and curses with him. Her job class is also quite unique as it is a hidden job advancement of the shaman job class called Hex Witch.

A Hex Witch is a different kind of which because they do not form contracts with devils like other witches. They lean more on the natural curse side rather than the defiled curse side. They might be weaker stat wise compared to witches that have contracts with devils, but their curses cannot be purified easily. Adrian has seen her curses in play, and she even bypassed his own bloodline sometimes which affected him with status ailments.

Hex Witches could be said to use death magic as well as their curses and hexes often are derived from death energy. She has the physical appearance of a twenty-year-old, but she has long unbrushed hair that looks disheveled. She even amped up the creepiness factor by wearing a raggedy but elegant looking dark violet gown.

"I am here because I am searching for a relic of something that has transcended a hundred years." Adrian stated as he needed an item that belonged to that timeline for ease of travel.

"Are you also interested in hexes and curses, guild master? You are the Champion of the Twin Gods and the gods of death have such creative natural curses that I really like!" Hexy stated with excitement.

"I am actually practicing time magic, and we usually use mediums such as antiques in order to tap into that timeline. I will use the item for my temporal magic practice. You should ask Creepysoo about curses and hexes as undead are more familiar with it." Adrian stated twice so that Hexy does not mistake him that he also likes curse magic.

"He is busy doing some quest that only he can do which is why I am not talking curses with him." Hexy stated.

"I see. No wonder you are out on your own as you often go and level with him. Anyways, I am in a bit of a rush. I think I need to start looking for the item that I need." Adrian stated.

"If that is the case… I can help you in your endeavor, guild master. I have an item that is heavy with resentment, but I do not think it was the resentment of the owner. I found this trowel when I was digging near the old antique shop that I use to visit here when it was still a kingdom." Hexy stated as she took out a trowel from her inventory.

"You entered this kingdom freely? Sorry about that as it might sound like I was judging you. Your get up is something that people from the Church of Light will persecute for wearing." Adrian stated.

"No worries, guild master. I also thought it was strange that I can easily enter but I was drawn to this place back then. You could say that I was already able to sense the presence of a powerful negative being in the empire even before it fell. I was also shocked that they let me in with my attire." Hexy stated as she handed the trowel to Adrian.


Item Name: Trowel of a Forgotten Farmer

Item Tier: Unknown

Item Type: Farm Equipment


Curses the land that it is used on with Minor Infestation that lasts up to a day.

Description: A trowel used by a farmer that only wanted to help the hungry. It has been filled with resentment of the people that could not be fed because of the farmer's disappearance. It is in a rather terrible condition, but it still looks durable despite being a hundred or so years old.


"I think I got something I really needed." Adrian stated as he gulped.

Upon seeing the description of the trowel, Adrian can more or less guess that this was something that the person Elder Danaya talked about has used. At least, Adrian hopes that this is something that the Legendary Farmer really used. Seeing that it was an item from the timeline that Adrian needed, Adrian thanked Hexy by giving her a crystal that is filled with death energy which she gladly liked as she was skipping her feet like she was on cloud nine.

[Will you use the Trowel of a Forgotten Farmer to go back to the past where this item first appeared?]

"Let us do this." Adrian stated as he accepted the invitation and vanished from his location with a blip.

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