Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son-cons!

Book 3: Chapter 2

Book 3: Chapter 2

Lucia, are you asleep?

No, youre lying on my hair, your majesty.

Sorry, Ill shift to the side a bit

Dont. Let me hold you tighter. My scent has almost covered up the scent of that womans.

I dont know why, but when we arrived at the inn we were resting at for the night, we were told there was only one small room left with one bed. If we didnt take it, wed have to sleep in the stables While its true that Im the elf prince, using my identity to kick people out isnt such a good idea. Moreover, Lucia who was glued to me said shed be fine with one bed since we were to-be husband and wife anyway.

And thats why I slept with Lucia. My bed in the palace is huge. There was room for me even if both mom and Lucia were to climb onto it. Its just that they always hugged both my arms so tightly I never was able to move Since this single bed was so small, Lucia and I needed to embrace each other to fit on it.

Lucia also seemed to really mind the fact that I carried the scent of another elf on me. She was really unhappy. She was insistent on attaching herself to me the whole way. In fact, she forbade me from looking at other girls.

When a female elf willingly embraces a man, shes bound to leave behind her scent on him. Elves can rely on scents to determine if they have someone they like. Previously, the scent of the queen was really pronounced on you. When I hugged you the day you left, I could detect my scent on you. That woman was definitely able to detect my scent on you and yet she still had the gall to seduce you. If I see her, Im going to teach her what first come first serve means.

Lucias eyes showed that she was completely serious. It looks like shes definitely going to give it to Luna if she meets her

She was attached to me like a monkey. Not only were our arms and legs in contact, she had her body pressed firmly against mine. Every time I moved, I could feel her body, forcing me to recite scriptures to suppress my urges.

Lucia shut her eyes and hugged me tightly. She was still slightly unhappy even though it had been an entire day. I held her from behind, helplessly chuckled and said: Lucia, did you wait for me at the border the entire time?

Yeah, I was there for the entire month. I waited there because I was scared that nobody would be there to help you if the humans tried to pursue and kill you.

You sound like youre very prejudice towards humans.

Lucia opened her eyes and looked at me with her emerald eyes. She nodded and said: Of course. They killed many of our people in the war ten years ago, and lots of those were children and peasants. I cant forgive the humans. And thats why you are not to marry anybody else but me. I wont accept you having a human wife.

Of course Ill only marry you

Yet you have the scent of another woman on you

Ermm How do I explain it? That elf helped me on a full moon night So Thats why I have her scent on me


Lucia quickly blinked her emerald eyes several times. She looked at me stunned and said: Thats impossible! A normal elf would faint just coming into contact with your mana. Theres no way she couldve withstood it. And theyre bound to become horny. Could you havehaveyou?!

No! No!! Absolutely not!! She did pass out!

I quickly altered my choice of words when I noticed how scary Lucias gaze had become. The truth is, we did engage in intercourse Its just that we didnt go all the way Sincesince That wasnt done out of lust, it was a form of treatment. A treatment, right? That doesnt count as betrayal. Its not betrayal

Is that right?

Lucia looked at me with suspicion. She then hugged me and sniffed my neck wildly. She said to herself: No wonder why the scent was so strong. Now I know it was because she was an elf in heat Otherwise, the only way for her scent to be that strong is if you two were to have embraced each other for an entire day It looks like I misunderstood you, your highness.

Isnt that right?

But that doesnt change the fact that you hugged her!

I should just sincerely apologise

Im sorry, Lucia

It looks like Lucia is adamant on pursuing this subject. Based on mom and Lucias fixations and strong tendency to attach themselves, its plain to see that while elves are very liberal in their idea of love, they strictly forbid betrayal Andtheyre all yanderes.

Lucia opened her eyes and looked at me. A moment later, she rested her head on my chest and softly said: Since youve apologised that means you still love me, right?

Yes Ill always love you. There was no one with humanity who plucked my heartstrings Ni-


Ni- Youre Youre the only one I love*

Holy moly, why did I nearly say Niers name?!! Why is it that when I mentioned humanity, Niers looks of disdain popped into mind? Could I be some sort of masochist? No I just recalled the night we shared a drink together

As a person grows up, will they always remember the person who was always by their side?

Lucia, however, didnt seem to notice. She rubbed her head on my chest, then laughed and said: Okay, good night, your highness. I believe that youll be covered in my scent tomorrow.

Why cant I smell it? I could smell the faint scent of flowers on Lucia though.

I gently hugged Lucia, my fiance. It felt so natural for me to hold her in my sleep after knowing her for only a week. I wonder if its a combination of the memories of this body and because I truly like Lucia.

Its really relaxing here with the elves. I shouldnt encounter any problems this time. There wont be any more hordes of Earth Dragons, there wont be any neighbouring countries coming over to harass us, there wont be two parties trying to kiss up to me and there wont be any balls. Although I only get an hour to be outside each day, life in the palace is relaxing. I need to get some good rest while Im here with the elves no matter what. I got kidnapped only ten or so days ago after all.

I probably shouldnt tell mom about that

Come to think of it, whats Troy like as a person? I havent quite understood myself. I just have sympathy for the people. I feel sorry for stealing the homes of the people who died. He was burdened with so much blood shed. If fallen soldiers could curse someone from the grave, theyd definitely curse this bastard who stole their life from them. Was he kind? Was he courageous? Was he a competent prince? I dont know. Im in his body, holding his lover in my arms, but I dont understand him in the least.

However, theres one thing Im very certain of. And that is that this guy is a pervert who liked his mom.

Come to think of it Is the person Lucia loves me, or Troy? Ah I dont even have to think. Its definitely Troy that she loves. The very thought makes me feel so guilty. Im clearly not Troy, yet here I am hugging her. She doesnt love me, yet she doesnt know her loved one has passed away.

Wait, if thats how it is.

All the feelings of love Ive been moved by and all the intimate relationships here None of them are meant for me.


How depressing

Troy, sorry brother. I Ill Look after your mom and fiance for you for now

Present time, at some place.

This is our friend in the elven territory who has interacted directly with the prince and knows black magic. Assassinating the prince is a walk in the park.

Somebody dressed in black silently walked out. He had his face covered with a black hood. He scanned the people at the round table and gave them a small bow.

The voice under the hood said in a faint voice: The elves are about to hold a grand event, the Deer Hunting Festival. The chosen elves will be tasked with hunting a White Deer King, and the one who succeeds is bound to receive the respect of other elves. The elf prince will definitely be present at said competition and the queen will without a doubt have him personally kill a White Deer King to raise his credibility with the people. If he dies there, the queen is bound to be furious.

The few people at the table nodded and then said: In that case, well leave it in your hands. Make sure that he actually dies, and then I shall return to you your most treasured treasure.




The Ni for Nier in Chinese sounds like the Ni for You in Chinese.

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