Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son-cons!

Book 2: Chapter 42

Book 2: Chapter 42

Your majesty, your clothes have been prepared. Ah! Your majesty!!

Luna panicked and knelt down on one knee. The empress waved her hand with a smile and then said: Rise. Ive got free time today, so Ive come to my sons room to see him and have some tea together.


Luna shivered as she stood up. She was at a loss for what to do and stood in place. She still held my clothes I was supposed to wear tonight. I said: Luna, you can leave once you place my clothes down. Itll be alright with her majesty and the maids here.


Luna placed my clothes down and then turned around to leave. I noticed her legs were weak. Its normal for people to be scared by the empress when they first see her in person.

The empress picked her cup of tea up and took a sip. She then looked at me and said: Son, how have you been recently? Has anything felt off?

The empress lightly placed her hand on mine. Her eyes were filled with concern. No. Her gaze seemed to contain a hint of pain within it. Her hand which was placed on the back of mine was shaking gently. I paused for a moment. The empress didnt ask me about my health as a casual greeting. She was genuinely worried about me.

Ah, no Ive been well recently.

No, thats not what I meant. What Im worried about isnt right now, but   She looked like she was feeling conflicted. She bit down on her lips and her eyes moved back and forth on the ceiling. She held my hand tightly and gently whispered: The moon will soon be full.


Now I know what the empress was getting at. Mom cant suck out my berserk mana on a full moon night while Im here, and moms suggestion was to not resist my own mana. She said that I have to let it out instead. But if I release it then half of humanitys imperial capital would probably

Alright, heres my next big problem. How am I going to get past the full moon night this month?

I looked at the empress and softly said: Its alright, mom. Ill Think of something.

The empress nodded, pursed her lips and her eyes slowly turned red as tears formed in her eyes. She rubbed her eyes, and with a sobbing voice said: Its all my fault If I were a bit braver at the start If I took you with me back then, then you wouldnt have to suffer so much I love you I really, really love you Seeing you in so much pain, really Id rather die.

Mom couldnt control her tears, and they inevitably ran down her face. Her hands tightly held mine as if Id disappear if she let go. Her expression showed endless pain. She was like a child in that moment even though shes the empress whos as tough as nails. I dont know what happened back then, but I could feel her heart-shredding pain. She was blaming herself. Perhaps it was her fault that I have to go through this pain every month.

She was in more pain than me. Perhaps mom has been drowning in pain all these years. I believe that she would gladly endure the pain for me if it could somehow be shifted onto her.

I believe that as shes my mom. My elf mom can relieve me of the pain by sucking out my mana, but the powerless empress can only watch her son writhe in pain. Mom must be suffering a lot.

I walked over, knelt before mom and gently hugged her. Mom cried as she held me tightly. She pulled me into her embrace tightly. I could feel the warmth and gentleness of a mother. Moms tears fell on top of my head. I didnt know what to say either. I have no clue what happened in the past, but having mom hugged me tightly like this was enough.

Mom, its not your fault.

S-Son My son!!

Mom hugged me tightly and cried loudly. I hugged her back as a weird feeling rose in my chest. I always considered my elf mom my mom, but not the empress. However, when the empress tightly embraced me, I felt a strange feeling of familiarity, grief and sorrow, like that experienced by someone whod left home and finally returned home to his family. It felt like Id been held like this by the empress before.

I only know about the war over their son on a surface level, but nothing about the pasts of my moms. People can only be born once. Its not uncommon for people to say that the father of one is unknown, but right now, its my mom whos unknown. I could feel a feeling of attachment from my elf mom, and a nostalgic feeling from my human mom, both of which left me intoxicated. Its said that a child can recognise his mother regardless of how long hes been apart from them. But my body is telling me that theyre both my moms.

What exactly is going on here?

I dont know how long it took for mom to stop crying. I raised my head, and extended my hand out to wipe away moms tears. The empress closed her eyes and let me wipe her face. The corner of her mouth slowly crept up into a smile and she said: How How nice would it be if I could always watch over you as you grow? My husband is no longer with me, but this is the most beautiful time in my life, and you are the greatest gift to me during this beautiful time in my life.


Its been tough on you, my son. Its our stubbornness that led to you shouldering this pain. Ive never had a kid Nor do I know how to fulfil the role of a qualified mother I make lots of mistakes, but But

Mom, youre already doing very well. You, are a qualified mother

I dont possess the memories of this prince. If this isnt muscle memory, then I have no idea whats going on. I dont know what the empress did to me, but I know she loves me. What can you ask of a mother? A mother is a qualified mother as long as she truly loves her child.

At least, mom suffers for the sake of her son.

I stood up and mom gently leaned her head on my chest. She revealed a smile showing her ease and said: Im tired too I have to deal with so many matters every day. If possible, I really want to pass the crown to you, and then become a mother waiting for you to return home every day, cooking for you, doing your laundry, looking after the home and holding you as we sleep at night. We could have a child Son and my dear. It feels so similar


Are you sure thats something a mother should be doing?!

Theres something wrong with both these mothers!! My elf mom adds onii-sama when she calls me while shes in her berserk-mode, while the empress before me has started to feel that I resemble her dear! Are you two alright?! Please dont displace your gone-love onto your son, okay?!

Moms gaze started turning strange I struggled to get out of moms embrace, then took two steps back and said: Mom mom! Itll be nightfall any moment now, so you should get ready for the ball, mom!

Oh Right Right Youre right The ball, the ball

Mom wiped her eyes, stood up, massaged her face and her majestic look from the other day returned. She cleared her throat gently, finished her cup of tea and then said: Ill go get ready now. Son, dont be late. Oh, right, I still have a question for you son.

What is it?

Do you have someone you like here after being here for so long? You dont have any girls accompanying you, so you must feel a bit lonely, right? I heard you have a fianc at the elf nation, so you need one here too.

I shook my head. What sort of logic is that? Please forgive the monogamy views I grew up with, but I cant come to terms with the messy concepts and views of love you hold here. Im fine with having Lucia. I dont have any intention of finding myself a princess here.

Not yet

I see.

The empress nodded and then pulled opened the door. Alice and Nier bowed to salute her. The empress left with Alice and Luna came in. She looked at me slightly tense and said: Your majesty, you should get changed now

Huh? Oh Sure.

I nodded. I dont know why I was looking at Nier who was standing at the door in a daze.

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