Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son-cons!

Book 2: Chapter 35

Book 2: Chapter 35


I was quivering all over as I crawled along the ground. That kick he gave me to my gut hurt so bad I couldnt even groan. I could taste the blood running down my mouth. I was feeling wheezy. If it werent for my body being in pain all over, I probably wouldve passed out already.

Far out, it wouldve been much better if we captured that woman instead. We have things we need to do too. What are we going to do with a guy? What else can we do besides beating him up?

The two mercenaries rubbed their fists and feet as they complained. I struggled to sit up from the ground and huffed and puffed as I leaned against the wall. I know what I did was the equivalent of digging my own grave. I let Nier go so that I could be captured because if I get captured, theyll never leave the imperial capital. And if they cant leave, then they cant take the coins out of the country. They dont have the guts to kill me either. Thatch has been for a long time and hasnt come back.

Either Nier or I had to be captured. The time that itd take us both to return to the palace to report to Castell and the empress would give them ample time to pack up and leave. There had to be someone whod stall them and it couldnt be Nier, since shes the only one who can get away unscathed while Id end up captured half-way there.

Alright, lets go again.

The two mercenaries came over towards me again. I forced a smile. While I wasnt going to get beaten to death, it wasnt like I was getting hit with cotton balls or something. The two of them bashed me viciously. A single punch from them made my entire body jerk. Unfortunately for you two, youre facing a man from a race that gave birth to countless heroes since ancient times. Regardless of how painful it is, I wont

What the hell am I talking about?! I could just tell them that Im the prince and this would be over!

Can this be considered as me having protected Nier?

Probably not. Itd be more accurate to say I offered myself up. My relationship with Nier cant be considered good, can it? Nier hass pointed her sword at my throat so many times despite me being the prince of a nation. Ive been treated sarcastically and even been encouraged to kill myself by her countless times. But why do I never get angry at Nier?

I spat out a liquid which came from my gut. I dont know what it bloody is. It carried with it the taste of blood and my anguish. My body was sent flying to another corner and then crashing into the wall.

Yeah How come I dont get mad at Nier? Why do I stand up for Nier? Why do I apologise to Nier? Nier is always sarcastic with me, despises me and mocks me, but why is it that I cant get mad at her? I dont like her or love her, because I know I love Lucia.

But why? In that moment, I was recalling that time we were on the street where Nier knelt down on one knee with a thud.

Welcome home, your majesty! I, Nier Gilliante, am here to welcome you into the city!

Thats right

I have a home here too

I was stunned by her emerald eyes in that moment, and I was touched by her background. Ive never come across a girl like Nier before. Am I just curious about her, or have I considered her a family member?

Mr Thatch still hasnt returned. How should we deal with him? Im worried hell die if we keep beating him up.

So what? How about we just kill him and be done with it? Hes probably going to end up dead anyway. Ive had enough down in these sewers. Lets just kill him and get out of here.  I heard the sound of a long sword being drawn.

Ah, Im really sorry.

I thought wrong.

Thatch may not dare to kill me, but these barbarians dont care about that much. Thats right. I really will die since Thatch has left.

Sorry, Lucia I cant return to you. I couldnt even die with your pendant in hand. I sighed and shut my eyes. Ive already died once, so Im not scared of dying a second time. Who knows, maybe this is a world where Ill be resurrected in moms arms.

I quietly muttered: Mom

I felt the tears from my eyes run down my face which had turned numb.

What a mistake

I shut my eyes and waited.

I suddenly heard a loud explosion sound in front of me. A few stones landed on my face and clean air blew towards me, bringing the smell of dust and moss with it. I opened my eyes and was surprised to see a white cape in-between myself and the mercenaries. The mercenary before me had a blade through his body.

His body pulsated a few times and fell to one side. Nier expressionlessly whipped her sword to get rid of the blood on it. Her stunning yet compassionless eyes were trained on me. A light from the hole she jumped down from shone through and illuminated the dust as well as her beautiful face. She was the only light down in these dark sewers, shining brightly like an angel.

Nier knelt down on one knee, looked at me and said: I apologise for my tardiness.


Please dont call me in a sobbing tone like that. As a prince, you must maintain your dignity at all times.

Behind you

Nier reversed her sword in her hand and slashed behind her. A spurt of blood was seen in the air once again and its scent started to fill the air. Nier slashed off the mercenarys entire torso. She kicked his corpse away, sheathed her sword into its scabbard and said: I sincerely apologise, your majesty. I killed without you giving prior permission.

No, its fine

I used my last ounce of strength to sit up and looked at her with a smile. She paused before frowning and said: Please dont look at me with such a disgusting smile!

Im sorry

I lowered my head, not because I thought I was disgusting, but because I seriously had no energy left to raise my head. Nier walked up to my side and untied me. She then knelt behind me and didnt move. I didnt have the strength to say anything. But right now I honestly feel really safe.


I-Its good that youre alright.

Am I imagining things because Im hurt too severely? Why do I hear Nier whispering?! Nier didnt give me a chance to be surprised. She piggy-backed me and shouted. Two people jumped down from the hole that was created by the explosion, and then somebody up top helped to pull me up and out of the sewers.

I see, they opened a hole from the street.

Your majesty!! Your majesty!!

I heard somebodys cries from my side. A petite figure came running over and hugged me. I struggled to open my heavy eyes and noticed Luna who was down by my chest. I laughed lifelessly, reached my hand out and pat her on the head.

Im alright

Nier from behind me uninterestedly said: Youre so lucky to still be alive after being beaten up like this. You really are weak, your majesty. If it were her majesty, forget two men, shed kill her way out even if there were two-hundred men. Carry his majesty back carefully, and call a doctor to be on stand-by.

Your majesty!!

Hey, hey, hey, you people got an injured person on a stretcher here!! Could you please not toss me onto the ground so excitedly at the sound of horse hooves?! I got tossed onto the ground again and puked again.

But before I could complain, I was pulled tightly into an embrace. Her body was very warm. Warm to the point that it helped me relax, and so comfortable my eyelids didnt want to move. She was shivering. She was shivering with fear. She held me tightly in her embrace with her strong arms as though Id vanish if she loosened up.

Son My son I I was so worried about you I I I was so scared Son Son I I was so scared

Is this the empress?

Ive never seen the empress cry before.

Her voice was cracking. Her tears were landing on my forehead and her body was shivering from fear. Everything was like when I just arrived in this world where I was up against the Earth Dragons.

Her reaction was the same as moms reaction.

Son I beg you Please be alright Son I beg you Im so scared Youre my only child As long as youre alright As long as youre alright



Her majesty Regardless of how tyrannical and bloodthirsty she may be, shes still my mother nonetheless.

This sort of compassion and love is something only a mom would possess. Only a mother would react like this when she sees that her child has been hurt. She wasnt the empress in that moment, but a mother who was concerned for her child.

Im okay Mom

I mustered up all my strength to lift my arm up and lightly place it on moms back.  Mom jerked her body when I touched her, and then she burst out crying.

Thats right

She too is my mom

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