Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son-cons!

Book 2: Chapter 23 (2)

Book 2: Chapter 23 (2)

I regretted what I said as soon as it escaped my mouth. Unfortunately, it was already said and done. Nier looked at me with a look of surprise and contempt. Her gaze changed this time. She looked at me like kitchen waste. No. More like she was looking at regurgitated food. She shook her head, let out a heavy sigh and then reached her hand up to undo the buttons on her clothes

Wait! Wait! Wait!! Stop!! Please, stop!! Dont! Dont! Dont! Sorry! Sorry! I was joking! I was joking! Honest!

I waved my hand like I lost control and turned to my side. I really wanted to slap myself. Did I get mercury in my brain or something? How could I make such a request? Niers hands didnt stop. She then took off the top layer of her military uniform and undid her button, revealing the cloth she used to wrap her breasts. She walked up to me and said: Your majesty, I shall obey your orders.

Niers body is very beautiful. I dont think there was any fat on her body. I dont think I could pinch any fat on her waist. She had the coveted eleven-abs*. She had a few scars but that didnt diminish her beauty. She wrapped her chest cloth but I could still see the prominent shape of them. If she were to undo it

Do I need to undo this as well?

Niers gaze was filled with hate and disgust. Her hands, however, continued to undo her chest-cloth without hesitation. I reached my hand out and pressed it on her shoulder.

I took in a deep breath. I cant do this sort of thing Nier hates me to begin with. I cant do something that will completely wreck our relationship I shook my head, paused and said: Th-Theres no need to I Im in the wrong. Its my fault. I shouldnt have made such an overboard request

Your request was not overboard. You were just going to touch my body. Its just that being touched by you is so disgusting its vomit-inducing, thats all.

Her gaze indicated she wasnt lying. I just pressed on her beautiful shoulder and her eyes were filled with disdain as per usual.

Are you complimenting me or cursing me?

Nier mercilessly replied: Of course Im cursing you.

I stood up with my back facing Nier. Nier stood up as well. At that moment, the door to Niers room opened Nier and I turned to look in that direction. The elf dressed in her black and white maid uniform looked at us, shocked In that moment, we Yeah Niers clothes were still on the floor and she was also still on the bed

Im so sorry!!

After she shrieked, she closed the door loudly and hid inside

Its not like that!! Listen to my explanation! Listen to my explanation!!


*Eleven abs are technically called the Adonis Belt, however, its popular among women to refer to it as so as opposed to the Adonis Belt, so I went with it.

Translator Comments: I tried to contact as many of you personally on disqus as I could, but only Chris responded so I suppose (A) the method didnt work, or (B) you didnt see it. Im referring to getting this chapter into your hands because Im enough of an asshole enough to try and contact as many people as possible individually. Second, the website is only temporarily up with half the usual daily allowance, so if it drops, its beyond me. This situation will stand until next month. Lastly note here is that there is a double release, so chapter 24 is up too.

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