Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1948 The Only Mistake

Chapter 1948 The Only Mistake

"Have you never made a mistake?"

Zero's words made Meng Chao shudder.

However, he did not give up. Instead, he kept trying to find holes in Zero's logic. "From a probability standpoint, it's impossible for you to not have made a single mistake in billions of years, right?

"If your prediction is wrong and you determine that a civilization that's originally promising is beyond saving, then you 'purify' and 'reset' this civilization, wouldn't it be a complete violation of the purpose for which you were created?"

Zero had been calm and collected the entire time. However, this question triggered a few human-like emotions, and there were ripples in her crystal clear body for the first time.

"Yes, I have made a mistake.

"It was my only mistake in billions of years," Zero said slowly.

Before she finished her sentence, the ripples that had just appeared in her body turned into a torrent of information that covered the sky and earth. It surged into Meng Chao's brain at lightning speed.

Meng Chao's every brain cell was like an inbox filled with junk email.

On top of that, these junk emails were burning in his inbox.

Along with an indescribable pain, a vast amount of information about the ancient civilization appeared before Meng Chao's eyes.

The first thing that appeared was a planet deep within the Milky Way. It was a planet that had massive crystal veins in the depths of the earth. It was crystal clear and transparent, while its spirit energy was so abundant that it was spurting out of the atmosphere.

It was the ancient civilization's home planet.

It was impossible to use a language that the people of Earth could understand to perfectly word the planet's name.

If he were to describe it roughly, it would be like overlapping the words "mother", "origin", "holy land", "the beginning and end of everything", and "the gate connecting the three-dimensional universe and four-dimensional universe."

The carbon-based creatures that originated from this planet evolved a hundred times faster than the creatures on Earth because they were nourished by almost endless spirit energy.

The Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous periods on Earth, which amounted to billions of years... were just the snap of a finger on this amazing planet!

After the superior beings on the planet shed their fur, preserved fire, sharpened the crystals, and ignited the fire of civilization, the momentum of development was even more rapid.

In the time that it took the people of Earth to move from the Old Stone Age to the New Stone Age, this civilization had gone through more than ten industrial revolutions, technological revolutions, and information revolutions. They had mastered the method to fly out of their planet and had explored all the planets in their solar system.

They had a deep understanding of the origin of life, the mysteries of cells and genes, the ultimate picture of the universe, and even the higher dimensions beyond the three-dimensional universe.

Later, with the help of the surging, never-ending tides of spirit energy that shuttled through the universe, they braved the winds and waves to jump to a neighboring solar system 3.7 light-years away. This was the beginning of their civilization's "great voyage" in the sea of stars.

For the civilization that would dominate the universe in the near future, it was extremely fortunate that their solar system and neighboring solar systems were in the areas with the most abundant spirit energy in the three-dimensional universe.

It was like one of the few oases in the vast wilderness.

They were top-tier predators in this oasis that had advanced to the interstellar era and firmly grasped a "first-mover advantage."

A brand-new planet brought a brand-new resource.

Whether it was the new crystalline minerals with magical abilities or the incredible genetic fragments contained in the bodies of fae beings, they had given the civilization a new impetus to keep sprinting toward an infinite future and endless possibilities.

Soon, the civilization became the overlord of a universe that spanned dozens of solar systems, with hundreds of habitable planets. They could even travel in four-dimensional space with small mass.

By the way, Zero had yet to introduce the civilization's name to Meng Chao.

This was because the civilization did not need a name at all.

Only weak and unrecognizable masses needed names to distinguish themselves from other similarly weak individuals.

To unique, supreme, and well-known existences, names were meaningless.

The "ancient civilization" was only a name that had been given by the Dragon City civilization.

Even the Holy Light civilization, the superhuman civilization, the patriarchal civilization, the Origin civilization, and so on were just honorifics for the mysterious power that created and led them all the way to this place.

As for the supreme beings, they simply called themselves "Civilization."

Yes, they were the only civilization, civilization itself, the definition of civilization, and the end of civilization.

However, after exploring and conquering all the solar systems in the areas rich in spirit energy, Civilization's expansion ran into trouble.

As they looked around, they noticed that they had conquered everything that could be conquered.

Looking into the depths of the endless universe, they found themselves surrounded by barren areas with thin spirit energy.

Without the help of surging spirit energy, even if they developed their industrial engine to the maximum, it would be difficult for these areas to exceed one-tenth of the speed of light.

Relying on this speed to expand the breadth and depth of a civilization was far from enough.

However, the scientists of Civilization had discovered that there was a new "oasis" on the other side of the galaxy, a region of rich spirit energy like their home planet.

As long as they could find a way to jump to this new oasis, the resources that Civilization could control would at least double. It could even spur a qualitative change and an overall upgrade in the level of their civilization.

The only problem was how to cross the vast barren land between the two oases.

It was true that Civilization had already mastered the technology of "producing an artificial spirit energy tide and tearing apart four-dimensional space." They could ignore three-dimensional distance and long-distance transportation of materials.

However, they were bound by the level of their civilization and the laws of physics. The mass that they could teleport, regardless of distance, was not large.

At best, they could only teleport objects the size and weight of a head.

All hopes were pinned on this head... no, this Kindling.

Of course, Civilization would not directly cut off someone's head, even if it belonged to the most outstanding and intelligent individual.

Instead, the brain data and logic of several hundred elites from Civilization were transmitted to a Kindling with superb genetic technology, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence technology.

Similarly loaded with Kindling were nanomachines that could collect resources and replicate themselves. Once they replicated a certain number of times, they would self-assemble and continuously upgrade.

In addition, Civilization collected genetic maps from hundreds of habitable planets.

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