Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 21: Mortal's Sect

Chapter 21: Mortal's Sect

Elder Zhou is currently standing still, with a proud look on his face.

This is my Profound Dragon Spirit Sect. He said.

In front, there is a four-story Gate with Golden Dragon engravings on it.

On top of the Gate, there is a grand looking sign that reads Profound Dragon Spirit Sect.

Tian Yi and Lao Bai looked at it curiously.

Lao Bai looked at it up and down.

So this is a Mortals Sect

This place is tiny Can they even fit anyone in it? He thought.

Young Master Yi, Senior Bai, this is the largest and strongest Sect in Jin Long Continent. It has over 100,000 disciples! He said proudly.

Tian Yi looked at it left and right.

Only 100,000? Thats it? So this is a Mortal's Sect He thought to himself.

Elder Zhou watched for any of their expression changes, but he was disappointed. They didnt even lift an eyelid

Where the hell are you from? The Holy Continent? Is that why youre not surprised?

Well If he can make Pills rain like that, Im sure hes a great Young Master in the Holy Continent. He thought.

He has never stepped foot on the Holy Continent and has only heard stories.

Holy Continent, the homeland of many Great Families, Sect, and Geniuses.

They say a Genius here is a trash there and Experts here are toddlers there.

Although he wanted to go, he couldnt.

He only had an above average talent and going there is just suicide.

In the Holy Continent, the meaning to The Weak are Prey to the Strong has more of an effect there.

If you are weak, you will be eaten by the strong and ultimately make them even stronger.

He had no confidence and would rather live a good life here as an elder in the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect.

Lets go in. He walked to the gate.

Un. Tian Yi nodded.

* * * *

Greetings Elder Zhou! The gate guard saw him coming and bowed.

Good, open the gates. We have a special guest. He said.

Yes Elder!

The gates opened and the scenery behind it was revealed.

They see many disciples walking around, and some were even drinking tea in front of their house.

Every disciple here lives in a house, but they dont get to be alone.

Every house occupies a certain amount of disciples depending on their rank.

Outer Court disciples will have 4 to a house.

Inner Court disciples will have 2 to a house.

However, the Core and Direct disciples living in the center of the Sect will have a house to themselves.

The roads were spotless, and they can even smell the freshness of flowers coming from the disciples courtyard.

Every house had a small courtyard for these who wanted to grow medicines.

Un, not bad. Tian Yi nodded in approval.

The environment looked very clean and peaceful.

He liked the smell in the air and the disciples looked happy.

Elder Zhou had a big smile hearing that.

Thank you Young Master Yi!

Our Sect is very strict about the environment our disciple lives in.

If the environment was bad, how will our dear disciples ever be able to Cultivate in peace? He explained.

Mm, it looks like this Sect has many good leaders. I look forward to being here. Tian Yi hinted.

Thank you Young Master Yi for the compliment. The Sect Master will definitely be happy to hear that.

But Elder Zhou didnt catch onto that.

So, where do we meet this Sect Master? Lao Bai asked.

Ah, Senior Bai, I need to inform the Sect Master first. Can you please wait for a bit?

We have many things for entertainment in the guesthouse. He said.

Hey, can I walk around this place while I wait? Tian Yi asked.

He wanted to take a look around the place he will be staying in later.

I dont mind But how will I be able to find Young Master when the time comes?

Although guests dont usually walk around unattended, he made Tian Yi an exception.

Hmm, then how about you let Lao Bai follow you? He will be able to guide you to me. He suggested.

Oh, thats a good idea. This way I can introduce him to the Sect Master and make things more smooth.

Good, Lao Bai follow him for a bit. I want to walk around alone.

Yes, Young Master. He said.

Okay, lets go. Young Master Yi, you can go anywhere you want. Just try not to bother any of the disciples. He warned him.

Elder Zhou started walking away, and Lao Bai followed him.

Tian Yi smiled and also started wandering around.

* * * *

Tian Yi was currently walking down the Outer Court; he had neither a fast or slow pace.

He looked around with a gentle smile on his face, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere in this place.

It was neither too noisy or too quiet, he can see butterflies dancing and beautiful flowers swaying.

Everything was peaceful.

Everything except for the Outer Court disciples looking at him with curious eyes.

They all whispered to each other.

Whos he? A young girl asked the young boy next to him.

They both looked to be around 15 Years Old.

Hes not wearing our Sects uniform so he must be a guest. The young boy replied.

Eh? But hes walking around by himself.

I dont know. This is also my first time seeing a guest walk around unattended.

Do you think hes some famous Young Master? Her eyes lit up as she said that.

How the hell should I know? Why dont you go ask? He frowned at her.

What a slut. , he thought.

Hmph, I dont believe that everybody will ignore him. She said.

Ah, look, theres someone already.

She pointed at a young boy around the age of 13 walking towards him.

Excuse me Mister, who are you? The young boy asked.

I am Tian Yi. He replies with a smile.

Oh, so its Senior Brother Yi. What are you doing here? Are you lost? He asked.

No, I am just looking around. Am I bothering you guys?

Of course not. We are all just curious. This is the first we have seen a guest walk around with no guards.

Is that so? I am only here to do some business.

Okay then, I wont bother you any longer. I have already fulfilled my challenge, so Ill be leaving. He giggles and ran back to the group of disciples waiting for him.

Tian Yi also giggled and continued to enjoy his scenery.

After walking around for a bit more, he suddenly stopped to look at the gate that read Inner Court.

The disciple on guard duty there noticed him.

Tian Yi walked up to him and asked.

Can I go in?

The guard didnt know what to say.

A guest wanted to go into the Inner Court?

Who are you? Wheres your Inner Court disciple uniform?

I dont have one. I am not a disciple of this Sect yet. He replied.

Then what makes you think you can go in?

I cant? But Elder Zhou said I could go anywhere I want.

The guard had a surprised expression. Elder Zhou? That stingy old man?

Elder Zhou? Wheres your proof?

Just because he said that didnt mean it was true.

Proof? I dont have any. He also went to talk to the Sect Master, so I cant go ask him.

The guard was now shocked. Sect Master? The Sect Master is involved?!

May I ask what you are doing here and why is the Sect Master involved? He had to be careful just in case. He didnt want to offend someone he couldnt afford to.

Oh, its nothing much. I am just here to do business, and Elder Zhou went to talk to the Sect Master. And he said I could walk anywhere I want while I wait. He didnt lie.

B-business? What kind of business is he doing that needs the Sect Master to be involved?! He was inwardly shocked.

The Sect Master only gets involved if something big or important happens.

For Elder Zhou to get the Sect Master Fuck it; Id rather be safe than sorry.

If he is an intruder, I can just say he used Elder Zhou and the Sect Masters name to pressure me and that I had no choice but to let him go in.

Hed rather take a small blame than to take the chance of offending someone he cant.

Okay then, have a nice trip! He said and opened the gates.

Thank you. Tian Yi walked past the gate and into the Inner Court.

The Inner Court was cleaner and quiet.

There were also not as many disciples outside.

If they had time to relax outside, why not Cultivate and become stronger?

He walked around like before, neither slow or fast. Each of his steps was graceful and as gentle as a feather.

When the Inner Court disciples saw that, they were surprised.

When they watched his movements, they didnt feel anything was wrong with it, but there was something that made them stare at it nonstop.

Whats going on? Hes only walking, yet I am attracted to the way he walks?

Is that a movement technique?

They all watched him trying to figure out this mystery, but could not find anything and watched as his back was getting further and further until they couldnt see him anymore.

Who was he? Someone asked.

I dont know. But were you also attracted to that movement?

Yes, yes! So its not just me! It felt like I was watching something beautiful, yet it looked so normal.

Could that be a movement technique? But none of us were strong enough to see it? Someone questioned.

He didnt look like a disciple of our Sect

The Inner Court disciple started to chatter among themselves, trying to guess the identity of that young man.

* * * *

After walking for awhile, Tian Yi stopped again.

This time it was a gate that read Core of the Dragon.

But there were no guards around. There was only a Human sized Dragon Statue next to the Gate.

The Dragon Statue was carved from gold and had a Crystal Ball in its mouth.

He walked up to it and looked at it carefully.

After a few seconds, he smiled and said to the Dragon Statue, Hey, why have you been watching me since the moment I stepped onto this Continent?

The Dragon Statues Crystal Ball glowed red, and in an ancient voice, it spoke in surprise.

What a surprise, I did not expect that you were already aware of the moment when I locked my Divine Sense on you.

Looks like youre more of a monster than I thought.

I am called Jin Long, the Ancestor of this Jin Long Continent!

I mean no harm to you and only watched you because of the aura around you.

The moment you stepped onto my Jin Long Continent, it startled me awake from my Millions of Year slumber

I do not know why, but when I saw you, I had shivers down my spine.

I did not know if you were an ally or foe, so I kept my sights on you.

But by the looks of it, you do not look like you have any bad intentions.

Tian Yi nodded and said, I knew you had no bad intentions, or why else would I just quietly let you watch me?

If you had any evil thoughts, I wouldve already pulled you right out of there.

Although his voice was calm, it made Jin Long silent.

Who are you really? Are you really even Human?

I am a Golden Dragon in the Heaven Realm, yet

I will admit it. You scare me. He said.

Tian Yi giggled after hearing that.

Hey, youre the Ancestor of this Continent right? Why are you still here? Why not ascend?

Jin Long turned quiet again.

I guess its fine to tell you. The four of us stayed behind to make sure that thing will not revive.

Hoh, the four of you? He sounded like he was interested in that more than that thing.

. Jin Long was speechless. Of all things, he asked him that?

Although this is interesting, I do not the time to chit chat here anymore.

. Jin Long almost cursed.

After asking all that, he says he does not have time?!

Hey, lets forget about all that. Can I pass here? I only want to look around. He threw away the previous topic like it was just a casual talk.


Fine, youll find out sooner or later anyways. I am now looking forward to the future

The Crystal Ball stops glowing, and the gate opened.

Tian Yi still had a calm face, as if what just happened did not even matter.

He moved forward, passing through the gates.

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