Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 18: Chaotic Queue

Chapter 18: Chaotic Queue

One day later after the chaos.

A group of people was standing in front of a wall that stretches to the end of the horizon.

You can see ten lines filled with people waiting for their turn to get into the Jin Long Continent.

Were finally there

Haaa, what was suppose to be a relaxing trip, turned into a storm in the middle of the sea

Tian Yi and his tired group have finally arrived at the entrance of Jin Long Continent.

Xiao Fang took in a deep breath.

Good, lets go to the front and show them the

Wait, wheres Young Master Yi?

They realized that he was gone.

Young Masters over there

Lao Bai pointed to the end of a certain line.


Whys he lining up? Xiao Chen asked with a confused face.

Uhhh, he is the type to wait in line with the poor despite being rich?

Lao Bai didnt know what to say.

But we have a VIP pass Xiao Chen showed a jade token that said Xiao.

They are one of the four big families in the Jin Long Continent after all.

They are already powerful enough to move the mountains and decide which way the wind blows in Jin Long Continent.

If their family also had to wait in line, whats the point of having any meaning to the word background?

Dont worry; Ill go and tell him. How can someone like him possibly wait in line? Xiao Chen pounded his chest.

* * * * *

Xiao Chen walked over to where Tian Yi was standing.

Big Brother Yi, what are you doing here?

Waiting in line, how else are we going to get in. He looked at him like an idiot.

Xiao Chen didnt know whether to laugh or cry at this answer.

Big Brother. We have a VIP pass here, so we do not have to wait in line.

We can just bypass the queue and go straight into Jin Long Continent.

He showed him the jade token with Xiao on it.

Tian Yi had a surprised expression on his face.

Thats not good Junior Brother Chen! I didnt think you were this type of person!

No matter who you are, skipping lines is not justifiable.

Look at these old people out here waiting in line, and you want to skip them shamelessly?

Come, stand next to me, Ill teach you something about respect and equality.

He didnt think that this Junior Brother of his was so shameless! To skip the line? Thatll make the people in the front of the line feel wronged!

As the son of the Celestial Emperor, he had to treat everybody with equality.

He must teach him properly as the Big Brother.


Xiao Chen cried after hearing that.

What! Im shameless for skipping old people?! He felt wronged.

But this is how the world works! These with power get to pretty much do whatever that want!

And he was just trying to skip Wait, now that he thought about it, his Big Brother was right.

Just because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he can go around shamelessly skipping old people?

When Tian Yi mentioned about skipping old people, it didnt sound right and triggered something in his heart.

He bowed to Tian Yi.

Youre right Big Brother Yi; I was wrong.

I almost did something shameless and didnt know what made me think that I can disregard the elders!

I have always been taught to respect my elders, and here I am skipping old people!

I am truly ashamed of myself.

He apologized like a child who did something wrong.

Good, at least you realized it. It takes courage to admit that youre wrong! I wont blame you! Tian Yi nodded.

He was now proud of him. Such a noble man!

The both of them started to wait in line.

* * * * *

Ten minutes later.

What the hell is he doing! It has already been 10 minutes, yet he is still over there? Xiao Fang frowned.

Lets go see what is my stupid son doing.

Un. Everybody nodded.

They started walking towards the two of them.

Huh?! Why does it look like he is also waiting in line?!

Xiao Fang couldnt believe his eyes.

He was looking at Xiao Chen, who was currently standing next to Tian Yi and had his arms crossed like he was waiting patiently.


What are they doing? He asked with a confused face.

You see, my Young Master is actually a law-abiding citizen, and he doesnt believe in being above others

Lao Bai made up excuses.

Is that so? Such a noble moral! Xiao Fang admired.

As expected of Young Master Yi. Xiao Hai sighed.

But the Entrance Exam starts tomorrow Xiao Fang was in a difficult situation.

He didnt want to disrespect this Young Masters Heroic Moral, but he also wanted just to go in and take a hot bath to relax his mind.

Especially after all that he had just been through.

Father, dont worry about such a thing. It wont end for another two weeks anyway; we got plenty of time! Xiao Ying said.

Then she whispered to her father, And I also get to be next to him a little bit longer.

Xiao Fangs eyes lit up.

Youre right! As expected of my daughter! Such a young Sage! He praised.

Of course! How come he didnt think of that?

Forget the hot bath, every second next to this Young Master is another chance his daughter has to get him!

Good! Everybody, lets go and wait in line with Young Master Yi! He ordered.

Yes, Father! Xiao Ying happily ran over there.

Ahh, youth.. Xiao Hai sighed.


Lao Bai and the guards didnt know whether to laugh or cry in this situation.

Looks like they will be waiting in line too.

* * * * *

Big Brother Yi, Ill also wait in line with you! Xiao Ying said happily.

Tian Yi looked at her and nodded.

Good, youre better than your brother.

Xiao Chens face turned red.

Thank you, Big Brother! She smiled shyly.

After her, the entire group joined in on the line

* * * * *

The lines around them started to go wild.

Hey! Isnt that the Xiao Family?!

Youre right! And thats Fairy Ying!

Wait, something looks wrong

A-are they standing in line?

One of the Four Big Family in Jin Long Continent, but of course everybody and their mother knew who they were.

If you didnt know who the overlords were, what will you do if you offend them by accident?

And they were all wearing expensive looking clothing. It would be weird if people didnt notice them.

Forget about their reputation, Xiao Ying by herself is already enough to catch the attention of everybody no matter where she went.

Everybody started to greet them.

Greeting Seniors, Young Masters.

Senior Fang, youre looking as domineering as always. As expected as the head of the respected Xiao Family.

Madam Hai, youre looking as young and beautiful as always. Senior Fang is definitely the happiest man on earth.

Fairy Ying, youre even prettier than the last time I saw you. May the Heavens bless your beauty forever.

Young Master Chen, you are definitely a Dragon among Men, so handsome and strong at such a young age!

Everybody started to flatter them.

The Xiao Family is one of the most respected and loved families in the Jin Long Continent.

Not only were they not arrogant, but they were also even nice to Mortals like them.

This is why everybody felt comfortable around them and didnt hesitate to throw flowers at them.

They were swarmed by people from all sides.

Haha, thank you all for the comments. My Xiao Family will accept them with gratitude. He laughed.

Senior Fang, what are you doing here waiting in line? This place is not fit for someone as grand as you!

One of the guards saw this and spoke up.

Ah, dont mind me. Im here because I want to be, ignore us. He smiled.

Thats not good! If my leader finds out that I have let the Xiao Family wait in line, hell butcher me! He begged.

He would rather kill himself than to let them wait in line. Because if he did, hes still a dead man anyways.

No, no, no. Please do ignore us. As for your leader, I will tell him its not your fault, and that its mine. Hell understand. He rejected.

What are you doing?! Are you trying to mess up my plans?! He thought.

B-but still, I wont be able to sleep at night knowing that you are waiting in line!

Its normal to take days before you can even get in.

Aiya, just listen to me and ignore us! He started to feel annoyed.

Fuck! Are you trying to cock-block my Xiao Ying?! Go away! Ill kill your whole family if my daughter misses her chance because of you!!!

He cursed in his heart.

The guard noticed that he was starting to become annoyed and he reluctantly left them alone.

I-if thats what Senior Fang wants, this little one wont bother you and your family any longer He had to drag his legs back to the Gate

But just because the guard left them alone, it didnt mean other people will!

Everybody in front of them started to leave for another line, and within seconds, the entire busy line had turned empty!

. The Xiao Family wanted to cry but had no tears

Tian Yi had a confused look and asked, Hey, what happened? Did this line close down?

Lets go to another line. He started to walk towards another line.


Before anybody can even stop him, he was already in another line waiting patiently.

The group face-palmed.



They were all speechless.

. Xiao Chen followed Tian Yi without saying a word.

We cant just leave them here

No choice! Xiao Fang grumbled and followed.

* * * * *

Everybody watched with wide eyes at the Xiao Family as they went into another line.

What are you doing?!?!? Do you really want to be in line that bad?!

The people in that line started to leave for another line.

Within seconds, that line was now empty too; now there is only eight left.

What? This one closed down too?

Tian Yi walked to another line.

. Xiao Chen and Xiao Ying happily followed.

What are we going to do about this? Xiao Hai asked.

What else can we do?! Follow! Xiao Fang gnashed his teeth.

Everybody was speechless.

* * * * *

Everybody in the line started to cry.

Fuck! Are you playing with us?!

Cant you just get the fuck inside so we can all be at peace?!

Will it kill you to not wait in line?!

Despite the cursing in their minds, they could only swallow their sorrow and went to another line

Nobody dared to make them wait behind them.

And then, there were seven lines left.

Tian Yi didnt even say anything this time and just shook his head.

He walked to another one patiently.

Xiao Chen and Xiao Ying followed without complaining.

Fuck me! Fuck this! Fuck everybody!

Cant you all just wait in line obediently?!

Youre making this difficult for yourselves!!! Xiao Fang cried.




Lets go! He angrily followed.

* * * * *

Six lines, five lines, four lines, three, two.

On this day, the always crowded Jin Long Continent entrance gate, for the first time in history had only one line active.


Everybody there had a sour face.

Now there was only one line.

But that one line stretched for miles and miles.

Not only will this take days, but it might also even take weeks.

Everybody there wanted to cry but had no tears.

Some even coughed up blood from anger.

The Xiao Family was definitely playing with them!

The always kind Xiao Family finally got bored and decided to play with them to death!

Xiao Fang had turned his skin into steel, ignoring everybody and followed it to the end.

At least now they will be with Young Master Yi for even longer!

Fuck the Entrance Exam! Fuck his face! If his daughter can marry him, would she even need to go to the Sect?!

* * * * *

The people started to talk among themselves.

What else can we do? There are no more lines to go to!

Fuck it! Since they arent willing to leave the line even if they were beaten to death, we can only suck it up!

Why are they so dedicated into lining up? Do they not care about their face?

Aiya, we will never know what theyre thinking in their heads.

Hey guards, can you go and notify your leader and try to figure something out?

We have already notified them, and they are thinking of something at this moment.

So we can only wait

They all sighed.

* * * * *

Inside the Jin Long Continents headquarter at the Jin Long Pagoda.

What the fuck is the Xiao Family thinking, have they gone mad?!

Whats so special about that line that makes them hell bent on staying in it?

Are they doing this to cause problems purposely?!

The leaders of Jin Long Continent are in confusion.

The always respected Xiao Family had finally gone mad and played a huge prank on them!

What are we going to do about this?

Fuck it, if thats how they want to play, well play!

Open all the gates and let them all in! I dont care who they are, just let them all walk in!

What happens if the criminals get in? Someone asked.

Hmph, were bound to have some once in a while, I dont care.

Well just increase the security in Jin Long Continent.

. Everybody was speechless at the leaders decision.

Looks like he was really mad this time.

Hurry up and do it!

Yes, Leader!

* * * * *

The higher-ups made the decision to let them all in without an inspection! The messenger reported to the guards.

What?! They were shocked.

Hurry up! The Leader is really mad this time!


The people in line were shocked at what was happening.

Are they being let in without an inspection?

It looks like this matter has really pissed them off to the point of not even caring.

Jin Long Continent was flooded on that day, with a massive amount of people coming in without stopping.

Xiao Fang felt like coughing up blood.

Fuck! All this shit for nothing!

I just threw my face away and what did I get in return? Nothing!

Long Zhong, I wont forget this! After this, Ill definitely go and complain! You just sit there and wait! He cursed the leader of the Jin Long Pagoda.

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