NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 283: A Dangerous Situation

Chapter 283: A Dangerous Situation

'Agreed,' he didn't hesitate to agree. After all she didn't know the real purpose of him being here and he also didn't seek the item, but he wanted to reveal the connection and prove the accusation.

'Great, I'll send you a contract then,' she hurriedly sent a contract that stated the new terms of their deal.

And he simply signed it.

'You didn't want to know what's inside the vaults?' he couldn't help but ask, 'after all I didn't tell you anything.'

'You don't need to do so darling, after all such tight security means only one thing.'

He understood his point as this meant there must be real treasures in these vaults. 'But I don't really guarantee to find precious things inside.'

'We will take our chances here,' she said in a tone that told him this wasn't her own decision but her superior.

'Alright then,' he said, 'how can I find that item?'

'Just open the map and click over any place three times in a row. If that place saw a transportation of any valuable goods it will show you the track instantly and the time of its happening.'

'Interesting, let me check it then.'

He returned to his opened map and looked for the second vault. "I hope it works," he clicked over it three times and then nothing happened.

He clicked over it again and yet nothing happened.

"What? Is it broken?" he was puzzled before returning to ask Sharel.

'The item isn't broken and it can't be affected by the system,' she sent to him before adding, 'if it shows nothing in the next ten seconds after you clicked thrice over it then it means there is no valuable exchange happening there.'

"This" Bloom was speechless before returning to the map and found the first vault. "It's the same damn! The two are just decoys!"

This sudden realization hit him without even expecting it. "That damned mayor he is too cunning than me!" he couldn't help but shake his head before returning to Sharel.

'Both are decoys,' he sent to her.

'What? Are you sure?' she seemed quite shocked, 'but he only has these two vaults.'

'Then he must have the precious items stored elsewhere,' Bloom sent, 'anyway that's much better for me. I didn't know how I would escape from that underground place.'

'This man I'm now more positive about the value of items you'll find,' she sent before pausing for a couple of moments, 'let me run a thorough check over his background.'

'This' Bloom hesitated.

'Don't worry big boy, my boss is interested in this person now and he will do this as a gift.'

'Thank him for me,' Bloom said before adding, 'and tell him not to be sour when I go out on a date with you.'

'Hahaha, he's a silly silly boy.'

And Bloom couldn't help but grin when he read that.

"Now where are you?" he was totally absorbed in looking for the hidden place of that item and didn't notice the person getting near him at the moment.

"I should try to look manually then," he couldn't help but sigh.

"You look very busy."

All of sudden he heard this sound that gave him a scare.

"Oh, sorry didn't intend to interrupt you," Anna moved to sit beside him without invitation before adding, "it's just I don't seem fit here and you are the only one that looked alike."

"It's my honor to have someone like you to be with me," Bloom couldn't help but say this while trying to control the heart attack he just had.

"Hahaha, thanks for the compliment," she said before glancing at him in doubt, "why do I feel some familiarity from you?"

Bloom's heart bound fiercely while he tried to maintain his composure. "I'm just a mere player, perhaps we met before."

"Perhaps" she muttered, "but I only met one player so far."

"Only one?" he asked before smiling, "he seems like a lucky one to me."

"You are funny," she chuckled before saying, "I'm Anna, the mayor of the Sword town."

"I'm Dockrey," he was about to say Hannibal yet he managed to evade the disaster the last minute, "and I'm just a player."

"Don't act humble," she laughed sweetly, "as long as you are here that means you aren't just nobody. My uncle" she turned to gaze towards a certain direction where Bloom spotted another familiar face, "he doesn't invite anyone here."

"It's just my luck to be here tonight," Bloom said, "just to meet you."

"Stop it," Anna couldn't help but laugh, "if my man heard your words I'm sure he would come to your neck."

"You have a man? What a lucky man he is!" Bloom's heart was about to bounce off his chest at this moment. He already guessed the identity of her man, and luckily he was that man.

"He is someone special," she muttered while lost in thoughts, "he is the player I told you about do you want to know his name?"

"Sure, tell me about him and I'll see if I know him or not."

"He is called Bloom."

The moment she said these words his face changed involuntarily while his eyes widened. His entire blood froze inside his veins while she laughed at his reaction. "Yeah, I know he is famous. I already asked many other players and his name caused the same reaction."

He took a deep breath and tried to calm his chaotic thoughts. "But I heard he was killed in real life I mean," he said.

"Not to me," she laughed, "I dunno what he did but what I'm sure about is that he is alive, living and kicking without doubt."

'This is bad!' he couldn't help but turn around in a hurry, 'does that mean she has some kind of tool to detect my true identity? Does that mean others could detect it as well wait does that mean she knows my identity now?'

A lot of thoughts rushed in his mind and he had zero answer for them. "Don't mind me, I've distracted you already from your business. I'll go back to my dear uncle and his amusing group see you later... Dockrey."

Her tone, her attitude, and her last laugh while moving away told him she already knew his identity and came here just to tell him she did.

'Does she want to warn me? Or just playing a game with me?' he couldn't tell yet for his insurance he had to assume it was the first.

'I have a thing to ask,' he didn't hesitate to go for Sharel and sent to her, 'is there a way for NPCs here to check anyone's identity and tell if it's true or false?'

She was the only one he could ask for such aid. "Sigh, such a simple task turned into such a disaster," he couldn't help but shake his head and waited for the answer from Sharel.

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