Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 41: Another eventful palace banquet 3

Chapter 41: Another eventful palace banquet 3

The palace banquet.

The hall was silent as soon as Zhongshan Zuo called the Empress barren. Everyone saw imperial concubine Sheng's attempts at covering up for her some disgusting. It was insulting to the Empress and everyone could scarcely keep their expression neutral.

The Imperial concubine was just proving that the popular public opinion, which was that she was a spoiled brat with no respect for her senior right. The imperial concubine had been rumoured by the palace servants, a few times of throwing her weight around.

The imperial palace was a jungle deeper with beautiful but poisonous women who all waited for an opportunity to attack each other. In this world, you were either a Predator or the prey. For years Imperial concubine Sheng had ruffled lots of feathers.

Now that she was down other powerful predators rose to attack her. Imperial consort Shi was the first to take the first bite, with concubine Sheng getting this low. This was the best opportunity to pull her down completely.

Imperial consort Shi took a sip of tea, using her cup and upraised hands, she shielded her smile from the public. As she watched the usually arrogant concubine Sheng grovelling. Imperial concubine Sheng and the fifth Prince deserved everything that is happening to them. She didn't pity them one bit, Their little fall from grace was beneficial to her dear son.

She has always disliked imperial concubine Sheng because of her arrogant and derogatory way of speech. Imperial concubine Sheng was among the large members of the nobility who saw merchant families and people that aren't from long generations of noble families as subservient to them.

Imperial consort Shi didn't come from an old noble family, her family were primarily merchants. However, they were awarded a noble title when her grandfather who came first in the imperial examination and was appointed an imperial physician discovered a cure to a plague.

Imperial concubine Sheng always made sure to mention that her family were former seafood and boat merchants at every opportunity she got. After hearing it for decades she couldn't stand this concubine.

Imperial consort Shi put on a concerned expression as she said "sister, a child's attitude is a direct representative of their upbringings. Everything he just said was brought about from years of overhearing it from you. Her majesty is kind and generous in all her doings, she doesn't deserve this kind of slander and from a member of the younger generation.

"Is it right to let the Fifth Prince go scot-free? Her majesty is not just the mother of the crown prince but also the mother of the nation. How dare the fifth Prince call her barren, wouldn't that imply that the nation has fallen".

The guests began to whisper between them, most of the guests criticized the imperial concubine. Imperial concubine Sheng fell back on her buttocks as soon as she heard the imperial consorts words. She balled up her hands, while silently insulting imperial consort Shi in her mind.

If she wasn't scared of making the Emperor angrier and giving these nosy little members of the nobility something to talk about, which would ultimately worsen her case. She would her given Imperial consort Shi a dirty look and a piece of her mind.

At this point the Emperor was exasperated, he called some hefty servants to send the fifth Prince away and guard his quarters to keep him away from causing any more mess. Imperial concubine Sheng was such an eyesore to him, he dismissed her to her room.

After the mess caused by the fifth Prince, the previously lively atmosphere got cold. A few minutes later the banquet came to an end, the Emperor and Empress early withdrawal marked the end of the banquet. 

As the Lu family returned to their manor Lu Yaozhu was held back by his mother. "Xiao Zhu hold on and walk with mother," she said in a low tone.

Lu Yaozhu understanding that she just wanted to have a quick word with him turned around and walked to his mother. He held out his hands for her, as soon as she took it he walked slowly with her.

Madam Lu looked at his beautiful side view and smiled. This son of hers was always kind to her, she always thanked the gods for giving her a son like him. It was a pity that her good friend the Empress wasn't so opportuned to experience this.

It always saddened her that her best friend never got to hold her son, the Empress always loved children. After giving birth to the first Princess the Empress had longed to have her son, she had been so happy when she gave birth to her son. 

Too bad her joy was short-lived, the Empress lost her child four days after he was born. She couldn't imagine how hurt her friend felt when the foolish prince called her barren. No one understood the pain of losing a child more than she did.

Even though madam Lu imagine that her pain could never compare to that of the Empress since she had only miscarried twice before having Lu Yaozhu. Unlike the Empress who lost a child that she had carried for ten months.

Imperial concubine Sheng and her spawn were a nasty bunch who should never be allowed to rule. It was disgusting that a fellow woman dared to say this. Madam Lu sighed and shook her head a few times. 

When they were finally away from prying eyes and ears, Madam Lu patted her son's arm gently and said "please pay your aunt a visit tomorrow, Xiao Zhu. She must be feeling so sad, you should pay her a visit and console her. Your aunt cares about you".

Lu Yaozhu nodded "Yes mother, I understand".

"You are such a kind boy, I am lucky to have you," His mother said.

"And I you", Lu Yaozhu replied. The separation when they got to the carriage, Lu Yaozhu helped his mother up the carriage before mounting his horse and riding back to Duke of Wu's manor

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