Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 131: Sweet Revenge

Chapter 131: Sweet Revenge

Jiangxi Palace, The Imperial Palace.

The change in the mood of the room was obvious, Imperial concubine Sheng could barely seat still and hastily brought the conversation to Consort Shi and the Shu family. Imperial Concubine Sheng had been in the palace almost as long as the Empress. She better than any of the other Imperial concubines knew when to make a move.

If consort Shi's behaviour toward the Empress was disrespectful, her treatment of Imperial concubine Sheng was hateful. The two women never got along, even when they pretended to get along to attack any newly favoured concubine they away took jabs at each other. 

Over the years imperial concubine Sheng and consort Shi were the two most favoured Imperial concubines in the Imperial harem. Imperial concubine Sheng was the most favoured concubine before the imperial consort joined the haram. She was the only daughter of the vice minister of war and was pampered by her father growing up.

She was used to solely receiving the Emperor's favour and didn't like when the Emperor began to favour another consort. She didn't handle Imperial Consort Shi gaining the Emperor's favour often and deliberately made things difficult for her. 

Imperial concubine and Sheng and Consort Shi we're always against each other. She was the most satisfied of all the concubines with consort Shi's fall from favour. She only had her anger rained in until she got a go-ahead from the Empress. 

"I don't see little sister Shi around', she glanced at a Noble lady next to her and asked "Your palace is closest to hers, does Madam Chen know what is keeping our younger sister. Don't tell me that she overslept again?" She said with false concern.

Although she was close to Imperial Consort Shi, Noble Lady Chen wasn't about to put herself at a disadvantage by coming to her defence. It was everyone for themselves in the Imperial harem. She may have hung out with the Imperial consist while she was in favour but they were not real friends. 

It was just a popular case of the weak seeking shelter from the strong. Unlike the Imperial consort, she didn't have a strong family backing her up. She entered the haram as a maid after receiving the Emperor's favour during a drunken stupor. She had joined the haram after she was found to be pregnant. However, she lost the child after three months and never received any other favour from the Emperor.

Someone like her in the Imperial haram could easily become a victim of someone's traps. It was better to become a carpet than cannon fodder, she knew this much after staying here for over a decade. She played along with imperial concubine Sheng's narrative and replied, "I haven't seen Sister Shi in two days but I doubt she would be able to come out anytime soon. A maid reported that she was grounded after causing a scene yesterday".

Empress Lu smiled and replied, "Grounded? What a surprise. Since it is his Majesty's order, sisters let us obey that." Empress Lu didn't need to say anything more, she had said all that needed to be said. They all understood the true meaning of her words, she was telling them to follow the Emperor's orders. 

None of them would make any obvious moves until the Emperor released her from her punishment. Empress Lu didn't care what happened to her as far as no one went to the extremes. They were pleased with the Empress's reply since it was in line with their thoughts.

The Imperial concubines stayed back and enjoyed some streets and tea for an hour before leaving. They left after Empress Lu retired inside her room, they didn't stay any longer since they had already gotten the response they needed. They left as quickly as they arrived, a maid informed the Empress when the last set left. 

Empress Lu changed out of her inform gown and into something lighter that better suited the hot summer day after she left and laid down on the recliner. She wanted to catch up on sleep after she had gotten up earlier to attend to the concubines. She didn't care what they did as far as she was concerned, Imperial Consort deserved all the hear she would receive and then some.

She wouldn't personally get involved in any attack on Consort Shi since that was below her but that didn't manage would defend her. She wasn't a Saint, this woman dared to come after her family. She deserved no mercy. 


The Emperor's study 

Emperor Zhong was surprised when he received the report of the Empress's response by his spies. He hadn't expected this type of response from her, while it seemed like was being respectful by telling the concubines to follow his leads. Emperor Zhong understood that this was also her way of taking her hands off his issues.

He felt her going father away from him but there was nothing he could do to stop her. He still remembers the words she said when he had informed her of the Lu family's. The fact that he couldn't answer her left him speechless, especially after finding out just what kind of person Prime Minister Shi was.

He looked up from the memorial in his hands and sighed after dismissing the guards that brought the report. Chief Eunuch Caihong walked forward and asked, "Your Majesty, would you like me to set for some refreshments? You have been hard at work, it won't hurt to take a few minutes of rest".

Emperor Zhong felt like rejecting the offer but after some thought decided to go with the suggestion. He leaned back on his seat and nodded "okay ser for them".


Minutes later the kitchen servants arrived with the freshments and set them up on the dining table. Emperor Zhong stood a walked to the table after they left. He sat at one end of the small table while his food tester did the poison check. Once the food was checked his passed the plate to the Emperor. 

Emperor Zhong took a few bites but thanks to his unsettled mind, he didn't enjoy the pastry. Finally, he asked, "how are things with the consort?".

Chief Eunuch Caihong knew who he was asking about without being told and replied " answering your Majesty, Consort Shi is refusing to have anything to eat until she meets you".

Emperor Zhong slapped the table loudly "nonsense! Since she refuses to eat, Don't waste any more resources on her. She is far too foolish for my liking, let her move around but she is never to show up around me. Inform the guards"

"Yea, your Majesty" the greying eunuch bowed and left the palace.

Emperor Zhong balls up his fist and thought "Shi Xianyi! It seems that you do not understand how things are now. After a few days, you will soon learn!" 

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