Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 297 A Little Show And Tell

She gave him a weary look, she could understand him and at the same time not. He patted the spot next to him, gesturing that she sit. She fixed the sheet covering him before sitting down.

"When we first met, the moment I set my eyes on you, I felt a sudden pull towards you. Was it love at first sight? I don't know, especially after the messy relationship I had just gotten out of. All I know is I've been drawn to you since day one.

"Still, I found myself doing things for you, not out of pity but because I genuinely wanted to undo anything that hurt you and just see you happy and safe. But that day, before I disappeared on you, I realized something.

"That you had developed feelings for me. It's not a bad thing, but I had a problem with myself. I did not fully understand whether my feelings were genuine or you were...

"A rebound?"

He nodded. "I didn't want it to be that, I didn't want to hurt you, that's why, like a coward, I stayed away to figure out what my feelings meant. But that", he let out a sad chuckle, "only made things worse for me. I couldn't stop thinking about you, everything I do, you were constantly in the back of my head, something I could not ignore no matter what. That's why I decided to visit you, to at least explain myself."

"Hm. We're both adults, you could have talked to me about this."

"I was afraid you'd completely push me away especially with the situation."

She let out a long tired sigh as she stared at the door. "We made this complicated for the both of us."

"I want to make a preposition", he started, earning her attention back. "I want us to give this a go and slowly figure things out together. What I know right now is I do have feelings for you and you're very special to me that I want to do right by you. But we're still getting to know each other, so let's take it slow and see where this goes."

"Take things slow?" Her brows rose though a happy smile played on her lips.

"Yeah. We could kiss", he smiled seeing her smile grow wider. "We could touch but no sex."

Lorraine felt like a bucket of cold water had been dumped on her head. "No sex?"

Xavier could hardly hold back a laugh seeing her shocked face. "Not until marriage, no."

"No sex till marriage? Weren't you the one who was talking about seeing each other's.." she cleared her throat awkwardly.

"There's no harm in a little show and tell."

Lorraine's shock turned into a beautiful laugh as she tried not to picture a literal show and tell of their privates. She shook her head and turned serious when everything he said sunk in, "We're taking things slow into marriage?"

"If you're up for the long road. I'm not playing around, not with you. So", he took her hand looking at her with nothing but adoration. "What do you say?"

She looked him in the eyes and whispered, "I say you seal it with a kiss."

He didn't need to be asked twice. This would be the first time he would taste the lips that belonged to the woman who had been haunting his thoughts lately. He gently grabbed the nape of her neck and pulled her closer, aligning their lips and finally capturing hers in a passionate kiss.

Her soft lips brushed gently against his. She grabbed his pajama shirt with her shaking hands and her stomach did summersaults from excitement. She could feel Xavier's heart pound so hard against his chest.

She moved closer, narrowing the gap between them to inches and hooking her arms around his neck and his around her waist. Xavier licked her bottom lip and she opened her warmth, inviting him in.

The moment his tongue met hers, it was like a wild set of emotions exploded within them, something they had never experienced with anyone else. The kiss became so addictive neither believed they would ever get enough of not want that he gave a sexy groan against her mouth.

"Mmm..." She moaned in pleasure as her tongue danced with his. They soon broke the kiss, feeling out of breath from the passionate exchange. He wiped her now swollen lips.

"I want to do that again", he whispered breathlessly.

"Me too." Soon as she said it, they connected their lips again.

Meanwhile, at Zach and Amy's place

There was something about sleeping in that made the covers feel warmer and leaving bed a heartless act, something that shouldn't be done. Amy had these feelings after finally getting some sleep after Roserie kept them up most of the night.

As much as she wanted to sleep in, just remembering that she was responsible for a little human being for almost everything made her abandon those thoughts with a little bitterness. She breathed out a sigh and flattered her eyelids open only to be greeted with a heart melting sight.

Zach was seated on his side of the bed, his long legs clad in sweat pants crossed and resting on top of the covers, a tablet in one hand and his reading glasses on as he kept his eyes peeled on the device.

He was shirtless, but that was not the only heart melting part. Roserie was lying on her dad's chest fast sleep and covered in her mini blanket to keep her warm and he used his free hand to hold her. Waking up to the sight of two of her favorite people, Amy felt a warmth bubble inside her.

Sensing the stare, he looked down at his woman and gave her a smile and she returned it with a lazy one. He pouted his lips, asking for a good morning kiss. Amy chuckled softly as she pulled herself up and pecked his lips before kissing her daughter.

"Good morning", he whispered.

"Mm-hm", she answered with her lips sealed in a smile.

"Come on", he coaxed, knowing why she was not speaking.

"Mm-mm!" She shook her head and escaped him to brush her teeth leaving him chuckling to himself.

Zach resumed reading the material and subconsciously patted Roserie whenever she made a noise. As immersed as he was in work, he still picked up on the sound of running water from the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, Amy was out in a wool bodycon dress with flair arms, a plunging neckline that beautifully carved her cleavage, the dress fell slightly above her knees, she wore fluffy flops to match it, and tied her hair up in a ponytail.

"Were you showering?" He asked, openly admiring his beautiful fiancé.

"Mm." She looked at him only to be met by his resentful gaze like she had just denied him of his favorite toy. She chuckled at his antics and went for the room landline while he resumed with his work. The call was answered on the second ring. "Edmund, could you bring our breakfast to our room?... Thank you."

She had just taken a few steps away from the phone when it rung again. "Yes?.. oh good morning Stella....... We're fine and you?... We're not- my god Stella", she whisper shouted, stealing a glance at her Zach before continuing to whisper shout into the phone. "Zachery is working..... Yes. Really!..... Oh my gosh! Bye."

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