Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 237 Xavier Realized His Truth

Back in Albany

Little Oliver watched as his sister picked on her food as a lazy smile stretched on her lips. Her eyes glimmered with a new found happiness. But what could have made her so happy? The sound of a fork dropping on the plate snapped her out of her reverie.

Lorraine realized that she had dropped her fork while day dreaming about a certain someone.

"I'll go get another one", she said, embarrassed as she got up.

"I'm late", Oliver said as he got up from his seat.

"Alright then. Let me just get my bag", she said, changing her mind and direction.

"Lorrie, you know you don't have to walk me to school. I'm eleven, I can take care of myself", he protested.

"Oliver, you know it's not safe until I say it's safe", she gave him a disapproving gaze.

"But nothing has happened so far", he protested.

Lorraine only looked at him without saying a word. Nothing happening so far means something was going to happen soon. She also was frustrated but she hoped he would understand. Oliver also thought if she understood why he was like that, them she might ease off on the restrictions.

"My friends make fun of me at school that my sister still walks me to school. It's.... embarrassing." He looked down in shame.

Lorraine sighed and went to kneel before him so they were on the same eye level. She held his shoulders and her eyes were gentle. "I know. I understand how you feel. But just give me a little more time to sort this out. Then you can walk home with your friends or ride the bus if you wish. But for now, can you just put up with me accompanying you for a little while? Please?"

He briefly fell quiet digesting what she just said. He nodded in agreement. Her explanation had gotten to him. She smiled as she pulled on his jumper collar and fixed it.

"Let me get my bag", she said as she stood up and he hummed in response.

Soon, the siblings left the little apartment and as usual, Lorraine walked him to school. She felt bad when she saw him look down as his friends looked at him when she left him at the entrance. All this was because of a certain someone. She clenched her fist so tight her nails dug into her skin and left marks.

She took the subway to work and when she arrived, she changed into her uniform and assumed her post releasing her colleague who had just finished his night shift.

All throughout the day, her thoughts were on her phone. She kept checking it and no notification that she desired to give her attention to.

"It's not month end yet", her colleague joked.

"I know", she replied with a chuckle as she stuffed her phone back into her pocket.

"Is there something wrong with your phone?" He asked


"Are you expecting something?"

"Something like that", she said with a chuckle and resumed her duties to end the conversation.

Although she laughed, she could not help but be consumed in worry. Did something happen? Or was she anticipating too much? Was he just busy since he said it's a family emergency? Or was she misreading his actions? She thought back to two days ago.


"You're leaving?" She asked in surprise and there was worry on her face as she watched him stand up from the stool.

Xavier smirked when he saw her reaction as he leaned forward barely leaving inches of space between them. "Why? Are you worried about me?"

She was flustered as her face grew hot from embarrassment and their closeness. She didn't want him to think that she was still mistakening him for being suicidal. Her heart was pounding wildly against her chest. How did things between them escalate so quickly when just a few hours ago they were strangers?

"Um.... Uh...."

"Don't worry, it's just a family emergency. If you're still worried about me, we can exchange numbers and I'll update you on my well-being."

"Ah..." She chuckled awkwardly, looking down as she leaned back, creating distance between them. "That's not what I was driving at."

She didn't want him to think she was vying for his number or that she was one of those girls.

"I insist", Xavier said as he unlocked his phone and gave it to her.

She gave him her number and he saved it right in front of her before he left. As he left, he gave her one last look that sent her heartbeat into overdrive. What had she just gotten herself into?

End of flashback....

Lorraine sighed. The sun had set and she was walking home after getting off the subway. She was on her way to pick up Oliver from the after-class activities when her phone rung. She almost jumped on the spot when she saw the caller ID. He was finally calling. She cleared her throat a couple of times before answering.

"Hello?" She said quietly as she slowed down her walking pace.

"Lorraine", he answered. Her stomach flipped when she heard how her name rolled off his tongue with his deep voice. "Are you coming from work?"

"Yes", she answered immediately as she looked around. Could he see her? Where was he? Was he around? "Why?"

"I can tell from the noise. How..... How was it?"

Lorraine felt herself blush. "It was alright. Have you settled the family emergency?"

"Hmmm..... about that. I called to tell you that I might have to stay here for a while. Something else came up."

"Oh", she felt herself grow visibly disappointed. "That's good."

"It's good?"


"Sorry. I have to go."

He quickly hang up before she could say anything else. That was.... a blow. Why did she expect too much from him? The man had just been disappointed by a woman after years of not settling down? Even she wouldn't want to jump into another relationship. And with her current situation... It was not ideal for her to have such foolish ideas.

"Oliver!" A teacher called and the young man took his bag and left to meet his sister.

"Hey", she greeted him.

"Hi sis."

"How was school? Did they give you a hard time again? Maybe we should talk to your teacher about this?"

"No need. School was fine."

"Are you sure?"


They walked hand in hand as they made their way home. Oliver noticed that she was quiet than usual. Usually she told him the ridiculous stories from work but now she had fallen quiet. And she was hardly focusing if not for his tag on her arm.

"What?" She asked with brows raised.

"Are you alright? Did..... something happen?" He asked fearfully.

"No.. oh no! Nothing happened. Don't worry", she said hurriedly when she realized her quietness had scared him.

"Are you sure?"

"I promise you. Nothing happened. Do you remember I promised that nothing will happen to us? Do you still trust me on that?"

"Yes. I trust you."

"Good. So don't worry yourself. Now, what do you want for dinner?"

He went on rambling about what he wanted when subconsciously she thought back to Xavier's call. Why did he hang up like that? Is it really the end for them?

Meanwhile, Xavier had hang up after hearing a knock outside his room door. He went to get the door to find Zach standing there.

"Weren't you on a call?" Zach asked as he walked in when Xavier moved aside letting him pass.

"Hm. Something up?" He asked as he closed the door behind them.

"I need to talk to you about something", he said as they both settled down in the lounge area.

"What's up?"

"Hmmm..... I know you left the city to unwind from the drama but we need you here", Zach said with a grave expression.

"Oh! I know about that. George spoke to me before he left. I know you can't leave Amy alone right now so I'll man things at the company. No worries."

"Thank you." Zach was relieved that he understood. But something else bothered him that he could not help but ask. "What about.." he nodded towards the outside.. "Albany?"

Xavier chuckled when he realized that he was talking about Loraine. "Amy can't keep a secret?"

"Not from me. No", Zach said with a smirk. "If anything, she's excited for you."

Xavier chuckled awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head. "Well, she shouldn't be too excited. It could be nothing."

"Nothing....", Zach rapped his fingers on the armrest of his sofa. He looked at Xavier with a contemplative gaze. The man had said one thing but his eyes said something else. "Did you tell her you'll be here a while?"


Zach nodded before turning to leave. He didn't say anything and left Xavier to realize it on his own. If it was nothing, would he have bothered to explain himself? Yes, although it was too soon, the man had fallen in love..... HARD!

Xavier groaned as he buried his face in his hands when he realized his truth. "I'm in trouble."

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