Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 232 Amy Has Gone Into Labor


"Sir!" The man rushed from the foot of the stairs and went up until he reached the door of Zach and Amy's room. He leaned his ear an inch away from the door to listen better as he could not just barge in. "Sir."

"Tell Skull to arrange for Dr. Glynne to get here! It's an emergency! Call Stella to come upstairs and call my mom too!"

"Is that all sir?" He asked after Zach went silent.

"Move!" He barked from inside.

"Right away!"

He rushed back downstairs and used the houseline to dial for bodyguards' apartment and delivered the message. From then, he called Victoria.

"Madam, master asked for your presence", he said politely though urgently.

"Is something wrong?"

"I think it's the madam, something could be up."

Victoria didn't even respond and simply hang up. Her grandchild was coming, she rushed to make preparations knowing she would be at Zach's for a while. Next, Edmund went to look for Stella. The woman was having dinner with her husband as Zach and Amy had not joined them.

"Edmund?" She frowned when she saw his worried expression.

"The master called for you into his room. I think it has to do with the madam-"

Stella dropped her meal and left her crutches as she limped her way up stairs. Her heart was beating out of her chest as random thoughts plagued her mind. What could have happened to Amy? Has she gone into labor already? Richard was also quickly following behind her. He was also worried.

When she reached their door, she knocked once and quickly entered. She got her answer when she saw Zach seated with his back to her, holding Amy's hands, who was seated against the headboard, as they did breathing exercises. Amy looked like she was struggling with the exercises but she fought through.

"Oooooooooh!" She breathed out with her eyes closed and brows furrowed.

"Oh! Dear!" Stella rushed over to her side. Amy opened her eyes and couldn't even afford to smile because of the pain. "When did the contractions start?"

"Just now. This is the first one", Zach answered.

"Okay. We need to time them. It will help her while we wait for Dr. Glynne to arrive and she'll want to know how far apart they are", Stella explained.

Amy looked at Richard who gave her a sympathetic smile. He had seen how painful this had been for his wife, so he knew how bad it was for Amy. The poor girl.

"Alright. We should move to the room", Zach said as he stood to carry her.

"No need for that. The contractions just started, she can still walk. Richard, help them", Richard wanted to move but was stopped by Zach's scary expression.

He was like a wolf protecting his pack from the enemy. The man clearly disapproved of Stella's suggestion since Amy was in pain. He felt Amy squeeze his hand and his expression softened. She obviously knew what was going on in his head.

"She's right. Listen to her", she whispered to him. He remained unmoving, not convinced at all. "I'll tell you when it becomes unbearable."


Richard finally got a move on and assisted Zach in helping Amy onto her feet. Zach held her hands as she shuffled her feet into her house slippers. She gave him a small smile, assuring him she was fine only for him to frown. He held the back of her neck and kissed her forehead.

"Babe, I packed a few things. They're in the wardrobe", she told him.

He nodded and went to get the bags she prepared. Richard rubbed her arm in comfort.

"You'll be alright kiddo. This will be over before you know it", he promised her to which Amy nodded.

"Stella, I'd like to ask for a favor."

"Yes, dear?"

"Edmund!" Zach shouted as he stepped out of the wardrobe with two duffel bags and a diaper bag.

Edmund's footsteps could be heard rushing up to the room. Zach went to the door and handed him the bags.

"Get these to the delivery room and have the wheelchair on standby."

"Yes, sir."

While Edmund left, Zach went to Amy's side and helped her walk. Richard now remembered to get Stella's crutches before she put too much pressure on her leg. Victoria arrived with Henry carrying some bags. Zach had already guessed that they would stay over for a while.

The walk to the delivery room was not as bad for Amy. She had not experienced any contractions until an hour later. And that was in time when Suzy arrived.

With her were a few nurses and a pediatrician too. They were directed to the delivery room where Amy was walking around the room. Stella had advised her to walk around. Zach was beside her as he held her when she stopped to breathe through the pain.

Suzy walked in on Amy standing with one hand against the wall while the other clultched her dress as she was trying to crouch though failing from the pain and heaviness of her pregnancy. This was such a torture to Zach. His woman was in pain and all he could do was hold her.

"We should sit down", he suggested. She shook her head in response as she inhaled and exhaled slowly.

"Amy, Mr. Frost", Suzy greeted. "Mr. and Mrs Thornton, Mr. and Mrs Frost. Trevor, say hello."

The boy appeared behind her and greeted his elders politely. Zach inwardly frowned when he saw the child. Everyone exchanged greetings with Suzy and the medical team before she turned to the latter. "Get started."

"Trevor?" Richard called out.

"Yes, sir?" He answered.

"Come with me. Let's leave your mom to do her job", he said.

"Mm. We'll be right out", Henry agreed.

The nurses got a move on as they needed to set things up in preparation for the delivery. While they did so, she walked over to Amy who has just recovered from the contractions.

"Hey. How many contractions so far?"

"This is the second one in an hour or more", Zach answered.

"Isn't it a bit early?" Amy was worried that she had a few weeks to go but the baby came early.

"Not really. Some babies are born between 36 and 38 weeks. It's normal, you have nothing to worry about. And you guys have been doing a great job with this pregnancy, so don't worry yourself, alright?"

"Okay", she said, putting her trust in Suzy. Zach nodded, he too was worried but Suzy's answer put his heart at ease. All he could worry about now was Amy.

"Great. Let's get you changed and into bed."

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