Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 205 A Date With Amy

"Oh! My gosh! I wonder who the lucky lady is", a young woman whispered to her friend.

"I know right! He's so hot! Look at that perfect jawline. I could lick icecream off of it!" She whispered back with evident hunger in her eyes.

"I want to lick all-"

They both gasped when the said man suddenly looked their way. Finishing up with their task, they hurried over to him and handed over a bouquet of hundred red roses covered in a black paper wrap and tied with a gold ribbon. Pleased with the arrangement, he took out his black card and used it to pay before he left.

The shop manager walked in as he was leaving and caught a glimpse of him. Her mouth fell open as she walked to join her assistants. The girls rushed over and squealed in excitement.

"I know right!"

"Don't you wish we could have more customers like him?"

They were lovestruck after being graced by such otherworldly beauty! That's a face one could never forget.

"He-He came to our shop? Personally?" The manager was shocked as she watched the cars driving away. The girls grew curious seeing her reaction.

"Do you know him?"

"Who wouldn't especially with that face? You know Xavier Frost, don't you?"

"Of course! Who doesn't know the sex god?" Of the girls answered making all of them giggle.

"That's his brother", the manager answered.

"His brother? As in Zach Frost? The Zach Frost?"

The manager shook her head seeing as they did not believe her. "Xavier posts him once in a while on his Instagram page."

"Oh! My god! I need to see this."

Meanwhile, Xavier ignored the follow request notifications on his phone as he sat in his office. He downed the remaining alcohol in his glass and made to pour some more when his phone rung.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Zach's voice resounded over the phone.

"Uh....." For the first time in history, he was blank. He had no girlfriend and was definitely not in the mood to go to the club. But it was Saturday. "Nothing.... I guess?"


"Why? What's up?"

"I'll need to get away from Amy tomorrow."

Xavier sat up at this in alarm. "Why? Did something happen? I thought you said things were perfect."

Zach let out an amused chuckle. "And they still are. I have a reason. Be ready."


With that, the call ended. Zach had a pleased smile as he looked at the bouquet of red roses in his hands. He felt his heart thud in anticipation as his convoy drove into the compound. Edmund was already waiting by the entrance as the car came to a stop.

He opened the back door and received Zach's briefcase as Zach stepped out to walk into the house. "Is it done?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Where is she?"

"In your room", Edmund answered from behind him to which Zach nodded.

While Edmund went to leave the briefcase in Zach's study, the latter went to his room. He could not help the smile as he anticipated her reaction. Letting out a deep breath, he knocked on their door.

"I'm coming", Amy answered.

She took her sweet time walking to the door before opening the door only to be greeted by the bouquet of roses. Her eyes lit up as she smiled in pleasant surprise and looked up at person offering them.

"Hello beautiful", Zach said with a smile. The highlight of his day: Amy's happy smile.

"Babe... This.... They're so beautiful. Thank you", she said while taking them. She felt her heart melt from this gesture as she sniffed them. She looked back up and cupped his cheek, bringing his face down to hers and captured his lips into a brief kiss.

"Thank you", she whispered, a little teary eyed.

"You're welcome. Now, would you be so kind as to grace me with your presence on tonight's date?" He caressed her cheek gently.

"A date?" She gasped in surprise.

"Mm. But... We'll dine here."

"That's fine", she said almost immediately. It didn't matter as long she was with him and Zach understood this from the way she looked at him.

"Okay. Let's go."

"No! Let me change. Give me five minutes- no ten- mmmm", she moaned when he gripped the back of her head and indulged her in a kiss.

She completely relaxed as his tongue glided against hers in a passionate dance. She clutched his jacket with her free hand as she felt her desires awoken by this. He reluctantly broke the kiss and run a thumb over her now swollen parted lips. The desire in him had been awokened as well.

"Take your time", he whispered to which she nodded. She was about to walk away when she remembered the flowers. "Where do you want them?"

"In our room."

Zach nodded and had Edmund have the task taken care of only after she exited the bedroom. She had added a light makeup with a bold red lip to compliment the red maternity dress she was putting on and a matching purse. Her hair was tied up into a ponytail to expose the moon pendant necklace that graced her neck.

"Wow!" Zach slowly looked her up, down and then back up. She never ceases to amaze him. "You look beautiful", he said with a kiss on her lips.

"Thank you", she blushed.

"And this lipstick", he cupped her chin and drove his hungry gaze on her luscious lips.

She giggled, understanding the secret message he conveyed. Not wanting to rip her clothes off right then, he took her hand and led her to the sunroom.

It had become her favorite spot and she said it was romantic. So he had the lights dimmed to give off a romantic vibe, decorated the place with candles and simple flower arrangements. The previous furniture had been replaced by a table and chairs. He had practically turned it into a mini restaurant. When did he even arrange for all this?

"You like it?" He asked though already knowing her answer.

"I love it!"

He helped her into her seat before he went to sit opposite her. Looking at him in the dimly lit room, he looked extra handsome in his Moss green suit. His chiseled features stood out and she felt so lucky to be dining with such a fine specimen.

"What?" He asked with a smile.

"You're so handsome", she said, looking lovestruck.

"Thank you", he said and cleared his throat. She giggled when she saw his ears turn red as he could barely suppress a smile.

Not wanting to be teased, he snapped a finger and different men and women in black and white suits walked in with different dishes. They were not the Frost staff, she figured.

"I hear Renée's is good and I thought we'd try their food", he said as they watched the food being served.

Amy's eyes grew wide in excitement. There was so much food to choose from! And looking up at him, she could not believe he had brought the restaurant to her. This man was doing a lot for her. The Renée staff moved away to give the couple their privacy.

Amy was tearing up at this point and Zach moved to crouch before her and wiped her tears.

"Thank you", she said with a sniffle. "This is.... This..."

He shook his head. "I know I haven't properly wooed you but I'll try harder."

"Why would you when...?" She raised her hand showing him the ring as reminder.

"Even if it seems meaningless, I still want to do it for you if it will bring this beautiful smile on your face", he said making her let out a soft giggle.

"It's not meaningless. It's amazing. It's perfect. This is perfect." She was referring to their relationship. She looked into his eyes that were full of love for her and her heart thumped in excitement. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He captured her lips again. They slowly molded against each other. Her hands started to run over his torso, to his neck and then through his hair. The kiss was becoming heated and he broke it before he could lose control.

"Let's eat", he said.


The had their meal silently except the moaning sounds she made when she genuinely enjoyed the food. She was doing it deliberately, he knew.

"Amy", he warned as he picked up a glass of wine.

"Hm?" She looked at him innocently.


She blinked her innocent eyes at him earning an amused chuckle from him. He shook his head and sipped on his drink. He meant it when he said she's a danger to his heart. He could only desperately wish the dinner would soon be over. If not for her pregnancy and appetite, he would end their date right away.

And finally, he cleaned up his plate. Amy was still devouring her dessert. She took the last spoonful and looked from her plate as she chewed. She swallowed it when she caught his heated gaze.

"Done with your dessert?" He asked to which she gave a vigorous nod. "Good. It's' time for mine."

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