
Chapter 88: zhi qing hua

Chapter 88: zhi qing hua

IT WAS almost night time when Argent and Lei Feng left the army barracks. After their run, the young soldiers requested to have a guiding match with Lei Feng. The stronger one would guide the other during the fight. It's a good method to not only improve their skills but also learn what their weaknesses and strengths were. Argent just didn't expect that Lei Feng would fight each and every last one of those young soldiers. She doubted if she could have that much patience if she was in his place.

"Are you planning to go to Zhi Qing Hua?" Lei Feng asked once they're out of the gate of the army barracks. They're waiting there for the carriage.

Lei Feng had no idea why Argent suddenly made those inquiries earlier but it probably had something to do with the talk she had with the Emperor. The way she asked, it seemed to be a really important matter. Although he didn't really want Argent to go to that kind of place, if she really had to go there for some important reason, then all he could do was to accompany her and make sure that no one would act inappropriately towards her.

"Yes," Argent answered. "You're not going to stop me, are you?"

Lei Feng shook his head. "But you have to let me accompany you."

Argent shrugged, she didn't really mind. She still needed a guide to go there after all. And since Lei Feng had a dark guard that could lead the way, then going there would be easier.

Just as they were waiting, a magnificent black carriage suddenly stopped in front of them. The door opened and the fourth prince came down, wearing his signature red embroidered robe. He immediately walked in front of Lei Feng, totally ignoring Argent.

"So this is where you are! Come, accompany me to drink so I could drown all my sorrows," the prince said. "Of course, a certain someone who didn't even hesitate to sign a new contract is not invited," he added, definitely pertaining to Argent.

Argent raised her brow. This prince was probably throwing a tantrum because the deal he was so excited to make was suddenly taken by his father. And since he couldn't exactly retaliate against the Emperor, he was taking his frustration on her. How childish. "It's not my fault Your Highness couldn't say 'no' to your father. I'm just here to make sure the deal will pull through. I don't really care who I have to sign a contract with."

The muscles on Li Jun's face twitched. This guy. Li Jun was still a bit mad about that. He should have known his shameless father would swoop in and stole that deal from him. The money he should get from that project was supposed to go to his brother. Now all his plans went down the drain. But as this annoying guy said, he couldn't really exactly say 'no' to his father.

"You really are hateful, aren't you?" Li Jun only said.

"I do try sometimes."

"Argh... that's it! To help me heal my heartbreak and frustration, you have to treat me to unlimited food and alcohol for tonight."

"Sure. I'll even add women to the equation," Argent said.

"Women?" Li Jun asked, confused.

"Yes. Food, alcohol, and women, I think we can all get that in Zhi Qing Hua." Going there with a prince would surely make things a lot easier.

Of course Li Jun knew about Zhi Qing Hua. If you're a man and you're living in the capital, there's no way you couldn't have known about it. It's a very famous brothel after all. But how come this guy knew about that? And even proposed to go there? He stared at Argent. Aside from the natural indifference, he's also releasing this excited vibe. Was it because he's going to a brothel? Heh... so this guy also had a perverted side. A man, no matter the age, was still a man after all.

Li Jun never really enjoyed going to brothels. But Zhi Qing Hua was a bit different. Because the courtesans there were really professionals. They were good at singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, even writing poems. It's evident that they were all trained. The way they carried themselves wouldn't lose to any noble ladies out there. Especially those who served at the third floor. They were trained to serve nobilities and high ranking officials. The ones in the second floor were usually reserved for merchants. And those on the first floor were for common citizens who wanted to enjoy a night at the famous brothel.

Going there was no problem for Li Jun. He often went there for entertainment after all. But was it okay for the ever serious Lei Feng? He glanced at the young general and saw no resistance on his face. Was he just taking it in because the duke was the one who requested it? On that note, wouldn't he be feeling uncomfortable right now? After all, the guy he liked just suggested to go to a brothel.

Li Jun frowned at the silver-haired duke. This guy could really be a bit thickheaded at times. Then he suddenly thought of something. Yes, if they went to Zhi Qing Hua then Li Jun could finally go through with that plan of his.

"Okay. Let's go there. But first, you have to change clothes and cover your face," he said to the duke. "If we go there as you are now, you would just surely attract all the attention of the girls there."

"Fine," Argent agreed. She didn't really mind. Not being the center of attention suit him just fine.


A black carriage stopped in front of a magnificent five floor building. It was located at the most profitable area of the red light district. Almost anyone who passed through there would notice the tall building. A huge sign with beautiful calligraphy was on its forefront - Zhi Qing Hua.

The door of the carriage opened and the first one to go down was a tall man wearing a black robe. His long black hair was let down and his obsidian black eyes were looking at the building with disinterest. Despite the serious expression on his face, it still couldn't hide his overly handsome features. The next one who followed was a young man wearing a beautiful red robe. Unlike the first one, this man's features were a bit more delicate. But he surely wouldn't lose in terms of handsomeness.

The last one was a tall youth wearing a silvery white robe that matched his short silver hair. The upper part of his face was covered by a white mask, only showing his pinkish lips. But despite that, one couldn't still take their eyes away from him. Maybe it was the way he stood or the way he carried himself. Or maybe he just had that certain something that made people gravitate towards him.

The three entered Zhi Qing Hua. The girls working on the first floor immediately noticed their arrival. When they saw their high-quality clothing and good looks, they didn't hesitate to come forward and greet the three. They knew it would be almost impossible for them to serve such customers but what if one of three took a liking to one of them? That would be a sure way for them to advance to the third floor.

They surrounded the one wearing a red robe and the one wearing a mask. Somehow, they just couldn't get near the one wearing a black robe. It's like if they did, they would definitely be thrown out or something. Most of them flocked to the tall youth wearing a mask. Even if most of his face was hidden, just one look at that soft silver hair and delicate white skin was enough for them to know that he's probably much better looking than his other two companions.

"Young Master, would you want Liuli to serve you?" one asked while fluttering her eyelashes.

"No, definitely Young Master would choose Feifei, right?" another one said, trying to hook her arm on the young man's.

But before the girl could even touch the masked youth, a cold killing intent was suddenly spread over the group of girls making all of them shudder.

"Leave," the man wearing black bit out in his low magnetic voice.

The girls didn't hesitate and scrambled to leave. They felt that if they didn't, some kind of ferocious beast would bit down on their throats.

Li Jun sighed. "Look what you just did, you scared them away."

Lei Feng didn't answer but he already reigned in the killing intent he just released.

Then the manager of the brothel came to them - a short middle aged man wearing a green robe. When he was informed that the fourth prince came with the young general Zhang, he immediately came down from the second floor. Hoping that the girls in the first floor hadn't done anything to offend the two. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw that the prince and the general were alone and no girls were hounding them.

"Your Highness, General Zhang, welcome, welcome," he greeted with an amiable smile.

"Get us a private room and also prepare a meal for three," Li Jun said.

Hearing that, that's when the manager noticed that there's still another one accompanying the prince. It was a tall masked youth. He could immediately tell that this one's identity was definitely not simple. "As you wish, Your Majesty. If you could follow me."

The manager led them to a private room on the third floor. It was wide and bright with a very tasteful decoration. The three sat down and soon servant girls came in carrying trays of food and alcohol. Once they put the dishes on the table, they all respectfully went out.

"Mei Ren has been missing Your Highness, would you like this one to call her to serve you?" the manager asked.

"Sure," Li Jun said. "And also..." he gestured for the manager to bent down. Once the middle-aged man did, Li Jun whispered something to his ear. There was a slight change on the manager's expression but it only lasted for a second and his normal expression immediately came back.

"Of course, this one will do as Your Highness asked," the manager said. "Do you need anything else?"

Argent suddenly spoke. "There is something." She slowly removed the mask she was wearing. "Tell your proprietress that Argent Blackbourne wanted to speak to her. Of course, I'm willing to buy the rest of her night if she so wanted."

The manager suddenly froze. Of course he knew who Argent Blackbourne was. Anyone living in the capital and owned an sPhone knew who he was. The manager just didn't expect that one day he would suddenly appear in this establishment, speaking the Xing language no less and even wanting to meet with the madame. But he immediately calmed himself.

He did hear a rumor that the fourth prince came back from a foreign country with foreigners in tow. He just didn't expect that one of those foreigners would be Argent Blackbourne. If the manager refused his request, the madame would surely kill him. No matter what his reason might be for wanting to meet the madame, it would certainly not be disadvantageous to them.

"This one will immediately inform the madame of your request. If my lord could wait?"

"Of course."

Then the manager hurriedly left the room.

Li Jun looked at Argent. He should have known this guy wanted to go here for a reason. "Why did you want to meet Madame Ying Hua?"

"That's something you don't need to know," Argent answered, putting back the mask on her face. "But you don't have to worry, I will still pay for the things you will spend here."

Li Jun snorted. "Who cares about your money?"

Argent raised one of her brows. Wasn't he the one who asked that she pay for his food and alcohol?

A little while later, the manager returned. "My lord, the madame is delighted to accept your request."

Argent stood up and was about to follow when Lei Feng suddenly held her wrist. She looked down on Lei Feng's serious face. "What?"

"Be careful."

"I always am."

Then Lei Feng reluctantly let go of Argent's wrist. She walked towards the manager and the two went out of the room.

"He's long gone, stop staring at the door," Li Jun commented. This guy was really hopeless. Good thing he was about to remedy that.

The door of the room was once again opened. The first one to walk was a young woman wearing a purple jacket over a flowing pink skirt. Her brown limpid eyes were surrounded by thick black eyelashes. It seemed water could flow out of her skin if one pinched it because of how delicate and soft it was.

She was followed by a young man wearing a white robe. In terms of beauty, he would certainly not lose to the young woman. His long black hair was freely flowing behind his back. The neck of his robe was slightly lose, showing his delicate collar bones. His eyes were like a dark pool of deep water. His pinkish lips were curved in a slight smile.

"Mei Ren has seen Your Highness and General Zhang," the young woman greeted in her melodious voice.

"Ying Yue has seen Your Highness and General Zhang," the young man also greeted in his soft voice. When he raised his head, all his attention was focused on the young general.

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