
Chapter 177: Business Trip

Chapter 177: Business Trip

# 177. Business Trip

Xu Qian didnt stay at with the second princess for too long, as in the afternoon he still had to patrol. Thus, he had to bid her farewell.

Biaobiao was reluctant to let him go, saying with a frown: Xu Ningyan, I can go tell Father to give you a job in the palace, and be our guard.

*What future is there in being your guard? You really want me to be your workhorse* Xu Qian said helplessly: Your Highness, your subordinate still has some aspirations.

Clearly, being Biaobiaos workhorse did not have the future potential of serving under Wei Yuan. Emperor Yuanjing spoiled Biaobiao, since not only was she able to pout and act coquettish, but also because she was cute and naive, and had no schemes in her heart.

As for Princess Huaiqing and the other royal children, they were always looking to push their own confidants into powerful positions, seeking any opportunity to do so such as the Sangpo case.

When Biaobiao tried to ask Emperor Yuanjing to pardon Xu Qians death penalty to no effect, Xu Qian had already seen what type of person he was.

Second Princess, what strife is there, your subordinate is only a small Nightwatcher. Xu Qians heart said: *Were not suited together.*

No one else is interesting, theyre always timid and jumpy when talking to me. Linan pouted her small mouth, swinging her legs, I dont like to read, I cant play the qin or draw, Im bored every day in the palace. When I was little brother crown prince would come play with me, but now when I go find him, he just frowns, and always says hes busy.

*What a poor princess, like a bird of paradise in a golden cage but isnt Princess Huaiqing free to go in and out* Xu Qian thought a bit, and thought it through.

Huaiqing was the type of strong, independent woman where if you give her three thousand soldiers, she could command all under heaven. She was clever and well versed in many matters, and was scarily able. Out of all of Emperor Yuanjings daughters, none could really compare to Huaiqing in in talent and finesse. Linan however, was different, she was a little princess with a mischievous temper, with no thoughts or schemes, and was easy to be manipulated by ambitious and malicious people.

Xu Qian naturally automatically struck himself off the list of said people.

The solution is quite simple; Your Highness can move to your own manor. The Imperial city is much more interesting than the palace complex itself. Xu Qian said.

Linan was a princess royal with noble titles; she had her own mansion in the imperial city.

Then tomorrow come to Linan Manor. Biaobiao said.

Before lunch Linan arranged a palanquin to go to Jingxiu Palace. Noble Consort Chen had invited her son and daughter to her palace to have lunch.

During lunch, as the crown prince was eating Consort Chens carefully prepared meal, he suddenly said: I overheard from the servants that Wei Yuan gave the Empress a secret ingredient, which cured her anorexia.

Consort Chen laughed, Indeed this is the case, it seems to be called chicken bouillon? I heard that after one adds a little bit of it to ones cooking, the flavour it adds was hard to forget.

The crown prince saw Noble Consort Chens longing, If mother wants to try some, son can go to the Empress to ask for some.

Consort Chen smiled: I heard Princess Huaiqing went to ask for some, but was refused.

Both mother and son felt a bit helpless.

Princess Linan looked at her mother and brother, and confirmed with them: Its chicken bouillon yes?

The crown prince looked at her: Youve heard of it too?

The simple-minded Linan didnt ever pay much attention to gossip floating around the rear palace, and so she shook her head: Today Xu Ningyan gifted me a thing, it was also called chicken bouillon.

She summoned a maid: Go get it for me from my palace.

Fifteen minutes later, the maid, panting and puffing, returned, the small bottle from Linans palace in her hand.

The crown prince first snatched it over, took off the cork, and sniffed it. What hit his nose was a sharp umami smell. Just by smelling it, he couldnt experience its mystical properties.

Get the kitchen to heat the food up a bit more, add some of this chicken bouillon, let us try it?

The crown princes suggestion got the approval of his mother and sister.

Not long later, the palace maids brought back the newly steaming hot dishes. The three royals didnt immediately pick up their chopsticks however, looking towards the maid.

The maid first used a silver needle to test for poison, and then picked up her own bowl and chopsticks.[^1] She tried each dish in turn, and after all were tried, the crown prince saw a clear reluctance to stop in her eyes. She didnt dare continue eating however, merely looking at the food with great longing.

After a while, seeing that the maid was fine, the crown prince hurried her: Serve us a bowl of turtle soup.

The maid simultaneously ladelled soup, and laughed: Your Highnesss eyes are sharp, this soups flavour is difficult to forget.

The crown prince impatiently took the bowl, took a long sip, and exclaimed: What a different flavour mother, Linan, try some, you need to try some.

Consort Chen hadnt seen her son this happy in a long time, and felt happy for him too.

Linan had already made her move. She didnt go for the turtle soup, rather picking a piece of vegetable. As she chewed, she unconsciously reached for another mouthful, then another

After lunch, Noble Consort Chen, having not seen her son and daughter eat so happily in a long time, was extremely happy.

What a thing, but its such a small bottle how much effort would the royal kitchen need to attain this level. The crown prince sighed, and without batting an eyelid stowed the bottle into his own sleeve pocket.

Biaobiaos eyes widened, as she pounced over, clutching the crown princes sleeve with an iron grip, her willow-thin brows almost vertical: Its mine!

Isnt that Xu Qian your person, you can go ask him for more. the crown prince spoke sternly, Let go.

I wont let go, this is mine.

Neither brother nor sister could come to an agreement, and so they got Noble Consort Chen to mediate. Consort Chen scolded them with good natured laughter: How old are you now, youre like children. If you want your mother to say, leave it with me, this is fairest.

Both the crown prince and Linan turned their heads, continuing to fight.

*I never knew that what Xu Qian gave me is so precious.* Biaobiao sat in her palanquin, fiddling with the bottle filled a third up with chicken bouillon.

That little bit of dissatisfaction she had with Xu Qian had slowly evaporated all away. She wasnt really that dumb, when Xu Qian was taking advantage of her she was only keeping one eye open, one eye closed is all.

Since if she did not get him over to her side, this Bronze Gong would immediately rush into Huaiqings embrace. He also knew how to speak well, he also knew how to play, and so Linan didnt want to let him go. Thus she was happy to give him some useless paintings and silver.

*This small Bronze Gongs double dealing is really adept, I need to go confirm* Linan said: Go towards Huaiqings place.

Coming to Huaiqings manor, they ignored the guards trying to block them, and Linan with her pale face raised met that dastardly Huaiqing in the front hall.

The two extraordinarily beautiful women exchanged looks. On Huaiqings pale, graceful face, her eyebrows furrows slightly: What are you doing here.

I heard that Wei Yuan gifted mother Empress a special ingredient, that cured her anorexia. This has spread around in the palace. Linan walked over to an antiquities shelf, her red dress trailing behind her, and traced her hands around the blue paintings on a porcelain pot, saying casually: Does Sister Huaiqing have any?

I do not. Huaiqing said emotionlessly.

You really dont? Linan immediately turned around, her eyes sparkling, restless and stirring written across her oval face.

Princess Huaiqing stared back, saying lightly: Why would I lie to you.

Well Im happy you dont. Linan Biaobiao took out her little bottle, and happily waved it around, laughing loudly: I do!

Seeing that Huaiqings expression was not right, she was even happier, but to stop herself from being beaten up, she immediately took her retreat, her show-off performance finished:

Were going now, you dont need to escort us. Oh, right, this was gifted to us by Xu Ningyan.

*Xu Ningyan* On Princess Huaiqings smooth white forehead, a vein suddenly bulged slightly.

The next day, after eating lunch at the Goulan, the three Goulan-goers picked their teeth, and with large pompous steps came back to the constabulary.

They had an hour break for lunch, and so the three Nightwatchers wanted to return to the constabulary to cultivate. Today Xu Qian also paid the bill, though this time they were just there for food, and nothing more. A martial artists home usually didnt have much spare food at hand.

After freeloading off Xu Ningyan for several days, Song Tingfeng felt a bit embarrassed, and seeing that there was a stall selling oranges on the street, said: You two wait here, Ill go buy some oranges.

Oy, Ill go buy them, you wait here. Xu Qian stopped him.

Ningyan, youre too kind, too kind. Song Tingfeng maintained his stance.

Anything else is fine, but I must be the one to buy oranges. If you really want to buy them, then youre paying next time we go to the Jiaofangsi. Xu Qian said angrily.

Song Tingfeng thus admitted defeat.

Returning back, Xu Qian received Wei Yuans summons.

*Daddy Wei is liking me more and more* he happily ran towards the Tower of Noble Spirit, and after the guard had sent word of his presence, he met the azure-cloaked Wei Yuan in his tea room.

This great eunuch with his whitening temples and scholarly manner was just in the middle of drinking tea. He pointed to the seat opposite him: Pour yourself some tea.

Xu Qian, stomach full of alcohol, didnt actually want to drink any tea, but still poured himself a cup nonetheless.

You must not drink on duty. Wei Yuan lectured. Oh you, apart from having some sense of justice the rest of you is filled with bad habits. Youre flippant and insincere, undisciplined, constantly going in and out of the Jiaofangsi. If I were your political enemy, youd already be reincarnating into the next life.

your subordinate knows his mistakes. Xu Qian put himself in the role of younger brother no, son, that made him feel much better.

Whatever, the rivers and mountains are easy to move but a persons nature is hard to change. If a person was that easy to change, then there would not be countless myriads of them on this world. Wei Yuan had a very large tolerance of his underlings misbehaviour, and so didnt press the matter.

After taking a sip of tea, he handed over a dossier: You need to go to Yunzhou.

*Yunzhou?* Xu Qian sat up straight, and began reading carefully.

A couple days ago, the Nightwatchers received a secret letter, which said that the Military Commissioner-in-chief Yang Chuannan has been secretly conspiring with bandits, supplying military supplies, and making profit from the trade.

Wei Yuan took another sip, continuing: The second day after receiving that secret letter, the Qi clique moved with fiery speed, manufacturing the corruption case, using a large group of gold and silver gongs as their chips to force us to compromise.

*The Commissioner-in-chief of Yunzhou is part of the Qi clique? No wonder the Qi clique seemed so determined to beat down the Nightwatchers, they were hiding such an important thing.*

*If I didnt have my dog-shit luck, then would Wei Yuan have been prepared to use all those Gold and Silver Gongs to exchange for the Yunzhou Commissioner-in-chief? Wei Yuan is really cold right, Number Two had said that the reason why Yunzhous bandits were difficult to rout was: the mountain bandits had the high ground, but also because they had plenty of military supplies they werent any ordinary bandits, they must have had someones support.*

*The Qi Clique is far away in the capital, and cannot remotely do anything, thus they must need a local officials help* Xu Qian had a great realisation.

Wei Yuan continued: After the message reached the capital, that spy died mysteriously, without saying anything more. His real identity was a registrar in the Regional Military Commission.

But hes dead, and his proof is nowhere to be found. I have already reported this to His Majesty, and he will send an inspector general from the Censorate to Yunzhou to investigate this matter.

Your objective is to protect the inspector general, as well as find evidence.

Xu Qian, feeling himself in a somewhat difficult position, asked: Why do I need to go to Yunzhou?

*Still not so willing* Wei Yuan said: This matter will be overseen by Jiang Lyuzhong, you will go along to learn in the field.

Xu Qian immediately felt a lot more reassured, Theres theres one more matter. Duke Wei, chicken bouillon shouldnt be consumed in large amounts, it easily causes thirst, so you should tell the kitchen to be conservative with it.

Wei Yuan had just lectured him, and not only did he not seek revenge, but even gave good-intentioned advice, Xu Qian felt that he was far too nice.

Wei Yuan did not speak, pointing at the door.

Your subordinate will go now. Xu Qian immediately ran off.


[^1]: Silver is a test used for sulphur compounds - it reacts with sulphur to form silver sulphide, which takes on a black tarnish. This doesnt actually detect for many poisons, but in ancient times arsenic (one of the most commonly used poisons) often contained sulphur impurities, which would be detected.

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