Nightmare's Call

Chapter 367 - Entrance: Part 2

Chapter 367: Entrance: Part 2

At this moment, among the garrison troops.

A group of people had gotten into a shouting match as they argued if they could try to escape before the thick fog returns.

The military, and the two main academy’s team had formed into three different factions among the garrison troops.

After all, the Darksiders are only divided into academy or wanderers, and the ones from the academy held the advantage.

So all of the teams sent from each universities had devolved into this common arrangement. While this would normally work as long as there was a commander from the brass in charge, it was different now.

The commanding officer had been killed in an accident in one of the earlier breakout attempts.

Without a unifying voice, no one was willing to defer to another, and that led to the garrison forces being in a state of chaos as each had their own thoughts.

And that even emboldened the freelance groups and cultist civilians as no one bothered to keep them under leash.

Of the various academy forces, aside from the University of Scryer in the North, and the Spectral Integrated Academy, the hodge-podge of other academy forces were much weaker, and they could only huddle in the cover and await what will happen.

And one of these academy forces was a team from Baine University.

The team leader, Laylee was a novice Moon Basin personnel who had graduated from the university two years ago. And as she looked at the commotion before her, her frustration was apparent.

“We have no idea what’s going on outside! We need to send someone out for recon!”

The team leader from Spectral Integrated Academy said loudly.

“I don’t care how you guys do it, my only request is that we need evacuate Miss Shafreddy to safety!”

“Shafreddy stays! She has top-secret information with her, and even her lineage itself is utmost valuable. Once she evacuates, our value here will diminish, so will our chances of receiving external support!” The team leader of the Scryer University team, Olba sneered.

“So you want all of us to die together with her?” A silver handgun with purple engravings spun in his hand as the barrel pointed towards the general direction of the Spectral Academy folks from time to time.

“Then send someone out to investigate! If situation allows, we’ll then send people out to report.” Ian of the Spectral Academy said.

“I agree, but sending out normal people is meaningless. So...” Olba’s sight then fell onto the mish-mash teams from other academies.

Those civilian Darksiders that could survive until now were all powerful, brutal folks that were beyond their command.

As for the civilians, that doomsday cult was particularly brutal. There were Darksiders who had threatened that group earlier, and said person disappeared outright the next day.

The first time was probably a coincidence, the second or third, made everyone weary about that cult.

So now, the only choice present were the hodge-podge academy troops...

Ian and Olba exchanged glances of understanding as they both shifted their sights to the academy troops in the corner.

All of the cannon fodder had been to their doom in the previous recon attempts, and now they could only resort to sending Darksiders proper.

“Nymphaea and Baine University, you deal with it. Two person from each team for the recon.” Ian of Spectral spoke.

“Sir, we had already sent our people out twice. This has everything to do with the survival of all of us, you can’t be expecting us to keep shouldering the burden?” Laylee of Baine suppressed her rage as she argued.

“We of the Nymphaea too had already sent out men for recon once. Shouldn’t we switch now? To be fair to all, everyone should be pooling in!” The captain of the Nymphaea Academy tea, Kushlan too were trying hard to rein in his anger.

“This is the military! You lot have already joined the military as a temporary member, you think you’re still in school? That you can bargain?

Go out there to recon! This is an order!

Whether it is reasonable or not is a matter to discuss later, but now, obey your order!”

Many of the Darksiders from the military were graduates from Spectral, and the leading person, a tall, black man stood out to admonish them.

“This is not an order! This is sending us to our deaths!” Laylee roared in anger, as green light faintly appeared all around here.

There was only four person left from Baine University, and if they sent another two out, they’ll soon be wiped out!

“There’s no order that sends someone to their deaths! It’s only whether you managed to grasp the chance or not!” Ian of Spectral yelled.

“Else, I could execute all of you for insurbodination!” Olba of Scryer picked up his gun and pointed it towards Laylee and the rest.

Laylee and Kushlan were no match for Olba and Ian, and without any recourse, they two decide to go on all in and bring all seven of their numbers to the surface and try to breakout.

Before she left, Laylee gave Olba and Ian a chilly stare, she had taken note of all the faces of everyone here.

“Don’t forget the locator device!” Ian sneered as the threw a silver badge over.

Laylee grabbed it and pinned it on her collar.

“I’m not as despicable as you lot. Regardless, we’ll get Ms Shafreddy out.”

She left one last word, before turning away to leave as three other members from Baine University too followed behind, their gaze icy.

Kushlan of Nymphaea University led the last two members behind as they wore their locator device, and left without a sound.

There were seven members of their team, and each took out their torchlights and turned it on, as they stepped into the elevator.

Amidst the creaking, all seven of them wore a grim look, no one spoke a word as they waited for the ride to end.



Lin Sheng and Tenko Kasumi soon found the location.

There was an entrance to an underground tunnel inside a changing room in a boutique.

“Do we go in?” Kasumi looked at Lin Sheng.

The one deciding would be him, she was just in charge of dealing with whatever danger that may come.

“Nah, no hurry...” Lin Sheng was just about to speak before he heard something.

He looked at Kasumi and the latter seemed to have noticed the commotion as well, as she took a step back and made some space.


The floor started to vibrate, almost imperceptibly. And if not for their sharpened senses, they would not have been able to detect such a minor movement.

Less than ten seconds later.

The floor of the changing room slowly opened, revealing a square entrance.

Inside the dark entrance, an elevator was swiftly coming up, and shot out of the ground. Four clasps were deployed at the bottom of the elevator, to prevent it from losing balance.


The elevator door slowly opened, revealing a group of pale, reeking young man and women in simple Kevlar armor.

“Who goes there?!” Kushlan who was standing at the front most of the group was the first to react.

Her hair lit up in green flames as her eyes took a silver glint as she stared out in that direction.

But the moment she saw Lin Sheng and Tenko Kasumi, her expression turned slightly dumbfounded.

“Living persons!?”

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