Nightmare's Call

Chapter 315 - The Current Era: Part 1

Chapter 315: The Current Era: Part 1

Ignoring the foreign students, Lin Sheng stepped into the bureau and pushed open the black metallic door.

Inside the office, a few persons in student getup were gathered before Dean’s desk as they asked him in an authoritative voice. They were extremely unfriendly.

One of them was a strong blonde hulk of a man in a brown Kevlar uniform. On his waist was a gun belt and a metallic bow hung on his back.

He was extremely arrogant as he kept on interrupting the Defense Bureau staff, Dean as his finger knocking against the table.

Lin Sheng and his team’s entry into the room attracted their attention.

The muscular man turned over, and his gaze caught Lin Sheng, the tallest of the lot at first glance.

“Baine’s student patrol team? There’s nothing for you here. The mission in this town will be taken over by the Foy Royal Academy, all of you can get lost!”

His expression was chilly, and his mood foul.

“The Foy Royal Academy?” Melissa and Bella’s heart sank. If it was just other Crown Academies they still had some grounds to argue. But the latter is a Royal Academy... they do not belong to the Crown Academy system, rather a military academy directly under the government.

Everyone from that academy would be future military elites.

More importantly, these non-Crown Academy education systems are particularly harsh and brutal, so there was a gulf in terms of actual combat ability.

Melissa did not begrudge them for being insufferable arrogant pricks, they had earned the right after all.

She only looked towards her captain, Lin Sheng as now everything hinges upon his decision.

Lin Sheng just smiled.

“My apologies, this area is under Baine University’s patrol jurisdiction, and during our mission duration, any unconventional movements, you will need to report to us.”


The blonde man was taken aback before pointing at Lin Sheng and laughed.

“Did you hear that? What he just said? Report to him? Insolent runt...”


A green light flashed passed with deadly precision pass the side of the man’s face and left a fine graze mark on his face...

And the words stopped there.

The blonde man still pointed at him, but his voice seemed to have run into a stop button and ceased just right there.

He touched the graze on his face and looked at the blood on his fingers, still in disbelief of what had just happened.

“I’m sorry.” Lin Sheng’s smile grew wider. “We have no need for weaklings here.”


A densely packed array of dark power threads shot out from his side as a torrent of green threads charged towards the few Royal Academy students in the office.

A few of them managed to react and activated their dark powers, yet just as their faint green dark power threads had just appeared, they were instantly torn into and ripped apart.

*Bam bam!!*

A moment later, the entire office was shrouded in silence.

Three of the Royal Academy students knelt on one knee on the ground, their face pale as tears and snot ran freely.

This was the symptom of dark power fatigue.

“Do we still want to continue?” Lin Sheng smiled as he asked, all the while maintaining a courteous tone. The torrent of threads quickly retracted into the space around him.

No one answered.

Melissa, who was standing behind, saw with her own eyes that Lin Sheng had unleashed a veritable tide of dark power threads, and crushed the defenses of the few people before her with ease.

While it was only the most basic of dark power threads, the overwhelming power had managed to startled her even when she was not the target.

Lin Sheng’s dark power count was just too overwhelming!

For new students like them or junior students, they had to ration the usage of their dark powers since they run the risk of using them up and turning into normal people. Most of them only had dark powers in the hundreds, after all.

Yet, for Lin Sheng to unleash hundreds of threads in a single strike, it was a display of might, a display of limitless power. Something only a high-level Darksider would be able to do.


Lin Sheng’s voice rang out.

“Ugh... Yes!” she quickly responded.

“Go stick a notice and inform everyone here. This is the patrol jurisdiction area of Baine University. If anyone dares to do anything funny here, and affect the lives of the people living here, our patrol team will intervene, and exact punishment,” Lin Sheng said.

“Uh...?!” Melissa and Bella were stunned. Was this not a blatant provocation?!

“Any problems?” Lin Sheng turned back to look at them.

“Captain... you...” Melissa wanted to advise against it, but as she opened her mouth, words failed her.

“Go if you don’t have any,” Lin Sheng ordered impassively.

Without any recourse, the two could only turn around to look for a printer.

Lin Sheng smiled at the stunned Dean, before walking out of the office.

Since he was a top tier ace, he needed to show why he was called that from time to time.

With his seven hundred-odd dark power count, he could go toe to toe with some experienced Two-winged Darksiders already. And that was not taking into account his holy powers and Crag Dragon blood.

Two Wings did not sound like much, but for the students here whose dark powers measures in the low hundreds, this was already something beyond them.

However, if there were stronger personnel, of course, the academy’s professors would take action, and that did not concern them.

This was a core region of Baine University, and even elites would not dare to so brazenly intrude as Baine University too was a university that has her own Palatinates.

Still, even if there were elites, Lin Sheng paid them no mind.

As he got out of the office, he swept his gaze across the street.

Rows of cars still remained parked by the roadside, but many people in never seen before getups had appeared by the cars.

Their cautious glance were all trained towards him, as the atmosphere was tense.

Soon, Melissa and Bella had printed out the notice and pasted it on the wall by the bureau.

“Good.” Lin Sheng patted his hand as a circle of dark power slowly radiated around him. The already fine dark power was refined even more into the sand and flew into the air.

That was enough to draw the attention of all Darksiders in the area.

“I’m Lin Sheng of Baine University and the captain of the patrol team in this area. No matter what your goal is, I hope that you do not unnecessarily disrupt the lives of the residents here. Of course, you can choose to ignore my advice, but if anything happens, please be ready to assume responsibility for the consequences.”

Lin Sheng gently announced his request.

His voice was not particularly loud, but everyone nearby could clearly hear him.

No one spoke, but a few powerful students simply just looked at Lin Sheng from afar with sneers on their faces.

After his proclamation, Lin Sheng led Melissa and Bella to patrol the town for a bit. Once they were sure no trouble was afoot, only did they relax.

Lin Sheng gave Melissa and Bella time off after lunch as he gave the commanding professor of the academy a call.

He was told that there was no need to toughen up the defenses, but simply to keep the peace as it is. And if possible, to prevent anyone from approaching the cave.

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