Nightmare's Call

Chapter 306 - Experiment: Part 1

Chapter 306: Experiment: Part 1

The exploration team of the silver mine was still underground. They were communicating with the people of Baine University on the surface through communication equipment.

The commander was a professor named Bessis, a powerful but retired combatant from the Moon Basin.

Other than Lin Sheng’s team, another two student teams were also patrolling and guarding the nearby areas. But since the three teams worked in different zones, there were no inter-team interactions.

Lin Sheng was keeping his head down and following whatever Bessis ordered. He was curious about the Paragon of Destiny in the silver mine, but not if he must know everything about it.

He led the team and performed two rounds of patrol every day. And just like that, they had their free time after that. Life was getting mundane.

A few days later, the patrol team encountered the first wildling. Someone shot out green threads and the dark energy pierced through the air with a whiz. Melissa retracted her hand and gave Lin Sheng a cocky look. Three wildlings that looked like golden monkeys were lying in front of the patrol team. On the side was a passerby who was attacked and lying limply on the ground. Unable to get up and was terrified, he covered his head with his hands.

“Not bad.” Lin Sheng nodded at Melissa.

“Hey, captain. When do you want to show off your skill too?” Melissa did not hide her curiosity about Lin Sheng. She was not happy that Lin Sheng was the team leader and not her. No longer a rookie but a little genius in her sophomore year, Melissa had a good grasp on dark energy and was experienced in close-quarters and long-range combats. Although those were just missions for earning credits, it was still a mission. She felt she Lin Sheng should show his capability to prove himself to lead. Otherwise, she could not shed that hard feeling. Lin Sheng knew what the girl was thinking. But this was not his priority.

While absorbing memories, Lin Sheng made use of his idle time to study the research projects of the research institute. And one particular project caught his interest.

Before the destruction of the Sect of Thousand Graces, the institute focused on their study of the shades. But unknown to many, they had actually launched a project called Energy Assimilation Point simultaneously.

According to their theory, Energy Assimilation Point, or EAP, was a part of the characteristic energy in nature like proteins. When this energy was in a certain environment, their active characteristic would become temporarily reversibly inactivated. If mixing these energies together, different energies would have a certain probability of assimilation.

The research institute had actually studied and used a certain parameter of the soul to adjust the method of controlling the assimilation. This was a semi-finished shock model and was far from complete, but Lin Sheng had seen the potential of this model.

Unlike others, he had absorbed far too many memories, among which was the knowledge of the soul in the sanctum. It could even be said that he was a typical case of soul assimilation.

Although the semi-finished product of the institute fell behind Lin Sheng in terms of the knowledge at the soul level, the fact that they could rely on the knowledge system of living people and make it this far was amazing.

So Lin Sheng intended to continue the study. If successful, he might be able to solve the flaw of inadequate soul channels.

Lin Sheng walked up to the body of the three wildlings, crouched down, and checked the heads of the corpses. “Send it to the same place. I need to study and get some materials.”

The two militiamen exchanged a look, but none of them dared to touch the strange creatures.

“Like before, 500 dollars per person,” Lin Sheng said.

“Yes, Sir!” The two militiamen came up enthusiastically. They skillfully wrapped each corpse with a plastic cloth, bundled them together before carrying them to the team’s quarters.

Each corpse weighed only thirty jin, which was light. The two carried the three corpses on their shoulders and pocketed a thousand dollars in total. To the residents of Pine Town, it was a good deal.

“Captain, what do you want to do with these corpses? They are useless!” someone from the team asked in a low voice.

“Nothing. I have been performing live sample dissections recently. They may just be corpses, but I want to see the body structure of these monsters.” Lin Sheng smiled. “Just my little personal hobby.”

“Well then.” The person looked at Lin Sheng with a smile, but deep inside, he felt a little alarmed. Considering that the captain had really taken care of the team members for the past few days, he did not give the matter much a thought.

Lin Sheng was not only talented but he had also never discriminated against the students who came merely for the credits. As such, everyone held him in high regard, and perhaps even more so because they knew he was a genius from the third-class workshop of the Soul Fortress.

“Let’s carry on.” Lin Sheng led the team and continued along the street. In slow mode, it took over half an hour to go from one end of the town to the other. Since Lin Sheng had nothing else to do, he might as well get slow.

The sun was beating down from above. The weather was still hot despite winter was just around the corner.

After patrolling for a while, they passed by a supermarket. Lin Sheng asked a student to buy some ice water.

“Stop!” a team member shouted. Lin Sheng looked up and went closer. Suddenly, a thread of dark energy transformed into a green shadow and shot at his ear.

The shadow did not plan to kill him, just aiming at his ear. Even if hit, it was the ear that was hurt. Nothing else.

“You must have a death wish!” Melissa came to her senses at once. She raised her right hand and a thunderous bolt exploded in her palm. The cold-blue bolt shot out into the entrance of the alleyway up ahead on the right. The bolt hit the trash can at the entrance, sending a large amount of garbage and dust flying in all directions.

The group of rich kids bounced back in disgust. They did not want to get any closer. With the wave of his hand, Lin Sheng turned his dark energy into fine particles before shooting out as a wind to blow the dust away. By the time the dust had dispersed, the figure at the alleyway had gone, leaving behind only a trace of blood on the ground.

“That guy ran so quickly!” Melissa snorted. “Sir, are you alright?” She turned to look at Lin Sheng.

“I’m fine thanks to your quick response. You saved me this time.”

“Don’t say that. Even without me, I know you can handle the situation with ease.” Melissa sounded humble, but her body language said otherwise based on her visibly raised chest.

“There will be more and more troubles in this town. We are lucky that we only have to stay for two weeks, and then it will not be our problem,” Lin Sheng whispered.

“Let’s move on.” Lin Sheng took the lead and walked in the front, but his team members each looked behind them.

“Are we still carrying on?” Someone hesitated. That was the first attack they had encountered, and they initially did not know how to respond. Even their team leader was startled. Had that happened to them, they may not have been able to even flee, they thought to themselves.

“Are there some advanced measures to deal with such things? Don’t be afraid. Let’s keep going!”

“We will lose the credits if we withdraw now. Let’s keep going!”

A few team members gritted their teeth and followed Lin Sheng. Meanwhile, Melissa, unhesitant, was already following Lin Sheng closely.

After the attack, everyone was a little nervous. Holding the ice water they had just bought, they took a sip from time to time to quench their thirst.

The patrol team crossed the main street of the town and passed by a bank. Lin Sheng suddenly stopped under a wall. There were some flower drawings on the gray wall next to the bank. It seemed that some children had drawn them with a black pencil. The artwork was extremely rudimentary, but each flower had six petals.

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