Nightmare's Call

Chapter 299 - The World: Part 3

Chapter 299: The World: Part 3

Lin Sheng and the girl looked at each other and just smiled politely.

The two groups made their way down the factory’s main road.

Lin Sheng kept quiet and listened to the mentor introduced here.

From the conversation between the two professors, he learned that Baine University was actually built by six workshops plus the university itself.

The six factories were actually equivalent to six large factories, which manufactured weapons, defense equipment, potions, communications, construction materials, and isolation materials respectively.

Each of the six workshops brought together the strongest elite students, which was the highest strength of the whole university.

In addition, there were a large number of small and medium-sized workshops, which were the backbone of the school. These small and medium-sized workshops accepted a large number of students every year and trained a large number of middle and lower-level Transcendents for the entire local state.

At that point where terrorist organizations continued to create trouble, this force was the backbone of the entire city’s stability. Meanwhile, the university itself, the real core, was a huge dark factory, a laboratory for breeding shadowbeasts.

Lin Sheng passed by the holes covered with transparent materials. He could clearly see that there were a large number of octopus-like monsters crawling in the hole. The monsters were black and their bodies covered with countless pale eyes. Their thick tentacles thrashed and struggled here and there.

It seemed that the sound insulation was good. They heard nothing as they walked along the main road.

“Most of the monsters here are Darksiders that are out of control,” Eiffel explained.

“Those Darksiders who are completely out of control will end up like this?” Lin Sheng thought for a moment and asked.

In a hole he passed by on his right, a huge black octopus of more than 10 meters long was blinking hundreds of its eyes, frantically climbing up the cave, trying to break open the transparent lid with its tentacles.

Eiffel nodded. “Well, no matter what kind of Darksiders, the initial stage may be different because of different levels of strength, different abilities, and different forms. But once they grow stronger, they go the way you see in these black octopuses. This is their limit state, also their perfect state. We call them Shadowbeasts.”

“Then why does the university keep them here?” Lin Sheng asked again.

“You know, whether it’s Miga or any other secret world, every year, we have a lot of Darksiders trained. They come from all over the world. They are quite strong. But why do ordinary people rarely see the Transcendents? It’s only when something goes wrong that you get a chance to see them. Then where are all these graduates?” asked Eiffel, smiling.

Lin Sheng had long thought about this question but had not been able to answer. Now it seemed that he was about to get the answer.

“Another secret world?” he guessed.

“No...” The smile on Eiffel’s face faded into an expression of awe. “It’s a complete world. A world that has existed since ancient times, but ordinary people never discover it—”

Auldmandiller, who had been paying attention to the conversation as he walked ahead, cut in, “That place is the source of our power, the source of evil energy, and the root of the black dot and the black tide.” He smiled.

“In ancient times they called it Hades, and in some places, they called it the Necroworld. It’s called differently in different places. But all in all, that’s where the dead go. Now we call it the Ashen World.”

“Dust World...” Lin Sheng narrowed his eyes. “So the three secret worlds are the entrances to suppress the Ashen World?”

“Right. The three secret worlds, from the earliest times, were the arbiters of life and death. But in the early days, the three secret worlds had very few manpower. Because the Ashen World had always been stable, and there’s no big threat, so the secret worlds were not so strong. But something seemed to have changed in the Ashen World since a thousand years ago. The otherwise peaceful side was beginning to mutate, and a large number of powerful monsters that were difficult to kill appeared.”

Auldmandiller paused and sighed. “The three secret worlds could not support themselves. With no other choice, they finally began to use the power of mortals and formally imparted their powers of evil energy to the first human Transcendent.”

“So the war continues to this day. It’s getting bigger,” Daisy, the other professor, added with a smile.

“This is a war between the living and the dead. Well, the war is raging in Redwin, but it has very little to do with the Heaven’s Spire. The Heaven’s Spire is at a higher level than Redwin. Maybe there are more Redwinians inside, but otherwise, they are not directly related.”

“Then why call that world the Ashen World? Is there any reason?” asked Lin Sheng. He was getting more and more interested in the dark side of the real world.

“It’s easy.” In a flash of green light, an old man in a white coat with white hair and a long beard appeared on the road ahead. He adjusted his glasses, his eyes calm and his lips in a smile. “It’s because all the dead monsters that invade from there will turn into black dust and disappear. Life and death should not be exposed directly. The power of evil energy should not be mastered by the living ones.”

The old man opened his arms and gently embraced Auldmandiller and Daisy.

“It’s good to see you again, my children. Auldmandiller, Daisy, you look as good as the last time I saw you.”

“You are as young as ever, Lord Shawnslocka,” Auldmandiller complimented.

“And as fresh as ever,” Daisy added with a smile.

“You two.” The old man laughed.

As soon as Lin Sheng heard the name, he knew that the old man should be the President of Baine University, Shawnslocka the Wasp Lord. A real old Palatinate.

He observed the old man carefully.

It was hard to guess from his appearance that this old man possessed great power.

He looked like an ordinary man. There was a little fresh tomato sauce on his white beard, and the wrinkles on his face made him look really old.

“Oh, Little Eiffel is here. And the little snack?”

“This is Lin Sheng,” Professor Auldmandiller corrected.

“It’s an interesting name. Hahaha!” The old man laughed. “It reminds me of the carrot soup I had last night.” The pronunciation of “Lin Sheng” was very similar to the pronunciation of snacks and carrot soup in Miga.

Lin Sheng could only smile.

“I understand your joke, but why the leftover carrot soup?”

“Because it was awful. I didn’t finish it. Hahahaha!!” The old man’s awkward joke was utterly inscrutable. They could only laugh along awkwardly.

After chatting for a while, they were led by the old man into the central area of the factory.

Soon, straight ahead, a huge, circular lava pool appeared in front of Lin Sheng.

The whole interior of the factory was reflected in a dull red color as countless dark red magma boiled and splashed.

However, the most striking thing was not that but a huge woman in the middle of the lava pool, bound by a myriad of black chains.

The woman’s long black hair hung down loosely, while her eyes were closed and her graceful body was covered by countless chains. Her hands were joined and her body was slightly bent as if she was trying to lift a flame from the lava pool.

Lin Sheng stopped for a moment and stood still.

In his dreams, he had seen monsters of enormous size, but those were less realistic and less dramatic than this one.

The naked woman was at least a hundred meters high. Her fair skin could be seen faintly through the gaps in the chains.

“Shocking, isn’t it?” The old man squinted at the huge woman in the lava pool.

“We call her Eula, the Sunstrider of Hades.”

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