New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 379 - Unknown Cupid?

Xing Han paused for a full minute as he seriously pondered the question. His face scrunched up as he thought back and went through the days since they'd move.

It's true.

Nitocris hadn't been teasing him like he used to. Ever since the day he had slept over, actually.

When Xing Han thought of that day, his face flushed a bit. He had been so zoned out that he didn't quite register what he had been doing. When he remembered how he slinked off the bed, then buttoned up Nitocris's shirt ... he felt like he could just die.

It was a miracle that Nitocris hadn't shouted at him or push him away. Instead, Nitocris had been patient and quiet, letting him be.

All this time, he thought that Nitocris hated him. Well, not hate hate but ... perhaps, annoying? Just like how he found Nitocris annoying? Xing Han was getting really confused. He vaguely remembered a really gentle smile on Nitocris's face.

But it couldn't be, right? He must have been dreaming it.

Whatever it was, the 'cold, cruel Nitocris' image was shattered. Though he didn't feel THAT annoyed with Nitcoris, he just didn't know what it was that he felt.

Xing Han scratched his head.

Kyle watched his best friend struggle as the question seemed to stump him quite badly.

He didn't think it would have generated such a response, though. Big Bro Nic wasn't a bad guy and Xing Han was just so easily triggered.

Finally, Xing Han shrugged and replied, "I guess he's ... pretty ... okay. Maybe."

Xing Han looked up and saw Kyle just studying him.

"Okay okay! He's not bad, once you get past that annoying smug look of his," Xing Han muttered grudgingly.

Kyle smiled and?patted Xing Han on the shoulder as he got up, "It's okay. Just be yourself. I was just curious."

Little did Kyle know, he had become Cupid. With his question, it made Xing Han view Nitocris differently.

Kyle stretched then, putting his arms above his head as he pulled on those muscles. Hearing the cracks felt rather satisfying.

Just then, the stewardess came again, this time, with their main meal.

It was a different stewardess this time, and the tray clattered a bit as her eyes were assaulted with the sight in front of her.

Oblivious to this, Xing Han jumped up excitedly, "Ooh Ooh! REAL FOOD!! Not the rabbit food like before!!"

The stewardess recovered at that shout.

She then cleared up the table and placed the meal, all the while maintaining a professional smile. There was spaghetti for Kay, lamb stew with buttered slices of baguettes for Kyle, and pork chops for Xing Han.

Xing Han was practically drooling as he waited at the dining table, the cutlery in his hands. When the dish was placed in front of him, he thanked the stewardess and dug in immediately.

"Enjoy your meal," she said as she walked out.

Just like the previous stewardess, once out, she leaned back on the door.

She had thought Jan had been exaggerating but no. In fact, not only was in not exaggerated, she had underplayed it.

The scene of those tight abs, the slight V-line that peeked through the waistline as he stretched made her throat dry.

It was such a pity that they were going to Country AS.

If it was Country I, or Country Cr,* then she would have slipped him her number or something. It was not unheard of for some of these occupants ask the stewardesses for some 'extra' service.

Anyone on duty for these flights was warned of such incidences. The airline was strict about it, and stated that they were professionals and not there to provide such 'services'. The clients knew it so they never forced. They just 'persuaded' and the stewardesses (and stewards) were free to make their own choice.

When they had been given the passenger list, the stewardesses had been partly glad, and partly sad. Fully booked, but all four were teenagers. Though three were guys, the fact that they were underaged meant that the stewardesses would not jeapordize their job for that little bit of 'fun' and benefits.

Now, however, their thoughts had changed.

Young, handsome, well-built, rich ... aish. What a pity.

She shook her head and joined her colleagues, her hand on her chest.

"Aren't you ever going to put on a shirt or something, Kyle?" Xing Han asked as he cut a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. It was so delicious that he had this dreamy-like look on his face.

Kyle laughed, "I'll put on a shirt when we're about to land. I only have one change of clothes, you see. It's more comfortable like this anyway."

Of course, Kyle's decision was quite popular with the stewardesses.

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