New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 329 - New Year’s Eve

They spent the rest of the year at the penthouse.

Partly as a holiday and partly to avoid the havoc, the Ellen Show made after it was aired. As expected (except to Kyle), the moment the episode was shown, his popularity hit the roof. The Insta account hit a million new fans more overnight, nearly crippling the servers from the sudden surge at almost the same time.

No one knew that Kyle had never left Country AS, and those in Country Tz were abuzz. Now that it was fully confirmed that Kyle was the 'correct' Kyle, the hype was high.

All of that wasn't in Kyle's mind though. He had cut off all communications to the outside world, leaving everything to MIB during his break. He didn't want to be distracted and seriously just wanted to chill and relax.

So while the whole world was getting excited over the upcoming John Wick movie (making its investors and Chad extremely happy beyond belief), Kyle and his family were safe and sound in their own little cocoon at the penthouse.

It was nearing midnight of the final year.

Everyone (except Delilah and Patrick, who were asleep by then) went up to the rooftop deck and lay down on the deckchairs there. Kyle and Kay were sharing a deckchair and had a blanket wrapped around them.

The penthouse rooftop was the best place to attend the grand celebration that is done at the nearby Grand Park, without actually having to be there physically.

They had drinks and food with them, privacy and just the company of the four of them. Well, five really, since Ali was also there virtually. Using the group video chat, Kay had Skype'd Ali using two different laptops.

One laptop was facing the direction they were facing while the other was facing them. So at Ali's end, the computer screen was split into two. The left side showed the scenic view and the right side showed the Elite Five.

It was another tradition of the Elite Five to usher in the new year together, though this was the first time four of them were physically together and only one was there virtually. Kay had modified the laptops, of course, so the video and sound system was top-notch. Ali could see and hear everything clearly, more so since he was wearing headphones.

Still, it wasn't the same as actually being there so Ali was feeling a bit sad about that.

Sad, because it was only natural human feeling but he didn't let it make him act badly. What was important was that they were together now, and still sharing the end of the year together. Music could be heard blasting from Grand Park though it wasn't quite clear what it was.

"Wow, another year has passed," Xing Han commented with a sigh, looking ahead, "Three more years of freedom before I get engaged."

Ali was silent at that, thinking about his Sophia.

"And you have two years to find someone before your parents do," Xing Han commented to Kyle, "What's your plan on that?"

Kyle gave a huge sigh.

"I ... seriously don't know. No, actually, I do but not that keen on it," Kyle confessed, "I just have to start dating."

A collective gasp was heard from all of them.

"Are you serious?!" Ali shouted at Kyle.

"How else am I going to choose or find someone? It's just dating," Kyle said with a slight shrug, "To get to know them better. There's no one I'm particularly interested in so might as well try and see them in another setting?"

"Anyone in mind?" Kay asked, "Like Sarah?"

Kyle shook his head and said firmly, "No. Definitely not."

"Why not?" Kay asked, looking up at him.

"You know how she feels about me," Kyle replied, "But I cannot see her as anything other than ... well, a friend."

[To be honest, I can't see her as a woman. Going out with her is like going out with a kid. I can't see anyone from Sakura Academy as anything other than a kid, unfortunately] Kyle explained [Please do all you can to discourage her]

[I'll try] Kay said [But her feeling is pretty deep. Just keep your options open]

Kyle didn't reply nor did he reject it, so Kay knew Kyle was considering it. He just hadn't decided yet so he couldn't say anything.

"Actually, I'm not going to date anyone from Sakura Academy," Kyle said out loud to explain, "Too much drama. I'll be using the promotional tours and even the exchange programme to meet people."

[Maybe, I won't see them as kids. Maybe I'll end up with a matured woman. I don't know. I'm keeping my options open at least] Kyle explained to Kay.

[Then what about Sayuri?] Kay asked [She's not really part of Sakura Academy]

[Euw. No. No no no] Kyle replied with a shudder [She's more likely to kill me than date me]

Sam took off his glasses, pinched the space between his eyebrows and thought of the huge headache and amount of work that Kyle is going to be giving him with that plan of his. Luckily Kyle paid well.

Xing Han just stared at Kyle, understanding his dilemma. He may look like a teen, but he wasn't one. Xing Han made a fist bump to himself, and a promise, that he would be the best wingman ever and help Kyle.

The countdown began. They could hear it clearly from the rooftop deck, and all were quiet as the shouts began.

Ten - Nine - Eight - Seven - Six - Five - Four - Three - Two - One

Screams. Shouts. Everyone wishing each other that the sounds meshed together. The Elite Five were quiet, savouring the moment. Kyle hugged Kay tighter and she lay her head on his shoulder.

Fireworks adorned the sky, illuminating the entire place.

For Kyle, each new year was a celebration. A celebration of life. A new beginning, a new venture. And a year closer to meeting his kids.

Kay hugged Kyle tighter, feeling his melancholy mood. He was always like this at the end of the year, and she knew he just needed her silent support. Kyle returned the hug, kissed the top of her head and sighed.

Kyle felt that he was really, really lucky in this life.

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