New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 279 - The Kiss

? WARNING: Boy-boy scene. Skip this chapter if you're uncomfortable with it ?

When Kyle saw Xing Han close his eyes, he smiled.

This Xing Han was so cute and pure, that Kyle really did feel like he was taking advantage of a little kid - even though that same kid was the one that had asked for this lesson.

As Kyle's lips touched Xing Han's, his eyes also closed, but not before he idly noticed how long Xing Han's eyelashes were and how smooth his skin was.

"You kiss like this," Kyle said softly, his breath a gentle breeze on Xing Han's lips, as he kissed the upper lips a few times, "Either top or bottom lips, but change often."

Kyle did as he explained, kissing him softly, then laughed a bit as he said, "You can kiss back. Don't just sit there like a log."

Kyle kissed him again, this time with a little bit more force as he said, "Just naturally, don't pucker up your lips so much."

Xing Han did as instructed, and was slowly getting the hang of it. Or so he thought.

The room was filled with sounds of kissing and after a while, Kyle couldn't stand it and pushed back, laughing, "Xing Han, gah. Just be natural. Look, like this."

Kyle took Xing Han's upper lips inbetween his and kissed it gently.

"You don't have to make such loud sounds when you're kissing," Kyle explained, "You're doing it like this."

Kyle took Xing Han's lower lips and gave a smack, the sound echoing in the room.

"It kinda breaks that romantic vibe, you know?" Kyle said as he sat back, his eyes twinkling.

Xing Han huffed, "I TOLD you that I needed lessons! See! If you weren't here to teach me, I'd probably be making the girl run away or something."

Kyle patted him on the shoulder, "She'll be as inexperienced as you and even if she wasn't, she'll be the one to teach you, right? Explore together. That's half the fun."

"So, you're saying it should be done like this?" Xing Han asked, as he came to kiss Kyle, experimenting. First, he took the whole of Kyle's upper lip and sucked as he kissed.

Kyle shook his head, "No, gentler."

Xing Han tried again and after several attempts, finally got it.

"See? Not so hard when you're not trying so hard!" Kyle said with a smile.

"Okay, so now I have this down ... " Xing Han said, grinning then glomped down on Kyle, pushing him down on the sofa and brought his face close to Kyle's that their noses were touching, "What about French kissing?"

Kyle raised an eyebrow, "Are you seriously ready for that?"

Xing Han nodded vigorously, "If I was bad at normal kissing, I shudder to think what it's going to be when it's that!"

"Seriously, Xing Han. Don't overthink it," Kyle said, "It may be weird or awkward at first, but when you're kissing the one you like, it doesn't really matter. It just comes naturally."

"No. It. Won't!" Xing Han said, "I'm so nervous that I'm sure I'll mess everything up! I was already so horrible at normal kissing. Kyle Kyle Kyle Kyle!! Teach me!!"

Kyle rolled his eyes at the dramatic Xing Han then pushed him aside while getting up.

"I'm sorry Xing Han but no," Kyle said firmly.

Xing Han wailed, "But whyyyy???"

Kyle turned to look at him lazily, and replied, "Because we're friends."

"Huh?" Xing Han responded, his mind blank at what Kyle was trying to say.

"It will be awkward afterward, trust me," Kyle said, "Kissing is fine as it's just two lips together but french kissing ... that's a whole new level."

"What do you mean?" Xing Han asked curiously, tilting his head to one side.

"One thing I learned very quickly after puberty, is that a guy's hormones are killer crazy," Kyle said with a grimace, "The saying that guys think with their dicks is not quite wrong in some sense. It takes a whole lot of willpower to cool yourself down once the flag goes up."

"You mean it's different for girls?" Xing Han asked again, leaning back on the sofa now, "When you get turned on, or horny, you can just switch it off?"

"Pretty much," Kyle replied, "It's difficult to explain. When girls are really hot and horny, we certainly want to just jump on the guy - and the situation gets more heated so long as he responds. We're more the 'touchy-feely' type."

"So if he rejects you, it's like cold water is poured over you. You get frustrated, yes, but that's about it. You might masturbate just to get off, but it's more of personal enjoyment than a real physical need."

"Whereas for a guy, it's completely different. You don't really need to do anything - us just imagining it is enough," Kyle continued. Though in his case, it didn't really work that way even in this life. That's why he thought he had been asexual at first.

"Do you get what I'm trying to say?" Kyle asked, "As a guy, once the switch gets turned on, the only way to switch it off without actual sex is to jerk off ... or take very very long cold showers."

"So ... " Kyle began hesitatingly, "Well, french kissing can really, really get it up. We're guys, and so long as there's stimulation ... you get what I mean, right?"

"You're saying things can get hot and heavy just from french kissing?" Xing Han asked, his eyes wide open.

Kyle nodded, relieved that Xing Han got it.

"So you're saying you're so good at french kissing that you'd even get ME turned on?!" Xing Han gasped, "Dang, Kyle. You're such a pervert!"

Kyle narrowed his eyes and grabbing a cushion, began plummeting Xing Han with it.

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