New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 271 - Finishing Move

Kyle grinned as he saw how George seemed to snap and try to attack him.

Kyle could see that within the depth of those wide eyes, there was desperation that Kyle he had seen quite often amongst those he fought with. With a shout, George climbed over the desk and scrambled to jump towards Kyle.

Kyle simply took several quick steps to the back, twisted his body to the side just as the door of the office opened. George ended up landing right on one of his employees that had rushed over upon hearing George's scream for help. Both tumbled to the ground and George, unable to realise that he hadn't landed on Kyle, was busy punching him.

Kyle reached over and grabbed George by the collar, hauling him up. Police sirens could be heard in the background, probably called by the first server that had run for cover. Which was a good thing, since George appeared to be like a rabid dog at the moment.

George, upon feeling his throat being constricted as Kyle pulled from behind (as the collar in front choked him), started resisting. Kyle simply grabbed one of his arm, twisted it behind his back and laid him on the floor. He then put his knee on George's back while his hand was at the back of George's head, making him face the side as he held him down.

"Are you okay?" Kyle asked the server who had been beaten up.

The guy slowly got up, nodding just as the police came rushing over.

"Hands in the air!" the police shouted, the moment they arrived.

Kyle did as he was instructed, looking all innocent as he stood up.

The moment he did so, however, George seemed to gain some energy again and got up, intending to attack Kyle. The police were on him in a second, George howling away and screaming, "That guy threatened me! He was going to kill me!! It was self defence!!"

The police handcuffed him then looked at Kyle, who merely shrugged.

"I don't know what happened. He just went crazy," Kyle said, putting down his hands.

"NO! NO! Don't believe him!! He'll get you! He'll get all of you!!" George was shouting as he was being led out of the restaurant, "Don't look into his eyes!!"

As the screaming George was taken away by the police, Kyle saw that there were several reporters outside busy taking pictures of the whole incident. He was careful to make sure his face was not captured, as the reporters started asking around.

The server explained that Kyle merely helped him when he was being beaten up by George. He had heard George calling for help but when he arrived, George just attacked him.

They wanted to interview Kyle as well but he was talking to the police inside and they couldn't wait. They needed to get back to quickly write it up in order to get it out for the evening news. Kyle gave his statement and the police looked at the CCTV that was installed in the room.

Although there was no audio, it was obvious that Kyle had done nothing threatening while George suddenly lunged at him. With that, Kyle was let go after his details were recorded.

[Wow, brother. That was smooth]

[Why, thank you, dear sister. The reporters at the scene was a very nice touch, too]

[Why, thank you, dear brother. It'll take him ages to get out of this one. It won't be long before that gets shut down]

[As it should be] Kyle said with satisfaction.

[We're a team. Don't mess with the Smiths]

Kyle laughed as he reached Xing Han.

"That's it?" Xing Han asked scoffingly, "That's your 'total annihilation'? All I heard were some whiny screams of help as if there was a bloody murder going on."

"What were you expecting anyway?" Kyle asked as he nudged Xing Han to get up.

Xing Han followed with a sigh, "I dunno. Just ... not this. Seems to anti-climatic somehow. I should have followed you then. The effects were not as cool. Not like at Company LV where you swept away down the corridor like some God of Death."

Kyle laughed again, flinging his arm around Xing Han's shoulders as he said, "If you can get them down through the soft method, you do. You use the method that is fitting for the occasion. This one?"

Kyle said as they went out the door, "Didn't need all of that. The business will shut down soon enough, and that, my dear friend, is still 'total annihilation'."

Xing Han sighed loudly, "I suppose ... but I still prefer the fireworks! BOOM BANG! KAPOW! sort of things, you know? Where's the finishing move?!"

"Well then, the next time I need to purge a subsidiary company, I'll bring you along, okay?" Kyle said with a smile.

Appeased, Xing Han grinned and gave a thumbs up then said sadly, "My poor pork chops though."

? ? ? ?

Sayuri spent the days familiarising herself with her apartment and the area. She explored the area thoroughly, finding where she could buy her groceries and daily things, plus taking note of the layout. In order to be able to escape or chase after someone, one would need to know all the possible routes.

She often walked to Sakura Academy and observed it from afar. There had been a few times when sneaked in at night, to explore the area and locate Kyle's dorm room and the Student Council office. From the files that she studied diligently everyday, she knew what were his habits and routine.

Against her will, she found the file on Kyle rather fascinating.

He was still annoying and irritating, though.

Without a doubt, the guy had a stellar record and worse, he had that stupidly handsome face to go with it. What was it that made him push himself so much? She knew that whatever he had achieved, it was through sheer hard work despite his apparently genius IQ.

His life seemed perfect.

He was born in a warm, loving - and filthy rich family. The Smith Heir. A twin sister that he loved to death. His parents were still alive. He had the Elite Five, and even from the file, she could see how close they were despite the diverse backgrounds of each person.

From all intents and purposes, such a person should have been spoilt rotten, riding on the coattails of his parents and living it off.

Why was he so different?

It did not make any sense!

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