New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 254 - Plans Unfurling

Puay Kiow was emotional as Xing Han was leaving. He had been away from home for a year, and was only home for a week. Though she knew he was going to better himself and learn from Kyle, it didn't make the separation any easier.

Xing Han was her pride and joy. The one that soothed her and she hoped that he would be able to find that special someone to fill his heart.

A marriage, no matter how amicable it is, is lonely when you have no deep love for your spouse. He was nice and kind, but his heart was basically with his two mistresses.

So she spent her energy on her children.

Xing Han had always been the one that just knew how to shower her with the affection she craved. Her eldest was too much like her father. Distant. Her other two girls were not as distant but they weren't exactly close to her either.

She gave Xing Han a long hug, squeezing him tight.

"I will be fine, Mother," Xing Han said soothingly at her.

"I know," she answered with a smile, "Kyle is a good friend."

Rose and Jessica nearly choked at that statement but still managed to keep a straight face.

Kyle smiled a bit at that.

He was a bit envious to see the close bond between Xing Han and his mother. Kyle never had that. Be it as Kylie, or as Kyle.

He did have the bond with his own kids, but that is gone forever now. The usual pain that came whenever he thought of them was pushed down.

This was neither the time nor place for him to be weak or show any sadness.

So he turned his attention towards the Tan sisters to keep his mind occupied.

Each was unique with their own diverse personality, which Kyle felt Xing Han embodied.

Karen, at 19, was the serious, stoic one. Expected, since she was already an adult, in college and working anonymously as a part-time intern at the company.

Despite the fact that the Tan Clan favoured boys over girls, they didn't bar the girls from working at the Company. In fact, they were encouraged to do so for it was felt to be better that they did. It would allow them to be the support for Xing Han.

Kyle felt this was completely different from the Smiths, ironically enough. Kay wasn't encouraged to be involved in the Smith Industries, as she would be someone else's wife.

It was as if the Tan's progressed while the Smith's regressed about this. Pushing aside the strange Tan Family tradition regarding marriage, the way they treated the females in the Clan was admirable. Kyle shrugged. Once he took over the Smith Industries, he'd definitely change that part.

He looked at the other two girls.

Jessica. 17 years old. The rational one but does have her 'giddy' moments - she had screamed like a fangirl when she saw him, but was rational enough not to stalk him or something.

She was 'in-between', so to speak. Kind of reminded Kyle of Brittney Spears song, "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman". That line fit Jessica perfectly.

Now, Rose. 12 years old.

Obviously in the 'highly excitable' category. The one that had absolutely no intention or desire to reel in her more enthusiastic exploration of whatever. At the moment, the focus of her 'research' was Kyle - or more specifically, him with Xing Han.

While Kyle was busy studying the girls, Zhènlín was busy studying Kyle.

During the entire time he was here, Zhènlín noted how serious and respectful Kyle had been. He had the demeanor and aura befitting the CEO Heir. It wasn't just his appearance. His knowledge and skills were also impressive.

When Zhènlín had given some tough questions on the market or business dealings, Kyle could answer them smoothly and to his satisfaction.

Zhènlín also found, to his surprise (and pride), that his own son could also give very good insights. When the two started arguing or discussing things, their views of the business world was truly inspiring.

It was a new Era.

Zhènlín felt that a collaboration between the Tans and the Smiths may be something that would be highly beneficial to both.

Little did Zhènlín know, this was exactly what Kyle wanted. He had already planted the seed within Xing Han, and he needed to do the same for Zhènlín. This was the true purpose of the visit. The plans Kyle was making towards that future collaboration, was slowly unfurling.

Zhènlín was very impressed and extremely content that Xing Han would be following Kyle around at this time. When he had first gotten Xing Han's 'report' on why he wanted to do this, Zhènlín had still been a bit apprehensive.

He was glad that he decided to trust Xing Han's analysis and arguments, for this Kyle certainly had a lot that he could guide Xing Han on.

While Zhènlín was busy analysing Kyle, Puay Kiow simply used her judgment and eyes for that.

She could see how close the two were, and it warmed her heart. Kyle had been the first friend that Xing Han had latched onto, who didn't appear to mind his 'bullet-train' aspect.

Initially, when Xing Han had come home from his first day at Retsu Primary School and started talking about Kyle, Puay Kiow had been worried. She was worried that Xing Han was setting himself up for a huge fall. She had never seen him attach himself to anyone so strongly before. She feared that one day if Kyle was to leave, how would Xing Han take it?

It truly was wonderful that a friendship formed so long ago, was still so strong now. Seeing how they interacted during this one week here only served to make her feel much more confident about their bond.

So she would pamper both of them. Kyle was like a second son to her now.

After saying their good-byes, Kyle and Xing Han entered the car and the driver sent them to the airport.

? Airport ?

Kyle and Xing Han were sitting in the waiting area, flipping through their phone.

"Just why did I need to pack a suitcase when we left Sakura Academy?" Xing Han asked, "I was coming home after al."

Kyle looked at him lazily and replied, "Er, duh? You're still growing, you know. Those clothes didn't really fit you that well anymore."

Xing Han looked at him with an equally bored face as he said, "Er, duh? I know that. I'm just wondering why the heck I would need to pack so nicely if I was just going to chuck it?"

Kyle rolled his eyes, "You don't seriously think that just because you're going to chuck it later on, you should be messy with it? It's discipline, Xing Han. Discipline. It's not like you don't make your bed just because you're going to mess it up again later, right?"

Xing Han looked at him in surprise.

Kyle looked at him with narrowed eyes, "Wait. You DO make your bed, don't you?"

Xing Han merely grinned at him, showing off his row of pearly white teeth.

When Kyle thought about it, he slapped his forehead.

How did he miss that simple detail?

Kyle was always the first to get ready and go out to wait in the lounge, and was the one that came back to the dorms later. Xing Han was always either on the bed, or had something on it and so it never occurred to Kyle that Xing Han never made his bed back at Sakura Academy.

Two years and he never noticed?! What a great 'ninja' and 'genius' Kyle was.

"I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" Xing Han said as he saw Kyle starting to stare at him. Xing Han groaned internally. Did this mean he would have to start making his bed every morning?!

"Ya think?!" Kyle said.

"Man, Kyle, you're my BFF, not my mother!" Xing Han complained.

Before Kyle could answer that, two girls came up to him, fidgeting nervously as they stood in front of him.

"Erm ... erm ... sorry, but my friend and I were wondering ..." one of them began, nervously wringing her hands while her friend was clutching on her arm.

"Yes?" Kyle asked gently, making the girl even more nervous.

"You're Kyle Smith, aren't you?" she asked in a rush.

Kyle blinked, slightly surprised. This was the first time anyone was brave enough to come up to him like this. They would normally just look at him from afar.

What changed?

"Yes," Kyle admitted, thinking that it would be stupid to deny it.

The two girls squealed a bit at that, then the other one hesitatingly asked, "Is ... I mean, are you ... well, is... erm, is this you?"

The girl then showed a picture that was in her phone.

Kyle leaned forward to get a better look, but could only make out a blurry figure. So he held out his hand and asked, "May I?"

The girl nodded vigorously and gave him her phone.

Xing Han leaned over to look as well. Upon closer inspection, It turned out to be a screenshot of him in the John Wick movie. Kyle hadn't seen the teaser trailer and had actually been unaware that it was out, so the picture was a surprise to him.

He remembered this scene: it was when he had that first show-down with John Wick.

Xing Han chose to be quiet and not reveal what he knew, even though he did recognise that the person was Kyle. After all, he was the BFF and ever, so even with the blurriest picture, he would still be able to know.

"I don't know," Kyle said, handing the girl back the phone, "It's too blurry for me to tell."

The girl, instead of taking back the phone, grabbed Kyle's arm and said, "Wait. It has to be you. You're in the new John Wick movie, aren't you?"

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