New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 246 - A Big Announcement

Xing Han and Kyle were in their dorm, cleaning up and locking things up.

The Elite Five that stayed in the dorms had special permission to leave their things behind during the holidays. They had already signed the waiver forms which essentially stated that they would not hold the school responsible should any of their items go missing.

Kay had the same treatment, so Sarah could enjoy the privilege as well.

Xing Han was overly happy as his father had allowed him to stay with Kyle during the holidays. Of course, he had to go home and visit them first but the point is! It was a month with Kyle.

The best thing?

Xing Han could hang out with Kyle right now, for Kyle would be visiting his home as well. Kyle felt that it was only appropriate to do so, even though Xing Han told him that it wasn't necessary. After all, he was the one imposing on Kyle and not the other way around.

Not that he was complaining about it as it meant that he could spend more time with Kyle now.

Kyle raised an eyebrow as he watched Xing Han pack. Which was essentially just stuffing everything into his bag. Knocking Xing Han's head, Kyle pushed him aside and took out everything.

"Look, you really need to learn how to pack properly," Kyle admonished him, "We'll be traveling a lot so that means most of the time, we'll be living out of our suitcases."

Kyle folded back Xing Han's clothes, rolling them up so that it saved space and created fewer creases.

"If you were to pack like this, you'd spend half of the time just finding your clothes and ironing them," Kyle lectured, neatly putting everything inside.

Xing Han pouted a bit and sighed, taking greater care this time when taking out the clothes from his closet.

"Fine, fine," Xing Han said, "I'll be more mindful now."

Then he mumbled something about room service and hotel services. Kyle just laughed under his breath upon hearing this, while locking his suitcase.

"Done?" Kyle asked patiently, watching Xing Han staring at the things in his hands.

He kept looking at his right hand and his left then waving the items in front of Kyle, Xing Han asked, "Which one should I bring?"

He lifted up his left hand, showing a 'Ghostbuster' boxers and then his right hand, showing a 'Batman' briefs.

"Whichever one you're more comfortable in," Kyle answered, "Do you prefer boxers or briefs?"

"I don't mind either," Xing Han said, studying the two intently, "But which one looks better on me? I kinda like the fun Ghostbuster one but maybe I should go for the cool Batman look?"

Kyle's mouth twitched at that and he asked with a serious face, "Why don't you model them for me then? I can't decide just by seeing it in your hands like that."

Xing Han's face looked like he just realised something and he went, "Oh GOSH! You are SO right! Wait a minute, I'll go and wear them. Then you can tell me."

Kyle couldn't stop now and started laughing while hanging onto Xing Han.

"Oh please, Xing Han," Kyle said, gasping as he wiped the tears from his eyes, "I was just messing with you. Just choose one, for goodness sake. Who's going to be looking at your underwear anyway?!"

Kyle patted Xing Han on the shoulder and walked to his suitcase, taking one last look in the room. Everything was clean and tidy, and he had already made sure the secret compartments were securely locked.

Kyle wasn't really worried about leaving them here, as there were already two layers of security. The first was a hidden security alarm that would send him a signal should the lock be tampered with and at the same time, sleeping gas that would be released.

If anyone was to try and open the chest that had his items without pressing a certain hidden compartment and keying in the code, there would be a mini-explosion that would destroy all of its contents.

And injure whoever had tried to take it.

Of course, Kyle wasn't stupid enough to leave any important files in there. It had been transferred out long ago as Kyle was hardly around this year. It was only his 'Ice' disguise - he just liked messing around.

Once they were all packed and ready, they went out and met Kay in the lounge. Sarah had already gone home - which, to be honest, Kyle was relieved about.

Kyle had always known of Sarah's feelings for him but since she didn't act on it, he was content to let it be. However, he noticed there had been subtle changes in her behaviour lately. She was beginning to exhibit signs of jealousy and unhappiness whenever girls approached him.

Or if he appeared to be enjoying their company.

It was minute, but could become a bigger problem in the future.

Sarah was Kay's best friend, so Kyle didn't want to disrupt that.

Kyle also knew that friendships formed at this time could grow distant over the years once they graduated. There was no point in 'rocking the boat' or creating problems - for all he knew, Sarah could grow out of it, or learn to accept it - or, there may be a falling out with Kay.

Whatever it was, Kyle didn't want to interfere. Yet.

? ? Master Shifu's House ? ?

Rheia watched in great happiness and contentment as she watched everyone eating at the dinner table. It had been a long time since everyone was gathered together. Well, even though there was one extra.

Hawthorn and May, Kyle and Kay, Nitocris and the additional Xing Han.

Kyle, Kay and Xing Han helped bring out the desert and as everyone was sitting enjoying it, Master Shifu tapped the table.

The noise at the table quietened down and everyone looked at Master Shifu respectfully.

"It warms my heart to see everyone here," Master Shifu said, "At one time, I was all alone. Never, in my wildest dreams, would I have imagined that I would be sitting here, amidst my new family."

Everyone smiled at that, nodding.

Life was strange that way. When Kyle chose Master Shifu, he didn't think that he would become his 'second father'. In a way, Master Shifu more like a father to him than Patrick, his biological father.

This was because Master Shifu not only trained him, he knew everything about him while Patrick only knew of the 'Kyle' that Kyle had created. It wasn't Patrick's fault nor was it Kyle's. It was just how it was.

Xing Han sat there happily, feeling the warmth of the family atmosphere in the house. Even though he was in the dark about how they came to be, it didn't matter to him. He accepted things as they were.

Except for Nitocris.

He didn't quite like Nitocris.

He didn't know why.

Master Shifu looked at everyone with a huge smile, "You have become the family by heart, and now, it will be a family by marriage."

Kyle smiled, understanding where this was leading.

"Nitocris," Master Shifu said, "I have asked your mother for her hand and she accepted. Will you approve of our union?"

It was generally unheard of for the 'Father' to ask the son for permission, but this was a unique case. Nitocris was the Head of the Household, so to speak, and was responsible for his mother upon his father's death.

Nitocris smiled, which was certainly a rare feat for him.

It caused Kyle to widen his eyes in shock.

Big Bro Nick can smile?!

"Of course, Father," Nitocris said smoothly, easily accepting Master Shifu, "I have long accepted you as my Mother's heart. I was merely waiting for this day."

Rheia dabbed the side of her eyes, as she smiled and then came over to hug Nitocris. She then turned to hug Kyle, saying, "I know that even though you're not Shifu's biological son, you are in his heart. I hope you can call me Mother."

Kyle smiled, hugging her back, "Of course, Mother."

Rheia hugged Kay as well and went back to sit next to Master Shifu, holding his hand.

Kay sighed and said, "Master Shifu and Auntie Rheia looks so happy."

Kyle nodded in agreement.

Nitocris turned to look at Kyle. Unlike his mother, he knew the true connection between his new Father and Kyle.

"So I guess we're truly siblings now, Kyle," Nitocris said with a sly smile, "And brothers must always help each other, right?"

Kyle rolled his eyes and replied, "I've already helped you a lot of times."

"Ah, but there's a difference when a friend ask for help and when a brother does," Nitocris pointed out.

Kyle snorted.

He knew then that Nitocris would most likely start increasing the amount of missions he was handing out.

Nitocris just chuckled, amused at Kyle's reaction and completely ignoring the young boy beside him. Nitocris was extremely amused at the glare he could feel coming from the said young boy beside him. It had been a very long time since anyone dared to do so.

Xing Han, was it?

A slow smile spread on Nitocris's face. Looks like he has found a cute little puppy to tease and play with.

Xing Han watched the entire exchange while gritting his teeth. He didn't say a word because it wasn't his place to do so. If lasers could come out of his eyes, Nitocris would have been burned to a crisp long ago.

Previously, Xing Han didn't know why Nitocris rubbed him the wrong way.

Now, at least, he had a solid reason.

What is this brother-brother nonsense? It wasn't like they were really brothers! His mother was marrying Kyle's instructor. What has that got to do with being a brother?!

HE was Kyle's real brother!! HIM!! AND BFF!

No one was going to take that position away from him.


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