New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 243 - Ali’s Family

When Ali heard Sophia's question, he didn't answer immediately.

Instead, he tightened his hold on her, as if afraid that she would suddenly disappear.

Which, he knew, was a possibility.

Although Ali knew that his parents were much more open-minded than most, there would still be issues. He didn't want to lie to Sophia but he didn't want to frighten her either.

"I'll handle my family, don't worry," Ali said.

Finally letting her go, he kissed her forehead, though he seriously wanted to do more than that. He had to keep reciting several prayers in his mind, to calm him and to remind him about his limits.

"We do need to talk about some things, actually," Ali confessed with a sigh, "But not today. I'm sure you'll need to process this ... us ... before we do so."

He was reluctant to let her go, and whispered in her ear, "No matter what happens, know that what I love you."

Sophia nodded, though her heart was full of worry.

?? Ali's Home ??

That weekend, Ali was to inform his parents about his decision regarding the 10 bride candidates. So there Ali was, walking around in circles in his bedroom while gathering the courage to inform his parents.

He was busy thinking of the best way to tell them, as he rehearsed several lines. He wasn't a debater like Xing Han, or a sweet-talker slash conman like Kyle, so he could only think of just saying it. Yet, he couldn't.

He kept mumbling to himself but whatever he said, sounded pretty bad. Or was it?

He looked at his watch and noted that it was time.


This was the time that his parents would be sitting in the living room, having a small snack and tea before retiring into their bedroom.

Taking a deep breath, he resolutely opened his door and walked down.

As Ali went down the staircase, he saw his parents talking together amicably. His mother was smiling, while pouring some tea to which his father took with a smile and thanks. Ali stood for a while on the staircase, observing them.

They had the typical 'arranged marriage' situation, though it was a bit different from his. His parents only met a month before the actual wedding, and only got to know each other after they got married. From what he could tell, however, they were happy.

Thus, his parents were living proof that arranged marriages could work, so long as both parties were willing to work at it. Love can grow after marriage, so long as they were compatible. There may not have been the 'shot through the heart' type of love, but it seemed like a solid love.

Ali sighed, thinking about Sophia.

Could he truly be satisfied with any other type of love after experiencing this deep and strong emotion for Sophia?

He truly didn't think so.

If he hadn't fallen in love with her, he would have been satisfied with anyone that he had some attraction to. Now, however, it wasn't enough.

Ali continued down the steps and headed towards the living room.

Ali's father, Johan, saw him approach and smiled.

"Come, come my son," he said, gesturing to the seat beside him.

Ali sat down gingerly, accepting the cup of tea his mother poured for him, "Thank you, Ummi."

Ali's mother, Raika, smiled gently and drank from her own tea cup.

Ali nervously took a sip then put the cup down, sitting up straight.

"Ummi, Abba, I have something to tell you," Ali began.

Both put down their tea cups and looked at Ali seriously, "Yes, my son. What is it? Have you finally decided on your bride?"

Ali nodded, "Yes, Abba."

Johan clapped his hands, a huge smile on his face, "Wonderful! This is great news indeed. Who is the lucky girl?"

"Sophia," Ali said seriously, his heart beating rapidly in his chest.

Johan and Raika looked confused. They looked at each other then at Ali, "Sophia? I don't remember a Sophia among the choices."

"She isn't," Ali said, his voice breaking a bit out of pure nervousness.

Johan was about to say something when Raika put her hand on his, calming him down, "So Ali," Raika said softly, "Who is this Sophia?"

"My schoolmate," Ali replied.

"A Muslim?" she asked.

Ali shook his head, "No."

Johan gave a huge sigh and Raika appeared worried.

"This is why I felt sending him to that school would be a mistake," Johan said, "We should have sent him back home, to an all-boys school until he decided."

"Hush," Raika said, shaking her head, "Let me talk to him first."

Johan took Raika's hand in his, kissed it and her forehead, saying, "You are his Mother, of course you shall."

Johan decided to leave them to talk alone, as his presence could cause Ali to be more reserved. As he walked out to the verandah, he thought of the predicament that they are in right now.

Raising Ali in a foreign land was bound to cause problems. It wasn't just the religion aspect, but the culture and society as well. It was vastly different and when one is raised in such a place from young, it would be hard for him - or her - to truly understand and embrace his roots.

Johan sighed.

This was a situation with Sophia was one that he had hoped to escape. That was the main reason Ali had been presented with the 10 bride candidates from a young age. He had wanted to fill the boy with thoughts of these girls, and not be sidetracked by those around him.

One can only plan, but God decides.

Johan sat back on the chair, looking up at the stars.

? Back in the Living Room ?

Ali was nervous.

Seeing his father go out to sit at the veranda outside, Ali knew that after this talk with his mother, he would then have to face his father. Both had their own concerns and he would have to deal with them one at a time.

Raika began with normal questions. Who is Sophia. When did he get to know her. How long had he known her. What is her belief?

His mother listened patiently, not judging and not interrupting Ali's explanation.

"So she is a non-believer?" Raika asked in her gentle voice.

"Yes, Ummi," Ali said, "But she doesn't reject it completely. She's a really nice girl, Ummi. You would certainly like her."

Raika smiled at that, and patted his hand, "If it's a girl you love, my child, Ummi will certainly love her as well."

Ali smiled goofily at that.

"But you know that it isn't that simple," she continued on, making his smile fall.

Eyes downcast, he nodded.

"If she is open to God, and can accept that there is only one true God," Raika said, "then it may work. The responsibility you bear will be heavy, my child."

Ali looked at her, his eyes clear.

"I know," Ali said, "It would be my duty to guide her towards Jannah."*

"You're still a child, my son," Raika said, "Are you sure you want to take this heavy duty?"

"If it's for her, anything, Ummi," Ali said, "She is worth it."

Raika nodded, not asking anything more. Instead, she told him, "I am always here for you, my child."

Ali took both of her hands in his, kissed them and said, "Thank you, Ummi."

"Now go," she commanded, "Your father is waiting."

Raika watched her son walk towards the veranda, her heart heavy. She could see the love Ali had towards this girl, Sophia. She knew it was not going to be easy for him and this was his first love. First taste of love.

In all honesty, Raika did not have high hopes that things would work out with Sophia. There were just too many things going against them.

However, despite her misgivings, she was not going to stand in Ali's way. The best lesson was one that he had to learn by himself. As his mother, she was there to guide him and show him the way. He is the one who has to walk it.

Even though she didn't think they would succeed, who knows? Only God knows.

So, she forced herself to keep her own personal feelings about Sophia to herself. She didn't lie to Ali about accepting Sophia - she just did not think it was possible. When the time came, Raika would be there to pick up the pieces.

She sighed and nibbled on the sweet cake in front of her.

? Veranda ?

Ali sat down on the chair next to his father, and joined him silently in watching the stars.

After a good five minutes, Johan finally said, "Looking at the stars like this ... makes you realise how insignificant you are in the whole big scheme of things."

Ali didn't say a word, knowing that his father was not there to discuss things with him. He would only tell the decision.

Johan turned to look at his son. Ali, feeling the gaze upon him, turned as well and he suddenly noted how tired his father looked. Just what happened during that time he was out here? What sort of thoughts went through his mind?

Suddenly, Ali was afraid.

What if his father forbade this relationship? What if he stated that he was to give up on Sophia?

Just as his mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts and plans to convince his father otherwise, Johan said, "I give you one year."

Ali blinked.

"One year, Abba?" he asked puzzledly.

"You have one year to open her eyes - and heart - towards Allah," Johan said.

"And most importantly, you must always maintain your respectful distance. You are to lead her to Jannah, and not have her lead you to Hell."

Ali nodded.

"If you fail to convince her, or if I see you stray, I will send you back to your grandparents," Johan said resolutely.

Ali gulped.

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