New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 241 - Best Buds

?? Cafeteria ??

Ali gritted his teeth.

It was supposed to be a date, with just the two of them.

How did it turn into this?!

It was bad enough that the Elite Five were all at the table, having their lunch with him and Sophia. It was understandable that Betty was there, too ... but why was Sarah and Beatrice along as well?!

At least Sophia didn't appear awkward around them. She was busy smiling, laughing and talking with the others as well.

Ali's face softened when he saw that.

In fact, everything about her seemed so mesmerizing. The way her eyes sparkled when she found something interesting. The way she laughed which seemed to brighten up her face. The way she ate which was so delicate as she scooped each mouthful inbetween those luscious lips ...

Ali shook his head, moving his attention to his food.

Haram! Haram!!*

What the heck was he doing?!

Why were his thoughts so filled with ... urgh. Ali shoved the food into his mouth, while reciting some prayers to calm himself.

This was going to be much tougher than he thought.

Why did a switch seem to have flipped within him?

All this time, the attraction had always been there but since he became aware of his deeper feelings, the pull was even stronger.

Was this why all forms of intimacy were forbidden? People only knew about the 'no-sex-before-marriage' part but in reality, it was as drastic as 'no skin-to-skin contact'.

Ali sighed.

This truly was a test of his Faith.

It's amazing how easy it is to follow certain rules and guidelines so long as it didn't conflict with anything. Not drinking, for example : if you have never touched alcohol and is never inclined to, it's not hard to abstain, right?

But not touching the girl you are so in love with?

Ali sighed and stabbed his food again.

This is going to be much tougher than he initially thought.

Unknown to him, Kyle was busy observing Ali, noting his facial expressions and the way he seemed to be in some great turmoil as he watched Sophia. At the rate Ali seemed to be going ... well, Kyle will continue to observe.

If need be, Kyle would need to take more direct action.

For now, Ali needs to walk this path by himself.

Kyle frowned a bit as he took a sip of water, though it wasn't noticeable. He was thinking that Ali can't take too long though. He'd give Ali a week - if he hadn't done anything yet by the time the party was planned, Ali better be prepared for what Kyle would do.

Not that he'd know, of course.

?? Planning the Party ??

After that spoilt date, Ali made sure to meet up with Sophia at less crowded areas. He wasn't going to share his time with her with anyone else. Sophia had been more than willing to help him, so they would meet up everyday after class to do the plans.

The more Ali spent time with Sophia, the more convinced he was about his feelings for her.

The only problem was, did she feel the same?

Kyle had given him this opportunity to spend with Sophia in order for him to get with it, so to speak. Yet, even after a week had passed by and they had talked about everything under the sun, Ali did not bring up the matter about his feelings at all.

Ali was too happy to just spend time with her, and he didn't want to rock the boat yet.

Once he started down that path, he was afraid that she'd either treat him differently or that he'd lose his best friend.

To give him some credit, he did try once.


It was on the third day, when Ali and Sophia were finalising the food details.

Ali said cheerfully, as he tried to gauge her reaction, "I'm so glad I have you, Sophia. If it wasn't for you, I'd be quite lost in doing this."

Sophia smiled bashfully and said as she smacked him on the shoulder, "What are you saying? Aren't we best buds?"

Dang. Best buds again?! Ali kept the smile plastered on his face as he tried again (this time, dropping hints), keeping the nervousness out of his voice, "Yes, yes we are. You're very special to me, Sophia."

"As are you, to me," Sophia said, "We'll be best buds for life, right?"

Ali sighed and scratched his head, thinking he should drop an even more obvious hint, "Yes, for life, God Willing. You'll always be with me, right?"

Sophia gave him a soft smile, "Of course. For as long as you need me. You don't even need to ask, you know. As best buds, isn't that the most basic thing?"

Ali groaned internally. Why the heck was she so fixated on this 'best bud' thing?

Sophia turned back to tick through the food choices, her heart beating rapidly while cursing Ali endlessly in her heart. What the heck? If it wasn't for the 10 bride candidates that he had, one could seriously be thinking he was saying something else. That he meant something else.

She had to keep on reminding him about their best bud situation, lest he misunderstood. Or knew. What was she supposed to say? Oh yes, forever and ever as your third wheel?

This was getting harder and harder to do.

Although she did say 'best buds for life', if this kept on, she's going to have a heart attack. Also, would his future wife be able to handle him having a girl for a best friend?

She didn't think so.

Still, for now, it was enough that she could stay by his side.

? ? ? ?

Kyle was in the Student Council room, tapping the pencil on the table. It sounded like a machine-gun in that silent room.

The other members were not there, busy elsewhere on other duties that Kyle had given them. Yes, that he had assigned to them just to get rid of them.

After looking through the stack of papers in front of him, he looked up at the two people in front of him.

"This sounds pretty good," Kyle said and Sophia let out a breath of relief that she didn't know she had been holding.

With the way Kyle was just sitting there, all serious and what-not, made her nervous. The way that stupid pencil was going rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat made her feel like bullets were hitting her. She was that nervous!

"But this isn't the only thing that was on the agenda," Kyle said, staring at Ali.

Ali fidgeted in his seat, placed his hand at the back of the neck and looked around, pretending to be loosening the crick in his neck "It's in progress."

"No," Kyle said, "It's taking too long. You should get it settled."

Ali looked at him, blinking rapidly, "I will."

"I don't trust you," Kyle said straightforwardly, "Not in this matter, that is."

Sophia was listening to the two talking, seemingly in riddles. She looked at Kyle and Ali in confusion.

"I'm sorry, should I leave?" she asked nervously, thinking that this was a private conversation.

"No!" Kyle and Ali said simultaneously, causing Sophia to jump in her seat.

Ali, upon seeing that, immediately was apologetic and said hurriedly, "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to shout. I was flustered."

He glared at Kyle.

Kyle nonchalantly looked at him, then a slow smile began to form on his lips.

Ali's face turned white.

Beatrice wasn't the only one that recognised Kyle's smiles. Though Ali didn't name them like she did. The way one side of Kyle's lips curled up, the way his eyes had that knowing glint in it ... Kyle had something up his sleeve.

Kyle was going to do something that Ali was not going to like.

Ali quickly got up, turning to Sophia and said in a slight panic, "Sophia. We're done here. Let's go."

Sophia appeared extremely dazed but still, complied. She was just about to stand up when Kyle said clearly, "Sophia."

She stopped, and looked at Kyle, "Yes?"

Ali put his hands on her shoulders and leaned forward, saying, "Let's go. Ignore hi-"

"Did you know Ali rejected all ten bride candidates?" Kyle asked loudly, looking at her in the eye.

Sophia froze.

At first, upon feeling Ali's hands on her shoulders and his voice in her ears, she had been shocked. Ali had always maintained a respectable distance between them, and hardly initiated any form of contact.

Thus, this position made her heart go ba-dump ba-dump very hard and she had trouble concentrating.

She knew his voice was lovely but hearing it in her ear like that ...

Then, what Kyle said made her pause in shock.

"What? Why?!" she asked, turning to look at Ali. Then, got flustered again to realise his face was so close. She could see how thick his eyelashes were, how smooth his skin was and most importantly, how deep his eyes were. Time seemed to stand still for her.

Ali had not expected Sophia to turn like that and when she did, all he noticed was how close her lips were to his. He would actually feel her breath on his nose and lips, and he breathed in her fresh scent all over again.

Ali jerked back like a spring released while Sophia turned in front, both of them embarrassed and shy.

Sophia's face was flushed red while Ali stood up straight, his back stiff as he looked everywhere but at her.

Kyle rolled his eyes.

These two were seriously going to take a lot of work.

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