New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 234 - Prelude To The Storm

After months of being away from school, Kyle finally came back.

As he stood at the gates of Sakura Academy, Kyle couldn't believe that he actually missed school. The movie had been fun and all - a distraction after the assassination - but school was still the place to be.

In his previous life where he couldn't truly appreciate how fun and easy-going school life was, as he was too busy trying to catch up in studies and the normal 'school stuff'. It had been stressful and though Kylie did participate in school events, it wasn't enough. Nor could she enjoy it enough.

Now, however, Kyle knew that school time was definitely the easiest time - despite all that he was doing in the background. It was his home-away-from home. His vacation time. Have fun to the max!!

Xing Han was eagerly waiting for him at the gates and they boisterously and loudly made their way back to the dorms. Xing Han, being Xing Han, was busy ribbing Kyle and messing up his hair while Kyle ran from him.

So the moment Kyle dashed through the entrance of the Dorms, his entrance created quite a stir. Eyes sparkling, shirt partly open, hair sexily messed up and his laugh. Oh dear Lord, his laugh. He skidded to a stop the moment he came in and was quite close to one girl.

"Oh, sorry," Kyle said while flashing his Colgate smile.

The girl, seeing him suddenly in front of her, just froze. The next thing Kyle knew, her eyes rolled back and she fainted.

With quick reflexes, he caught her before she fell, easily swooping her in his arms.

The other girls in the lounge screamed.

Kyle was so shocked that he almost dropped the girl in his arms. The screams woke up the girl in his arms, and when she realised that Kyle was holding her, her mind went blank. Instead of fainting again, however, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tight, burying her head in his chest and inhaling his scent.

She was in Heaven.

This scene caused the other girls to scream even more, some even pointing at Kyle and the girl.

Kyle put the girl's legs down but she still hung onto him. So, essentially, she was like a gecko, stuck to his chest. Kyle spread his arms out, not touching her and he said gently, "Er, I think you're alright now."

Her friends came by then, taking the opportunity to get close to Kyle as they literally peeled her off Kyle.

"We're so sorry, Senior Kyle. Really sorry," they kept apologizing while taking the girl away. They also took the opportunity to softly caress Kyle on the neck as they peeled the girl's hands off his neck and felt up his abs as they pulled her away from Kyle.

Xing Han had caught up by then, saw the scene of how several pairs of hands were touching Kyle all over while pulling a girl away and he stood next to him, patting Kyle on the shoulder.

"Well, at least your clothes are intact this time," Xing Han said, brushing Kyle's shirt.

Kyle suppressed a shiver as he looked at the girls who were staring at him.

He had been safe-and-sound within the security of the Smith Mansion during the entire filming aspect that it completely slipped his mind about his level of popularity in school. Well, he knew and he did kind of expect it, but not to this extent.

He didn't remember it being it like this. Perhaps due to his absence for so long, that 'normal fan base' reactions were a tad more unrestrained than usual.

Make that a lot more.

He cringed upon thinking that he was going to have to go through that for the next few days. Weeks, if unlucky. It had better not be until the end of the school year.

"Really?" Kyle was whispering under his breath to Xing Han, "Just what happened while I was away?"

"Nothing," Xing Han replied, flinging his hand across Kyle's shoulder and leading him to the elevator, "That's the crux of it. There was no 'Kyle' to drool over and people were actually looking kinda depressed."

"I think your Insta account got more views and downloads since you were away, but you got to ask Kay about that," Xing Han mused.

"Also, I think the first years were the one who were hit the most. I believe they came here - and this Dorm - for you and you weren't here! Those girls earlier were First Years, by the way, in case you didn't realise."

Kyle sighed, shaking his head.

Perhaps he should look at this as the prelude to the storm? Once he joined Keanu to promote the film, maybe the situation would be similar?

Kyle didn't think he'd really garner that much attention though. After all, he was a total unknown and it was Keanu that's the darling of the world right now. All focus would be on him rather than this insignificant being, right?

The movie was scheduled to be released next year during the Summer. It was almost at the end of the year now and they didn't want to release it during Christmas Time or New Years. Summertime would capture the most audience as that is when the school holidays were on (in most countries) thus, it would utilise the best timing.

It also meant that they would compete with other noteworthy films. It was worth the risk.

Still, even if Kyle felt that there was no real danger at the moment, it was better to be safe than sorry. Luckily, Principal Godfrey was on board regarding added security. Sam did a good job in the preliminaries.

As they walked in the elevator and the door closed, Kyle could see how the girls were still staring at the door. Even when the gap became small, they were busy cranning their heads. So Kyle gave them his Million-Dollar Watt Smile just as it closed completely.

Even then, it didn't block the screams that hit the air.

"Matron's going to kill you," Xing Han said with a laugh.

"It's not my fault," Kyle replied with a grin, "I did nothing."

Xing Han snorted.

?? ??

Kyle was back in Sage Class, mulling over the things that he would need to do before the school year ended.

Kyle couldn't believe that a year is almost over and he had a lot of things to wrap up before that. As a Sage Class 'Leader' and as the Student Council President.

As the Sage Class leader, it was as per normal. Compile the reports of their work and progress, plus the plans to be done for the following year. This was the work that he had to do the most. He glanced at the pile of documents he had to go through from the Sage Class students in order to make the report.

Luckily, there wasn't much to be done as a Student Council President as the council members are still the same. The Secretary, Irene, and Treasurer, Rick, were more than happy to stay. There was no reason to kick them out either as they worked well.

Next year was Beatrice's final year at Sakura Academy though, so Kyle would need to get someone to replace her. That wasn't a problem since the top two students of Sage Class would be the President and Vice-President. Since Sam was the one that scored the same as her, it was a given that he would take over her spot - unless someone new came and scored better on the IQ test.

Kyle's position as President was secured until he left Sakura Academy. Even if someone did score perfect as he did (which was highly unlikely), they'd be VP since he's the senior.

Kyle tapped on the table, going through the checklist in his head.

1. Sage Class reports (pending)

2. Student Council matters - Community Outreach Programme (see #4)

3. Security details of school - (in progress)

4. Community Outreach Programme - (preparations)

Kyle sighed at #4.

After the report that 'Sam' had done and given to Principal Godfrey, it had gone through several changes and meetings before reaching its final form. At least it was passed but now Kyle was tasked to plan the programme itself.

Two weeks for the Third Years of Sakura Academy to help in shelters. Of course, Kyle would have to participate as well since is the Student Council President and there would be two teachers involved to supervise.

Kyle couldn't take responsibility if anything went wrong so he had to step back on this one. He just hoped that he could get along with the two teachers assigned to the Programme. Mr. Andrews and Ms. Julie.

They weren't quite happy with him being away from school while the progamme was being trashed out. Despite the fact that he still did his part of the work while being away, they still found fault with him. Not too openly though but Kyle could get the undercurrents of it.

He just hopes that there would not be too much drama about it later on.

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