New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 227 - Competition

Dahlia was a hit, as expected.

Kyle was waiting eagerly in the living room. Even though he was still talking and laughing with everyone, one could see how his legs seemed to be fidgeting. Keanu was hanging out with them as well, for some reason.

Not that anyone minded.

Keanu found Kyle's obvious excitement rather contagious.

The moment the doorbell rang, Kyle jumped up and ran out. Keanu laughed, his voice booming in the living room and everyone else joined in. However, upon seeing how Kyle ran off but when Kyle returned, while carrying a little girl in his arms, Keanu stopped laughing.

He could understand why Kyle was so enthusiastic about Dahlia's visit.

The little girl was the cutest little thing he had ever seen. She was wearing a pink princess dress, her extremely curly hair fell onto her shoulders and framed her cherubic face. She was holding on tightly to yellow pony plushie that had a pink mane and tail.

The little chatterbox was busy talking to Kyle, who was listening intently as he looked at her adoringly. He had her backpack slung over one shoulder and he gave the appropriate expressions to whatever story she was giving him.

"Hmmm, Fluttershy. Yes, I can see that," Kyle was saying while smiling indulgently as Dahlia pushed the pony plushie right at Kyle's face.

Upon realising that they had reached the living room, Dahlia stopped talking. She looked about shyly and started hiding her face by burrowing her head into Kyle's chest.

Kyle smiled and stroked her hair, saying, "Come on, Dahlia. You know everyone here already."

She shook her head and seemed to burrow in even deeper. She pointed hesitantly and whispered something.

"What was that?" Kyle asked, putting his head closer to her head.

"Ooohhh," Kyle said with a smile as he nodded, then he turned his body so that she was facing the living room again. She turned her head to face the other way.

"He's really nice and friendly," Kyle said, as he walked and finally stopped next to Keanu, "Uncle here may look all fuzzy and such but he is a real softie."

Then Kyle lowered his voice, but it was loud enough for Keanu to hear, "If you poke him, he will squeak. But it'll only be for the first few times."

Dahlia looked up at him, her eyes wide.

"Really, he will. Don't believe me? Go ahead and try it," Kyle persuaded, coming closer to Keanu.

She peeked from Kyle's chest, looking at Keanu who was looking at her with a smile. She looked back up at Kyle then leaned closer on her side on Kyle. She tentatively brought up her hand, her pointer finger out and poked Keanu.

He gave a squeak, then looked shocked.

Dahlia giggled.

She poked him again. He squeaked again.

Dahlia gave a big smile and clapped her hands, her little pony plushie banging along in her hands.

"Okay, that's enough now," Kyle said, twirling her around, "Let's put your bag down first, okay?"

Dahlia nodded excitedly, and pointed towards the stairs, "Room! Room!!"

"Fly?" Kyle asked with a grin.

"Fly!!" Dahlia agreed, bringing up her hands as if in surrender.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Ready!!" she shouted.

Kyle then flipped her, and she landed face down on his hands. So he was holding her horizontally, one arm across her chest and the other just at her thigh. She looked like she was in a 'flying' position. Her whole body was straight and her arms stretched out in front.

"Whooosh!!" Kyle said as he ran up, with Dahlia screaming and laughing.

"Looks like we lost Kyle today," Ali commented.

Xing Han sighed loudly, placed a hand dramatically over his forehead and lamented, "And I just got to see him again today! After so long!!"

Then, straightening himself, he grinned and ran after Kyle, "As if that is going to stop me!!"

Ali and Kay looked at each other, grinned and Ali quickly ran after Kyle as well. Kay looked at Keanu and asked, "Wanna join us?"

"Can I?" Keanu asked.

Kay looked at him strangely, "Whyever not? As long as you're free, you're more than welcome to this madness of ours."

Keanu grinned at that and quickly followed Kay up.

Betty was about to follow as well but Sam pulled her back. He hugged her and whispered in her ear, "Do you seriously want to hang out with them, or do you want to spend time with me?"

Betty smiled shyly, looking up at him, "With you, of course."

Sam held her tight, feeling really happy and contented. He gave her a quick peck on the lips before letting go.

Well, okay. Fine.

His intention was only to give her a quick peck on the lips before letting go. After all, this was Kyle's home. He wasn't going to go all PDA and such ... but the moment his lips touched hers, feeling the familiar softness that seemed to melt into him and smelling her rather unique fresh citrus smell ... a peck wasn't enough.

How could the brief feel of her lips be enough? He hadn't seen her for months and now, not only was she in front of him, she was in his arms.

A peck became two.

Then, his lips captured her lower lip followed by the upper lip. His hands brought her closer to him, holding her tighter and moulding himself onto her. When she returned his kisses, he couldn't bear to stop.

The kisses became more intense as he sucked on her lips and his tongue started to dart out a bit, licking her bottom lip. Upon feeling that, Betty seemed to break out of her trance and pushed on his chest firmly.

When Sam didn't seem to listen, she stomped on his foot.

It wasn't a hard stomp but Sam finally stopped and held her close. Both were breathing slightly heavily and they just held each other until their breathing became normal again.

"Sorry," Sam apologized, "I got a bit carried away."

Betty shook her head, saying, "It's fine but don't do it again."

Sam nodded, smiled, then took her hand and they walked out to the garden.

?? Dahlia's Day ??

Dahlia loved coming to see Big Brother Kyle.

Ever since she could remember, he was always nice to her. Big Brother Kyle was the handsomest and kindest guy she had ever met. She loved him sooooo much. He was her hero.

She had been feeling down because she hadn't seen Big Brother Kyle for such a long time. That normally didn't mean much but when Mama and Papa were also so busy, she got upset. And bored. And cranky.

She tried to be a good girl because Big Brother Kyle loved good girls. He always told her to be good and that he loved her a lot because she was good.

But she couldn't stand it anymore.

So she threw a tantrum.

No one was paying any attention to her. Mama and Papa were hardly around. Her nanny, Nana, was boring and old. She wanted Big Brother Kyle!

She couldn't stop the tears from falling and she kept on sobbing, calling out for her Big Brother Kyle! Finally, Nana gave her a phone and said that she had dialed Big Brother Kyle. Dahlia was so happy that she hiccupped and upon hearing his voice, life was nice and sunny again.

So now, here she was.

Mama and Papa said she could spend a whole day with Big Brother Kyle! It was magic! So she happily packed her bags with all the toys she wanted to show Big Brother Kyle. Fluttershy was important because Fluttershy was just like her. And she was pink!

When she came and saw Big Brother Kyle at the door, she couldn't help but run into his arms. He carried her immediately and she giggled.

However, when Big Brother Kyle brought her in, she started feeling a bit scared.

There was this one person she didn't recognise. He looked big. He had all this hair on his face. When she hugged Big Brother Kyle, he protected her! He even taught her how to defeat the Big Bear. Uncle Big Bear turned out to be quite nice, too.

After that, they flew into her room. Yes, it was her room. Big Brother Kyle said so.

Right now, she was sitting in the middle of her room, surrounded by some new pony plushies Big Brother Kyle got for her. Dahlia was fascinated by them, looking at them one by one.

Then, she heard her name being called. By several people. Dahlia looked up and frowned. What was going on?

Big Brother Kyle, Uncle Big Bear, Big Sister K, Big Bun, and Brother Ali were on their stomach, looking at her. Calling her. Why were they so far apart? Who should she go to first?

As if that was a problem. She wondered why they even bothered. Who could beat Big Brother Kyle?

She ignored them at first, looking at all the Little Pony plushies and finally decided on one. Getting up, she ran as fast as her little legs could bring her, to Big Brother Kyle.

He swooped her up, covered her face in kisses and then swung her around, "My little Dahlia loves me the most!"

Dahlia just grinned, thinking that it was so obvious she didn't have to say it out loud.

"NOOOO!" wailed Big Bun, "That's not fair. Two out of three!!"

Uncle Big Bear nodded as well, "Yes, Kyle. That is not fair!"

And so, the rest of the day was spent in intense competition to see who Dahlia would go to or choose. They did all sorts of things and Dahlia was the judge.

She was brought flying all around the compound - Big Brother Kyle was the best.

She was thrown high in the air and caught - Big Brother Kyle was the best.

She watched them do flips and kicks - Big Brother Kyle was the best.

Finally, exhausted, they all lay down in a heap on the living room floor.

"I give up," Xing Han said, putting up his hands in surrender, "There's no way to beat you in her eyes."

Kyle was on his back, Dahlia lying down at the crook of his left arm. She was slowly falling asleep, all tired out. Kay came and lay down on the crook of his right arm and Xing Han, not wanting to be left out, put his head on Kyle's leg.

Keanu saw this and grinned, thinking that Dahlia wasn't the only one that had Kyle as #1 in their heart.

When Sam and Betty walked in much later that evening, they were greeted with the sight of the rest of the Elite Five, Dahlia and Keanu - all sleeping in the living room.

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