New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 173 - Tan Family Tradition

Now that Sam figured out that Beatrice was the best person to ask about the gift, his heart calmed down. Relieved, he switched off the lamp and went to bed.

The next day, Sam was wondering when was the best time to ask Beatrice during class. He didn't want to appear too eager so it had to be slipped in somehow. It had to be done during class as Betty would most likely drop by the Student Council office later.

But how can he broach the subject?

Xing Han came over when he saw how agitated Sam appeared to be.

"What's up, Sam? You're not your usual 'work mode' right now," Xing Han asked, scrutinizing Sam's face close-up, his face inches away from Sam's.

Sam pushed Xing Han's face away from his, and replied, "Nothing's up."

Lowering his voice, he said, "I want to ask Beatrice what Betty likes, without letting on to Beatrice that I like Betty. How do I do that?"

"Why don't you want her to know?" Xing Han asked.

"It's awkward," Sam said.

"In what century is it awkward?!" Xing Han exclaimed, "Betty is her cousin, right? Why would having her know you like her cousin be awkward?"

"Because I don't want to talk about it with her," Sam said, "Since she's so close to Betty, she would probably tell Betty, right? Wouldn't that scare Betty away?"

Xing Han looked at Sam in puzzlement and started knocking on Sam's head, "Hello? Anyone home?"

Sam glared at Xing Han, smacking the offending knocking hand, "Stop that. What was that for?"

"Are you sure you belong in Sage Class? What sort of nonsense logic is that?" Xing Han demanded.

However, upon seeing the confused look on Sam's face, Xing Han face palmed himself and sighed.

"Man, Sam. Your IQ may be high but your EQ leaves a lot to be desired. Or maybe your EQ is just low when it comes to your own matters of the heart," Xing Han muttered.

"Look," Xing Han continued, "First of all, if you like her then why be worried if she finds out? She may be scared off? Pah. All these fears you have about your bunny hopping away is stupid! If she hops away just because you confess, then either chase after her or let her go."

"Whatever it is, you're still taking these baby steps. Making plans and all that to be logical and trying to get the best outcome," Xing Han pointed out.

"That's how I am!" Sam muttered through gritted teeth, "I'm not spontaneous. I've always charted my way and followed the path I've planned out."

"That's the problem, isn't it? You're not some sort of spy or whatever," Xing Han retorted, "You try. Fail? Try again. Fail again? Chase again. Nothing is certain except how much effort you want to put into capturing her."

"Why are you so knowledgable about all of this, anyway? You've never had a girlfriend or even shown any interest in a girl!" Sam huffed, unconvinced.

"Believe it or not, part of the things my father teaches me is this," Xing Han commented while twirling his finger on the desk, a faraway look in his eyes.

"O-kay," Sam said, "But you've already got a fiancee. So what is this 'chasing after girl' lessons then?"

Xing Han gave a disdainful laugh as he said in a different voice, obviously mimicking his father, "A wife is to satisfy the family's requirements but a mistress is to satisfy your needs. So you must know how to get the girl you want as your mistress."

Sam's eyes widened in shock, "What?!"

Xing Han smiled wryly, "You're the second person I've actually told this family secret to."

"The Tan Family Tradition date back from our ancestor's archaic dynasty which is littered with concubines and all that. However, it evolved over time in order to avoid messy internal politics. You can have as many lovers your heart desires in exchange for marrying out of duty, but you must never give those lovers any heirs."

"Basically," Xing Han snorted, "My wife may be set but it's accepted - even encouraged - to have mistresses. So long as you only have kids with your wife."

"And your future wife is okay with this? And the mistresses?" Sam couldn't believe what he was hearing, especially in these modern times.

"First, the wife takes precedence over everything and everyone. Mistresses are below the wife and we are required to treat our wife like gold. She is the matriarch and the mother of the Tan line," Xing Han said in a detached voice, "As for the mistresses, they are in love with us. That's why we're also taught how to choose the women, then woo and captivate them."

He didn't add that any woman who becomes the mistress would have to undergo tubal ligation surgery to have their "tubes tied" - a permanent birth control method for women.

Personally, he found the whole thing distasteful and degrading for the women. Yet, he couldn't do anything as he wasn't the Head and the tradition had been in place for centuries. The women were even willing so who was he to complain?

The mistresses had a good, easy life and the wife didn't have to force themselves to pander to their husband that they didn't love. The man had the best of both worlds: a beautiful, powerful wife to solidify the empire and loads of beautiful women who catered to your every desire and whim.

Occasionally, but rarely, the arranged marriage turns to love. No mistresses were ever taken. The last time this event happened was several hundred years ago.

As for Xing Han?

He tried, he really did but he had absolutely no feelings for his future wife. They were okay as friends but there was no spark. Even his future wife told him to go and find someone now to be his mistress. Her only request was that it had all to be discreet.

Xing Han sighed. Such a fucked-up family tradition.

Despite it, his father had been good to him and his mother. Plus, his mother never complained over the numerous mistresses his father had. They actually looked happy. It was an open relationship and they respected each other.

It still left a sour taste in his mouth, though.

"What's with all of this stupid Tan Family Tradition stuff! Look, we were talking about YOU," Xing Han suddenly exclaimed, reverting back to his normal cheerful self, his eyes twinkling.

"Just. Go. Do. It," Xing Han emphasized, "Ask Beatrice, get the gift and then give it. Think about whether you really want your bunny, or not."

Sam sighed.

He understood what Xing Han was saying, he truly did. It didn't mean he had the courage to do so. His life had always been so easy. No unpredictability. He enjoyed studying other people and finding out things about them but when it came to himself ... he always took the safe route.

Doing all of this was outside of his comfort zone.

"Change is always hard," Xing Han said, and then continued in a much lower voice, "I should know. At home, I had to change my personality at home in order to be 'the son' that they needed."

Xing Han looked straight into Sam's eyes, "And you. You have to change if you want the bunny. Otherwise, you'll lose her even before you get her."

Xing Han could tell the internal struggle that Sam was going through. It was definitely not easy to do something that went against your nature. Sam had already taken the first step when he admitted to himself about his feelings - but it didn't mean that the fight was won.

Till Sam could take that step by himself, Xing Han would hover nearby and give him the necessary push once in a while.

Why was Xing Han so invested in helping Sam change, you wonder?

?? Flashback ??

"Xing Han," Kyle called out to him as he was busy eating his snacks on the bed, "I need your help with Sam."

Xing Han stopped snacking and licked his fingers clean from the salt of the chips, "What about Sam?"

Kyle flung a folder towards Xing Han, who deftly caught it. Flipping it open, he saw the biodata of one girl, Betty Chin.

"Why do you have this information about Betty?" Xing Han asked.

"Help Sam," Kyle said simply.


"I did a background check on her and she's clean," Kyle began.

"Kyle, she's THIRTEEN! What the heck? Background check?!" Xing Han spluttered.

Kyle rolled his eyes, "Sam's my PA now. Although it's not common knowledge, it will be one day. Who's to say that other people don't know it either? One way to get to me is to go through Sam - and one way to get to Sam is through a girl."

Xing Han blinked. Kyle thought that far already?

"Yeah, but still. We're still just teens at this moment," Xing Han protested, reading the file nonetheless.

"That's also the best time to plant a mole, isn't it?" Kyle pointed out.

"Fine, you have a point even though I think you're over-reacting," Xing Han replied, "But why should I help Sam get the little bunny? Why me, for that matter?"

"First, Sam needs her," Kyle said, "She's the direct opposite of him and I've seen how he looks at her. There's no doubt that he's fallen hard. However, I doubt he'll ever do anything because he's just so cautious. That's all well and good but being too cautious can be bad as well."

"Second, you've got the knowledge on how to push him, Xing Han. What with the Tan Family Tradition and all," Kyle continued, "So you're in the best position to do so. I want him to grow and this is a great opportunity to do so."

"What if she doesn't like him?" Xing Han asked, "Won't he be devastated?"

"Sure," Kyle replied, "Whether he gets her or not, he'll learn and grow. You're there to make sure he stays on the path and if he should start to fall, catch him. Pull him up."

Xing Han nodded, "Okay."

He didn't ask Kyle why he should do this. The thought never entered his mind. Since Kyle asked for help, he'll help. Full stop.

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