New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 832 Taking Action

Chapter 832 Taking Action

Alex wasted no time taking action. Whatever was happening, the flashes of gunfire repeated profusely, and he thought he also heard some screaming.

So he crashed into the window, passing through it like it was nothing, and landed inside the building on what he estimated to be the tenth floor.

The gunshot sounds became apparent, and he could finally determine where they came from.

Dashing forward toward the noise, Alex came to a corridor riddled with holes and found two security guards hiding behind a reception desk.

One of them was critically injured, holding his neck, and he choked on blood, while the other one was trying as best he could to fire back at the machine gun-wielding maniacs.

A bullet grazed his cheek, the wound healing almost instantly, and Alex dipped behind the counter as well.

From the tests, he had understood that Geminae's body wasn't all that tough, aside from his practically indestructible wings, and he should be careful. His healing may be quick, but a lethal wound would still be so if he died on the spot.

"Hold fire!" he heard from over the counter.

The shooting stopped, and he heard whispers.

"What's up, chef?"

"I saw someone else dip behind the counter. But… I don't know. Something was off. I think I saw… wings?" the voice that had commanded replied.

"Hah. I think you took too much to drink before coming, chef. Wings? Come now, that makes no sense."

Alex heard a faint slap before hearing a peal of laughter.

In the meantime, he had grabbed the throat of the wounded guard, as a faint golden light shone in his hand, the wound starting to heal up.

Seeing the light next to him, the other guard finally realized he wasn't alone with his colleague anymore.

"You're!" he started exclaiming.

But Alex slammed his hand over his mouth, glaring at him, his golden eyes suddenly flashing red.

"Shut up. They don't know I'm here yet," Alex whispered.

The guard nodded his head, and Alex let go of his mouth.

"Hey, smart ass. Since you think I'm hallucinating, why don't you go check?" the commanding voice said, annoyed.

"What about the guards? I know we hit one of them good, but the second one didn't seem too bothered, as he shot back at us…"

"Are you arguing?" Alex heard the commanding voice ask as the raking of a shotgun echoed in the dark hallway.

"No, chef!" the voice suddenly replied, a nervousness in its tone.

"That's what I thought."

Alex slowly but surely heard the footsteps come toward them and knew he had to move.

The wound on the guard's neck was healed, but the man was pale as a sheet, his blood almost entirely on the ground.

"Grab him and leave. Call this number, not the cops, and tell the man the address and that there are six perps. Don't ask questions and don't hold the line longer than you need. Understood?" Alex said, giving the security agent a black card with just a number.

"And burn the card after calling. I don't want anyone finding it, or I'll come back for you," Alex added.

The guard looked at the folded wings on Alex's back and nodded furiously.

This thing might have saved him and his buddy, but he still had wings on his back. Who knew what kind of thing this was?

Alex knew he had to draw fire on him if he wanted the guards to escape, so he prepared himself mentally.

As soon as the footsteps sounded closer, as the crinkling of shattered wood underfoot echoed, he burst out of his hiding place, wings furled over his body. The man coming to escape froze as the massive white wings rushed him.

"What the—Oof!" he started saying before one wing whipped open, throwing him back toward the other armed men, and the bullets began raining again.

Alex folded his wings over himself again, taking a hallway to his left, making sure he called out to the men simultaneously.

"You've picked the wrong night to commit a crime! Now that White Wing is here, your crime spree is over, criminals!"

He cringed as he said those words, gritting his teeth, but they had their intended effect.

"White Wing? Who the fuck does this clown think he is?! After him, boys. Show him what happens when you fuck with us!" the commanding voice howled.

The sound of running footsteps echoed behind him, and Alex knew his plot had worked, however lame he had sounded.

The gunshots started again, bullets bouncing off his wings as he ran. Alex tried running at a normal speed since he wanted them to think he was just a person in a silly suit for now.

But when he turned another corner, Alex suddenly accelerated, flapping the wings behind him, as he manoeuvred the building's halls to come around the men. He flew past one, doing an aerial spin, and knocked him into a wall.

The air was knocked out of the gunman's lungs as he smashed into a concrete wall, a weird crunching sound coming from his back.

Alex could only hope he hadn't killed him before the shouts echoed and bullets rained on him again.

"How did he get behind us?! Kill him!"

But Alex wasn't done baiting them like this. He kept this up, running into halls he could circle to, and repeated his action twice before the man they called 'Chef' caught on.

"Stop following him! Everyone to the office area! Make him come to us!"

Two of his men were already down, and they didn't seem like they were about to get up anytime soon. In his ear, he could hear the furious voice of Emerest, telling him to cut his losses and retreat.

But he was a prideful man, and there was no way he would let a wannabe hero mess him up.

Taking the earpiece out and shutting off his body cam, the chef shot forward, trying to reach a wide-open area as fast as possible. This was the only way to stop this jackass from playing around with them.

Passing one of the men Alex had knocked out, the chef briefly paused, pulling out a pistol.


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