New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 830 Reacquainting Each Other

Chapter 830 Reacquainting Each Other

After being brought home, Kary and Alex bid farewell to the former's mother before returning to the penthouse. They still had things to do, but most of these things could be done online.

Alex started by ordering a new phone, and much to his discontent, no more older-gen models were available. He was forced to buy a neuro-phone.

He paid for same-day delivery, and the small electronic device was delivered by drone directly to his balcony in an hour.

This wasn't the only thing he ordered, as he still had to replace every identity card he owned, as well as his bank cards and different membership cards.

Most of them were quickly delivered to him, but the bank and government-issued ID cards would take a few days. But, at least he still had access to all his accounts through the neuro-phone.

This allowed him to order replacements for the broken furniture, and this took a large part of the afternoon, as Kary wanted to help him pick them out.

He couldn't brush her off too much, as she now spent more time here, with him, than at her mother's place. They had never officially decided to live together, but it happened organically.

So, her input on the decor couldn't be ignored.

After spending hours, or wasting them, in Alex's opinion, they had picked a new coffee table, side tables, a new television, and many new decor items, which Alex had protested against but had been shot down.

"The house looks like a bachelor lives in it. You are not a bachelor, and I can no longer look the other way. There needs to be colour in here," Kary had scolded him.

"Why? It's not like we receive people over often. Who cares if the house is a bit bland?" Alex had argued.

"I do! A house should reflect its owners, and I refuse to live in a black and white decor. Now, enough arguing. We are getting those items."

Alex had given up, with how fervent she was. It was no use fighting back anymore.

He didn't particularly care about the colour, either. He just thought it was a waste of money.

But Kary didn't give him a choice, pressing the buy button on his computer before he could argue more. When the 'Payment Successful' message appeared, Alex sighed loudly.

"Don't be like that. Take it as a sign of me officially considering this my home," Kary consoled him, smiling lovingly.

Alex smiled back.

"I'm glad you think this. But I was more concerned about the price tags. I picked bland things before because I don't think wasting money is productive."

Kary scoffed.

"It's not like money will have use much longer if we believe everything David has been preaching. We might as well use some of it to live comfortably until then."

He agreed with her, but buying the penthouse was already that to him. Decorating was far down on his list of priorities.

"In any case, it's done. What should we do with the rest of the afternoon?" Kary asked, throwing herself on the bed face first.

The day had been exhausting, and she wouldn't mind napping for what was left of it. But she felt two hands wrap around her ankles and pull her back to the edge of the bed, flipping her over.

Alex let go of her feet, which fell to the ground, and grabbed her around the hips.

When he lifted her effortlessly, Kary yelped in surprise, followed by a brief moan when Alex started kissing her neck.

"I don't believe we've had time to reacquaint each other properly since I returned. How about a quick shower, and we see who gets tired first?" Alex said, giving her a lustful look.

Kary didn't bother answering with words, immediately pulling her shirt off, leaving her with just her bra covering her upper body.

Alex grinned as he carried her to the bathroom, kissing the exposed skin between her breasts with the tip of his lips.

He was forced to let her down if at least to undress and start the shower, but that didn't mean he stopped eyeing her like a horny teen seeing a naked woman for the first time.

They had sex under the hot water of the shower and didn't bother to dress back up, or even dry, as Alex carried her naked and soaked body right in bed, where they spent the rest of the daylight consuming each other.

Kary had missed human contact during the month, and her passion erupted over Alex's body. He was surprised when she lasted just as long as he did, as he never expected she would last all those hours without a break.

But he wouldn't complain.

When the room went dark and the automatic lights opened from their movements, they finally separated, both panting heavily.

"Wow," was the first word out of Alex's mouth, between two ragged breaths.

"And here I thought my new constitution would make me last much longer than you could…" he added.

Kary laughed cutely, turning her head toward him.

"I've been pent up for a month. Maybe you weren't conscious during that time, but I was. And I'm not into touching myself too much. And don't even think this puts us square. You have a lot of hours of being my sex toy before we are even," she said, sliding her hand against his chest.

Alex grinned at her, flipping over her and kissing her.

"I will gladly do so. But I think we are awaited inside New Eden. Especially me."

Kary looked at the time and sighed.

"Yeah. I'll take another shower since we sweat so much. Then we can log in."

"Good idea. I'll follow you right in," Alex said, rolling off the bed.

They quickly washed up, and Kary went up to her pod buck naked.

"No use in putting on clothes. It's not like we need them inside that thing anyway," she said when she caught Alex's curious gaze.

He shrugged and then paused.

His neuro-phone flashed.

Grabbing it, he put it on and frowned.

"I have to answer this. Head on in. I'll log in after," Alex said, tapping the earpiece.

Kary wondered who it was, calling at the time they usually logged in, but she knew he would tell her when he logged in.

"Alright, but don't take too long. A lot of people can't wait to see you on the other side," she said, laying down and closing the pod.

Alex watched her lid close, giving an apologetic look from the side where she couldn't see her.

'Sorry for lying…' he thought, as he went downstairs.

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