New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 824 All Aboard The Bicker-Limo

Chapter 824 All Aboard The Bicker-Limo

Alex spun together a tale about a new product being tested by Evo Gaming, which he had been on the alpha testing team, put there by his new business partner, Jack Boudreau, and how it had caused him light brain damage, sending him in a come.

He explained how vital these testing phases were, precisely for the reason he experienced and how he was now OK. He even said he was glad it had happened to him and not someone else.

At the end of the spun tale, Guylaine looked impressed that he was selfless enough to feel this way, but was still slightly concerned about his risk-taking.

Ultimately, it wasn't her place to argue with his choices and decisions. So she only said this, "Just make sure you don't bring my daughter into these kinds of things. And by the love of god, don't make her feel like this again."

Alex smiled at her and nodded.

"I will try my best. But life is a succession of uncertainties. We don't always get to choose what happens," Alex said, a look of seriousness flashing in his eyes.

Kary noticed it and thought about the near future. She knew this wasn't one of their making, and the choice had long since been taken from them.

Which reminded her.

"Mom. Have you started playing New Eden like I asked you? You should have already received a helmet since you didn't want a pod."

Her mother huffed.

"Lying down in a closed bubble all night? With my claustrophobia? No, thank you. And even then, I don't really like having that helmet on my head for long periods… I don't know what it does to my brain. No one does…" she complained.

Kary sighed, annoyed.

"Did you start playing or not?"

"Oh, bugger off. Yes, I did. But why did you insist so hard about this? It's not like I enjoy video games. You know I was never much of a gamer…"

"Mom. This is an easy way to make side money. Just do it. You don't even need to learn how to fight. Pick a crafter job, for all I care. They make more money anyway. Just play."

Alex looked at her from the corner of his eye, knowingly.

"Fine. But I don't have as much fun as you. It's like a chore getting into that darned game world. Everything is so dangerous," Guylaine complained.

"If you want, we have a guild and a city, which is by far one of the safest cities in the game. We can get you there, and you'd be safe," Alex offered.

"Yeah, I've heard of it. Kary always asks me to go there. What's the point? I would go from being stuck in one place to another. I would just be changing prisons if you want my opinion."

Alex chuckled at her words.

"There is a simple difference, Mom," Kary said, sighing in annoyance again.

"At least, from Bastion City, we could get you escorts if you want to leave. And you wouldn't have to pay exorbitant sums of silver and gold just to go from one place to another."

"And then I would be dependent on you? No thanks! I can do fine on my own."

"Urgh! You're so stubborn, Mom!" Kary groaned.

"Like mother, like daughter," Alex whispered.

"Did you say something?" Kary growled at him.

Guylaine was also glaring at him.

"Hmm? Not at all. Just talking to myself," Alex replied, giving an innocent smile.

"That's what I thought," Kary spat.

'Sheesh! Almost stepped on a land mine…' Alex thought, looking out the window.

'I'll let them argue on their own. We're almost there, anyway.'

He listened to them bicker with a distracted ear as he watched the cars and roads fly by to his right. They were already close to the restaurant, so the women wouldn't have time to devolve into a full-blown argument.

Alex got lost in thought, thinking about the things to come and who he would warn about them. But no one came to mind.

Everyone he knew already knew of the crap to come, aside from maybe his old colleagues. But he didn't particularly care about them enough to try to force them to play New Eden.

Most of them had been jerks to him and deserved to be left out.

'No. That's not a good way of thinking. I shouldn't leave anyone behind. If I start doing it, where does it end?' he thought.

But Alex felt no sympathy for those people.

They laughed, made fun of his dreams, made fun of him. All because their views and his differed.

Would people like them even listen to him, anyway? Or would they laugh him off, as they always had?

'Screw them. They can start playing in panic when the world finally finds out what is happening. I don't care.'

Feeling the care come to a halt, Alex snapped out of his thoughts.

The window separating Gilbert from the passengers slid open.

"We have arrived, sir. Would you like me to stay nearby and wait for you? Or would you rather call for me when you are done?"

Alex thought about it for a second and felt like waiting for him after eating would be a hassle.

"You can stay nearby. I'll have the bistro call you when we are done," Alex said before opening the door and stepping out.

"As you wish, sir. I'll be right around the corner!" Gilbert shouted as Alex walked out of the limo.

Kary and Guylaine stepped out behind him as he held the door for them, and as soon as they were out and the door had closed, Gilbert drove off.

"Did you have a reservation?" Guylaine asked, wondering if they would be allowed in.

The outside of the restaurant was quite fancy, and the people in line looked like snobby rich kids and important businessmen and women. Yet, Alexander hadn't called to reserve, nor had Kary.

"No need. They'll give us a table," Alex said confidently.

'Does he know the owner?' Guylaine wondered.

As the trio stepped up to the floor manager, Alex smiled at him.

"Hi. We'd like a table for three, please."

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