New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 821 Invited To Lunch

Chapter 821 Invited To Lunch

Kary's mother looked at Alex with an appreciative smile.

She had met rich young men before. This wasn't her first rodeo.

But, usually, they were pretentious little pricks, and she would do anything to push her daughter away from them. Money wasn't all in life, after all.

And she wanted what was best for her daughter.

But this young man was grounded, funny, and hadn't a tinge of the arrogance of someone born into money.

Which begged the question: How did he get this rich so fast?

But she wouldn't ask him this. No.

She would wait to have a moment with her daughter and ask her instead. It was in a Deveille's nature to be nosy.

A trait she was surprised her daughter hadn't inherited.

'Her father was always more of a mind-your-business person,' she thought, looking at Kary.

But she didn't say a peep.

Alex stopped laughing, looking at the woman with a sheepish look.

"Where are my manners? Do you want something to drink, Ms. Deveille—sorry, Guylaine?"

She smiled at him, glad he did a double take, and nodded.

"Yes. Water is fine. Sparkling, if you have some."

Alex nodded at her, getting up and walking into the kitchen.

He took a glass from the cabinet and poured tap water into it. But he wasn't done.

Lowering the glass under the countertop, he slipped his hand over the opening, sealing it almost completely, and used mana to carbonate the water.

If you knew its underlying science, the carbonation process wasn't complicated, and he wanted to impress the woman. What better than a sweet little lie to do so?

With a bit of wind magic and mana manipulation to emulate carbon dioxide, the trick was done.

As he walked back toward Kary and her mother, she noticed the water in the glass was now bubbly.

"Didn't you serve me tap water?" the woman asked with a curious gaze.

"Ahh, yes. But I have a carbonation adapter under the counter and carbonated it for you. It's no trouble, really."

Guylaine looked at him with a critical gaze.

She was an expert when it came to sparkly water, as she had been drinking it for years and tried all kinds of it, as well as many carbonating machines at home.

This was the first she heard about a built-in carbonation machine with an adapter for glasses. She thought he was full of it for a moment.

But, as she brought the glass to her lips, taking a small sip, her eyes widened.

"Mmm! This sparkly water is amazing! It has all the tang of normal sparkly water but none of the carbon taste! Where did you get this machine? I need one!"

Sitting back next to Kary, Alex chuckled and replied with a smile, "I honestly don't know. It came with the penthouse. I would have to ask the contractor. I can if you want me to."

Guylaine's face dropped immediately.

She knew the contractor type well. Once the job was done, reaching them again for anything was next to impossible.

If the young man had come from rich blood, they might have given him the time of day. But as a nouveau-rich?

There wasn't a chance.

"Oh, don't bother yourself with it. I'll try finding it online," she replied, looking disappointed.

In the meantime, Kary leaned on him and whispered, "We don't have such a machine. What did you do?"

Alex turned his head to her and winked, but kept silent.

Kary silently clicked her tongue, her curiosity egging her to keep asking. But she would only do so after her mother was gone.

Which, knowing her, wouldn't be for hours.

"Mom. I know you came for a good reason, but Alex and I had things to do today. Errands to run. I don't want to throw you out, but—"

Alex interrupted her, frowning.

"Nonsense! We can order all those things online. It's no trouble at all if she stays for the day. She drove all the way here, after all. I would be a terrible host if I threw her out already."

Kary looked at him with daggers in her eyes.

It wasn't that she didn't want her mother to be here. On the contrary, her presence was calming to her.

But she wanted to spend at least one day with Alex without someone barging in on them. He had just returned from a month of being AWOL, and already, everyone was pulling at him, trying to get his time.

This was annoying her. She wasn't sure if she was being a bit too possessive or if it was a normal reaction.

But she didn't care.

'Let me have one day alone with him. ONE DAY!' she cursed in her mind.

But Alex hadn't been raised like this. His mother and father would be turning in their graves if they found out he threw out a guest without inviting them to lunch, at the very least.

"We were about to make something for lunch. But how about we treat you to lunch instead, Guylaine? I know a delightful spot not too far from here. We can walk there or take transport. What do you say?"

The woman looked at the young man with a smile.

'He was raised right, I see,' she thought.

"Oh, my. That would be so generous of you. I'm starving, too. But walking isn't my cup of tea. The old knees, you see?"

Alex looked at her, feeling the lie in her words.

'She wants to know how rich I am. How funny,' he mused.

"Then I'll call in a car. Don't worry. It'll be no trouble at all," he said, getting up.

He walked to the pillar with the intercom and used the phone option on it. He still hadn't replaced his phone, so he had no other choice.

He picked up the card that he had jammed over it with the limousine driver's name and dialled the number on it.

After two rings, the line picked up.

"Gilbert Private Limo services, Gilbert himself on the line. How may I help you today?"

"Hello, Gilbert. It's Alexander Leduc. You left me your card before, and I need a ride for three. Are you busy?"

"Mr. Leduc! Of course, I remember you! It would be my pleasure to drive you again. I can be at your place in less than five minutes; I'm right around the corner. Is that good?"

Alex smiled to himself. The call was on speaker, and he knew his in-law could hear him.

"That would be perfect. See you in a bit, Gilbert."

"See you in a moment, sir!" Gilbert replied, a pep in his words, before hanging up.

Alex turned around, and he could see the smirk on Guylaine's face.

"The car is on its way. If you'll excuse me, I will dress in something more appropriate."

After changing clothes from the fight earlier, Alex had been in jeans and a shirt, but he might as well put on something more flashy. If the woman wanted to see money, he would show her.

He could already hear Kary's gnashing teeth as she mumbled under her breath something about beating his ass.

"I'll go change as well, Mom. Be right back!"

"Of course, honey," her mother replied, looking at them go up the stairs.

"Get back here!" Kary whisper shouted at Alex, who giggled and ran up the stairs.

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