New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 819 Recounting The Events

Chapter 819 Recounting The Events

Kary waited in silence for him to start talking.

Seeing that his warning didn't deter her, Alex sighed again.

He told her what had happened in that last moment before the attack aimed at Violette hit him. He explained how he had shielded her with his body, making sure she wasn't in harm's way and how that made him receive the last of the damage.

Alex told her how the demon and Geminae had reacted in self-preservation, trying to stay alive and taking control of him to do so. He also told her how Psyche's fragment inside him was why he had ever woken up.

But saying all this also came with caveats.

He had to tell her how the demon tended to try to grab control of his body. He also told her how he had left bodies in that cave up far north.

She was horrified that he might have eaten them, and Alex had to tell her that even though the demon had been in control, this was almost a certainty.

She was shocked at how easily Alex was brushing over it.

"I've had a few days to digest the news. I've also noticed that many things don't seem to faze me as much as they should. But that is beside the point."

He finished by telling her how he had returned to Montreal, about the incident in James Bay, and about the tests they conducted on him. Once he had finished his story, Kary lay there, wondering how much of his humanity those two things inside him had stripped away.

But Alex assured her he was still him. All he had to be careful about was dropping his guard with the demon.

But he already had an idea of what to do about this. So he wasn't too worried.

There was also the fact that most of the time, he didn't sleep. Most of their nights were spent inside New Eden, and he was still semi-conscious during this time.

Since his mind didn't wholly rest, he doubted the demon could take control then. And even if it did, he would be logged out of New Eden and awake immediately, making anything it tried to do fail.

Kary didn't look entirely convinced, but she trusted Alex. If he trusted himself enough to come back here, then he must have a handle on his internal issues.

"Do you think we should tip off the local authorities of Kuujjuaq so that they can find the bodies?" Kary asked, changing the subject slightly.

Alex looked at her with a smile.

"I already intended to do that. I just haven't had time to do it yet. Let's say the last few days have been a bit chaotic, heh heh."

Kary elbowed him in the ribs, angry that he laughed about this serious matter.

"Oww. I know, I know. I'll call them today. I won't let these people go unfound. I already feel bad about what happened to them. Don't worry."

Kary nodded her head solemnly.

"Good. You may not have been the one doing them wrong, but you still know about it. Your way to make this right is at least to make sure they get a proper send-off," she said in a severe tone.

"Yes, Ma'am," Alex joked, getting a second elbow to his ribs.

They lay there, intertwined in each other's arms for the rest of the morning, and relaxed. The day had started violently and led to a life-or-death situation, and their sleep had erased itself from their systems, making them tired again.

Their time in silence like this was great for both of their moods.

Alex had missed Kary's presence, and he finally felt at ease, like everything was back in place.

As for Kary, her onset of depression was already receding into the far reaches of her mind. She felt calm, and the loneliness was gone, like a shadow disappearing in the sunlight.

They were only interrupted when Alex's stomach growled like a beast defending its territory.

He and Kary laughed after the grumbling stopped, and they rose from their resting place.

"It seems like my body needs a lot more nutrition than before. I don't know what they did to me, but I know that I rarely feel full anymore. But I still enjoy normal food, so it can't be that bad. Just means I get to enjoy it more, heh," he chuckled, smiling toothily.

Kary giggled at his words.

"As long as you don't request human meat from me, I'll give you as much food as you want. And if human meat ever crosses your mind, I hope eating my ass is your first thought," she said, slapping her butt tauntingly.

"Now that you mention it," Alex said before pouncing on her and playfully biting her rear end.

"Rawr!" he fake growled, grabbing her with his arms as he started nibbling her at various places, making her giggle as she playfully punched him, faking fighting back.

"Help! A beast is attempting to devour me! Oh, no!" she lightly shouted, playing the victim.

Alex laughed it off, finishing his biting at her neck before looking deep into her eyes.

"I love you," he said, kissing her lips tenderly.

"I love you too. But let's get some food into you before you eat me for real, hihi," she giggled, kissing him back.

They got to work, cooking up a large lunch of omelettes, beans, bacon, and toast. There wasn't actual lunch food left in the fridge, since Kary hadn't been eating that much since he disappeared, so they made do with what was on hand.

Alex didn't care much for eating a brunch, even though they had breakfast. Food was food, in his opinion.

"We can go do some groceries after this, since the fridge is almost empty. It'll get us out of here a bit, too. Might as well use that time to get some furniture replaced," Alex said, glancing at his pile of broken things.

Kary nodded as she nibbled on a piece of bacon.

"I'll also have to call my mother back. She told me to call her when you got better. She doesn't know you were gone. I told her you were in a coma."

Alex looked at her with a raised brow.

"You lied to her? I hope that doesn't backfire on you," he said.

"I doubt it," Kary said, shrugging.

But fate had other things planned for her.

*Turu turu turu!*

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