Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits

Chapter 6

Episode 6. Possibilities, money and family

Skeleton Soldier.

It is a tier 2 skeleton.

It was a skeleton that could only come out when at least the next level of the basics, beginner necromancy.

‘I wasn’t wrong either. The Easter egg was true.’

The Skeleton Soldier stood up and scanned his body as if he were a human.

After examining his arms and legs carefully, he moved them around as if checking his athletic abilities.

In the meantime, I checked the guy’s information.

[Skeleton Soldier (Legendary)]

―Nickel Life Heal


―Tier 2

―Attribute: Ego/Extreme: Sword 劍


I never would have imagined that a skeleton would see that phrase.

This is a trait that I only saw when I raised my playable character to the middle and late stages.

The only trait that could be obtained through growth.

It was a characteristic that allowed me to receive all sorts of corrections related to the extreme.

‘It’s only a 2-tier Skeleton Soldier, but it’s an extreme. I don’t know how strong it will be.’

Since I had never raised a necromancer, I honestly had no idea.

Of course, I’ve never met an enemy in the game.

However, even among the black magicians, there were only a handful of necromancers, so I didn’t meet that many.

‘The necromancer is so taboo. They are despised even among black magicians.’

Adrias doesn’t know why he set foot on this thorny path.

If I recall, it was right after the death of the predecessor Earl Cromwell.

‘Perhaps he jumped in to escape from reality.’

Karon’s talk also played a part.

When his father passed away and his heart was weak, it was excellent to gently seduce him.

How talkative that quiet, sober fellow was when he seduced Adrias.

‘Well, in the end, I became something like his servant.’

The reason why Adrias dies is mostly caused by acting as a hindrance to the player under Charon’s orders.

Or, conversely, kill while blocking players who interfere with Charon.

‘Anyway, there is only one conclusion.’

I had to get away from Charon if I wanted to survive.

There are many ways, but the first priority is to be strong.

At that time, a skeleton soldier who had finished checking his body approached me.

“okay. I am your master.”

Is it a little bit harsh to call him a Skeleton Soldier?

Besides, he was not an ordinary skeleton, but an Aura Master.

Let’s call it nickel from now on.

“I’m counting on you. nickel.”

– Exactly! right!

I don’t know what to say, but it was a positive feeling.

Nickel, who kept moving his jaw and crackling, suddenly started drawing something in the air.


“Do you want me to ask you?”

– Just perfect, just perfect!

Seeing the skull nodded with a serious look, I laughed out loud.

Skeletons can express their thoughts.

Probably not even Morn, the strongest necromancer at the moment.

“okay. He’s the world’s Aura Master, but that’s enough. You will feel unfair if you die as soon as you become an Aura Master, but from now on, become famous even under me.”

Of course, becoming famous under me will only increase your notoriety.

Nickel nodded at my words and made a circle with her index finger and thumb.

Even that look was serious, like a comedy.

I don’t know what it was like, but it was clear that it was showing favor to me, the summoner.

Now that Nickel has been successfully summoned, let’s clean up and go out.

[Currently, 0/5 exists in the summon space.]

[Do you want to unsummon a Skeleton Soldier?]

The moment I thought about putting the nickel back in the carrier, a familiar phrase appeared.

“What is it, even necromancers are classified as summoners?”

It was a phrase I was familiar with because I had played Summoner once.

That way, you don’t have to bother hiding it.

I immediately unsummoned Nickel.

Then, a black space appeared out of the air and swallowed the nickel and disappeared.

Can I be summoned?

[Currently, 1/5 of the summons exist.]

[Do you want to summon a Skeleton Soldier?]

When summoned again, Nickel appeared unconcerned.

‘Instead, mana is running out.’

It was no-cost when canceling the summon, but mana was used in the opposite case.

With this summoning, mana was showing the bottom.

‘Thanks to that, my chances of surviving have increased. If I don’t get caught, the risk of death will decrease.’

I thought it was a player-only perk, but thinking about it, other necromancers also summoned the undead from the air.

It seems that this summoning space is a common ability for all summoners, as they summoned much stronger guys separately than just reviving dead bodies.

* * *

I checked Angela’s condition before leaving the lab.

She was awake as if she had fallen asleep, and she had about 147 hours left.

Even after returning to the dormitory, I was worried about what to do if she woke up, but worrying didn’t solve the problem, so I read the books I brought from the library.

‘Actions and types of magical chemicals and their combinations in the revised edition of Continental Calendar 284.’

What kind of dog name is that?

It was a book that made me think of living a very difficult life.

‘If you look at the thickness, it seems to have everything… … .’

I felt a little uneasy, but I opened the book soon.

And I nodded my head.

‘There are so many dirty words. Writing like this makes the book thicker.’

But there were parts to admire.

After a quick glance, 9 out of 10 combinations I didn’t know about.

As history is history, there must be a lot more recipes that I don’t know about.

‘But this is… … .’

The problem was that more than half of those combinations were ineffective.

“Why on earth are you making a potion that makes the blood vessels in your eyeballs look better when you eat it?”

This was basic.

There were combinations that had no effect and just smelled like goblin feces, and there were potions that felt like they were burned when applied to the skin.

I wouldn’t have memorized these things even if I had figured them out in the game.

Fortunately, there was no such thing as a doping potion that I often mixed, for example, that worked well.

I’m sure there must be, but when I thought about why there wasn’t, I came to the conclusion that only japtems that are useful to the player are dropped in the game.

In short, since this place is real, there are so many combinations to make, so more bizarre combinations are created.

Who would think of using only the essence when it comes to raw fish right now?

There are so many things to try, from scales to flesh-bone entrails and horns.

But in the game, only the essence was dropped.

‘After all, I can do anything.’

My body trembled with excitement.

Let’s stay calm.

It ain’t over ’til it’s over

Of course, it’s a combination method that only I know, but I couldn’t be relieved until I patented it.

Right now, if I tried to apply for a patent, Caron could be intercepted from the side.

‘In the end, it’s a world where strength comes first.’

It is a world where it is difficult for those with weak powers to even raise their voices.

I needed a lot of preparation to defend my rights.

‘Once, one. Let’s do just one. If you show off things that are too great, there will definitely be noise. I’ll keep quiet until I develop enough strength.’

Coincidentally, the stamina boost potion from today’s class was just right.

As the most basic doping item, it was easy to make and cost-effective.

And it was suitable because it wasn’t too superior to what it was originally.

‘Then, first of all, I need money to buy materials… … .’

don’t have money?

The absurdity of needing money to make money.

After thinking about it for a while, I thought of a place where I could borrow money.

“Is it time to use the family chance?”

Amy Cromwell.

This body had a great brother.

* * *

Lordlen, the capital of the Empire.

It was an hour’s journey by train from the station near the academy.

After getting off the train and walking a short distance, I was able to arrive at my destination in no time.

The shop I heard that Amy was in was huge and elegant.

Upon entering, a splendid chandelier lit up the luxurious interior.

“welcome. How old are you?”

Looking at the woman who greeted me with a bright hospitality smile, I smiled awkwardly.

“I came to see someone I know. Could there be an employee named Amy here?”

“Amy? May I ask who you are?”

“My brother.”

The woman who looked at me with grim eyes, as if she hadn’t smiled at my answer, disappeared, telling me to wait a moment.

I want to leave soon.

A space like this didn’t suit me.

I had only heard about it in my memory, but it was the first time I had actually been to the place where my younger brother worked.

It’s a distance that can come enough to come, but it’s funny that I haven’t come so far.

Looking around, it was full of noble ladies and young women chatting while drinking refreshments.

Standing blankly in the meantime, I felt like filth in the middle of a clean plate.


Amy, wearing a shop uniform, approached from the other side.

Amy, who has a superior appearance that made me wonder if they were siblings, stood in front of me tilting her head.

“Let’s go to the staff lounge for now. brother.”


In the break room I entered with Amy, I hesitated without being able to say what I really wanted.

When I met her, I had no shame.

no, think about it

The count’s daughter is working hard part-time.

What kind of aristocratic lady would work while waiting on other people?

If she was a lady-in-waiting working for the imperial family, she wouldn’t talk.

This was a shop that even commoners could visit if they had money.

But wouldn’t it be easy for a man named Oppa to suddenly appear and ask for a loan of the money he earned?

A guy who goes to the academy and doesn’t earn money, but just writes.

‘I can’t even beat the academy… … .’

As long as he decided to become stronger, studying magic and training at the academy was the fastest way.

Even though I was a third-year student, I had to prepare for graduation in two more years.

“What is it? How long have we been seeing each other?”

Amy looked at me with sparkling eyes, unaware of my speed.

Come to think of it, it was always like this.

This guy stayed by Adrias’ side and supported him no matter what kind of fool he did.

Ah, guilt seems to come out of my mouth.

“Sorry. I don’t get it often.”

“huh? uh uh… … .”

My words must have been abrupt, Amy answered with a puzzled expression.

However, it soon turned into a suspicious expression.

“What else are you asking for?”

“Oh hmm. That’s it. I need some money… … .”

I can’t speak any more.

Feelings of shame and guilt soared to the sky.

I just have to find another way. I can’t open my hands to Amy.

“Eh. Then it is. Wait a minute.”

“Oh Amy. It’s just fine. It’s just what I’ve said.”

“Why not be like an older brother? Stay still. I’ll be back soon.”

As she left the break room, I folded my outstretched hands in dismay.

Unconditionally unconditionally, this potion must hit at least a medium beat.

“Don’t let a drop of water get on my brother’s hand… … .”

Come to think of it, it was the first family I ever had.

When I was Kim Jinhwan, I had no family.

I was an orphan and everyone around me was just a competitor.

In the meantime, he enlisted under the guise of resources for a special forces project secretly implemented by the government.

The colleagues I met there were the only ones who felt like family, but most of them died during the operation.

‘If you think like that, there’s no difference between there and here.’

It was not different from living the same life.

maybe this place is better

At least I had a goal unlike before.

‘Survive. And if it’s possible, I’ll have to live with it. Amy makes me happy unconditionally.’

Then the door to the break room opened again and Amy returned.

“Now here.”

Amy’s hands were rough as she handed over the money envelope.

When I saw it, strong emotions welled up in my body.

Those feelings were anger toward me and guilt toward Amy.


I barely suppressed my emotions and got the money.

“thanks. I will definitely call and return it.”

“it’s okay. I can’t do that. Don’t go hungry.”

Suddenly, her gaze landed on my hand.


“huh. why?”

“Where is the ring?”

“… … .”

what should i answer

As I hesitate to answer for a moment, Amy’s eyes widen.

The atmosphere was unusual.

“I left it for a while in the dormitory.”

“no way… … isn’t it?”

she said in a trembling voice.

Then he grabbed my arm and shook his head.

“Isn’t it? right? No matter how big the brother is, the ring… … .”

I tried to move on to lies, but I couldn’t bear to make excuses because I felt like I had already committed too many sins.

Amy, whose eyes turned red as if she had read my expression, cried out sadly.

“Please tell me no. Where is the ring now?”


“Tell me quickly!”

“that is… … .”

How do you say it was spent buying a corpse?

I couldn’t answer at all.

“… … get out.”


“get out. Get out now. And don’t come back. You don’t even have to give me money back.”

“I will get it back soon… … .”


Amy didn’t listen to my excuses and walked out of the break room.

The Amy in my memory had never been so angry in her life.

My heart was numb.

Is this emotion Kim Jin-hwan’s or Adrias’?


My heart was filled with lamentation and regret.

If I can make money from potions, I have to get the ring back first.

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