Necromancer Survival

Chapter 403

Chapter 403

Chapter 403

Dawon, meeting my narrowed gaze, looked at me for a moment, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's nothing." I didn't answer Dawon and just bowed my head. I wanted to hide my slightly annoyed expression.

Seo Dawon was a famous celebrity even before he met me; the first time I saw his face, it was on the main page of a portal website. 1 Users were usually only seen in the dungeon section, but Seo Dawon was a well-known figure who occasionally appeared in the entertainment section as well.

He had dated a national sports star and other celebrities as well.'

And there were also a lot of dating pictures

Most of the pictures were taken from such a far distance that it was hard to even recognize Seo Dawon, but the people by his side were just so recognizable.

[Famous User Mo' has a dating history with women that would make you dumbfounded.] 2

Before dating Dawon, I thought those sort of headlines were experiences and stories from a world different from mine. However, as I got closer to him, those things became more and more like thorns in my heart.

So, the more I began to like Dawon, the more I desperately pushed himthose thoughtsaway. Because everything I had seen or heard added to my fear that I could become like *them.*

"Did you lose your appetite all of a sudden?"


However, I couldn't help liking Dawon. I was so worried about when this would end, but I was so happy in this moment

Like a dream that'll disappear when I wake up.'

Even this momentfacing him while eatingfelt strangely unrealistic. But, whenever I was immersed in these thoughts, Dawon would freeze, astutely aware of my feelings.

Even now, Dawon stared at me, hands paused in the air. How did he manage to notice so quickly when I was in these depressed moods?

"Hooo" I sighed deeply and deliberately adopted an even more sullen expression on my face. I attacked with a joking pout, "You've been here before with others haven't you?"

However, Dawon didn't laugh, "No. I've never been here with anyone else."

I thought he would just smile my words off as usual, so I was taken aback when Dawon looked serious and emphasized his words, "There's no one else but you, Lee-kyung-ah."

My heart felt like it would melt at that one sentence.

I suppose that's how Dawon had always been. He would delight in holding hands with me, even though he'd probably been with this or that woman. He wouldn't put on airs and profess his love for me straightforwardly. Although at first he would make hard to eat messes, Dawon would cook for me.

Dawon didn't treat me with well-worn manners that he had honed from dating many people. He always persuaded and seduced me with sincere actionsat times, even appearing naive.

After recalling all this, I apologized to Dawon, who was still sitting up straight with tension lining his body.

"Sorry, suddenly Iwas lost in thought."

Only then did Dawon smile, as if he was relieved. He said playfully, "I'll have to keep going around with you until you don't think that way."


"Yeah. I was thinking we could go clothes shopping for you."

However, I started to feel a bit tired when he brought up the idea of shopping. Since I started dating Dawon, he had always excessively given me many things, using various excuses.

I shook my head and said, "I haven't even had the chance to wear what you bought me last week."

"You don't necessarily buy clothes just to wear them."


Dawon sometimes said things that went beyond my middle-class way of thinking.

Despite knowing that I didn't agree, he shamelessly persisted, "If it doesn't suit you, I won't buy it for you."


I've been bought over by those words in the pastbuying this or that after trying on various clothes. However, once more, we eventually made our way to the department store after leaving the restaurant.

* * *

"There's only two pieces from this collection in all of Korea"

At the department store, VIPs could shop by looking at catalogs in a designated area and requesting items, which proxy shoppers would then bring. I learned this fact while shopping with Dawon.

Dawon was pretending to be carefully selecting several pairs of shoes for me to wear, but he made me feel hot underneath my collar when he personally placed the shoes on my feet.

He picked out so many pairs just so he could do this.'

Dawon's expressions of affection, which I never got used to despite experiencing them several times, were more uncomfortable than pleasant. He really acted super cute as he placed the shoes on my feet, but sometimes this affection went further than mere loving gesturesalmost as if he was worshiping me.

Whenever I saw him acting this wayespecially since it really didn't fit his image, I felt strange. Dawon has acted this way towards me ever since he saw medisheartenedin front of the Dungeon entrance So honestly, at first, I wondered if he was hiding an ulterior motive during our interactions.

But I was left without a moment to indulge in these brief thoughts; Dawon-ie grabbed my attention by gripping my knees.

"Huh?" I asked.

"They're all so pretty. What do you think?"

"They look pretty similar to me," I answered honestly. I didn't have an eye for aesthetics. However, Dawon didn't care about my lukewarm response and instead brought another tray of accessories into the room.

In this way, I tried on neckties, watches, rings, bags, and the like dozens of timeseach time Dawon personally handled them.

As a result, the proxy shoppers didn't come near methey seemed afraid to touch me. But that didn't mean they didn't sneak interested glances at us from behind.

"I'm exhausted, Seo Dawon"

"Already? Alright."

As expected, when overwhelmed it's best to fake illness. But, even today, Dawon bought everything on the tray. I sighed deeply, but that sigh disappeared the moment Dawon hugged me and picked me up. Honestlyisn't he embarrassed? There's so many people around us..!

"L-let me down!"

"You said you were tired. How are you going to walk if you're tired?"

"I can walk!"

However, Dawon-ie chuckled mischievously and continued to carry me in his arms.

Fortunately, no one else got on the elevator to the parking lot, but I was nervous the whole timeI was afraid the doors might open. Oblivious to my feelings, Dawon kissed my blushing cheeks. I grabbed his hair tightly. "Don't do that! Seriously"

"Am I acting like a pervert?" Dawon, who even twisted others' words to his advantage, chuckled and insistently kissed my lips.

It was only when he briefly pulled away that I could push him away. I looked around hurriedly and quietly shouted, "Enough..! What are you going to do if we're photographed again!"

"I even gave them such a good pose I'll sue if no photographs emerge."

"Argh, seriously!" I lowered my head into Dawon's chest, feeling the need to hide my suddenly flushed face. How did he consider being photographed a natural occurrence?

* * *


On my way home, I searched up Seo Dawon' just in case As expected, an article had been written less than 30 minutes after our shopping trip.

[Red Lotus guild master, Seo Dawon, a certified romantic]

Fortunately, it didn't seem like any photos had been taken of our rendezvous in the parking lot, but the article listed everything Seo Dawon had bought for me today. And as expected, most of the comments below were hateful.

[Gay, blergh]

[Fuck, the reality is hitting me The pair of shoes that a gay dude is wearing is more expensive than my salary.]

[lolol, he's selling his body at a high price.]

"Are you searching for articles again?" Dawon gently shifted my attention from the phone to him.

I looked up and stared at him, "I won't look at them."

"Mmm. We're almost home."

Since meeting Seo Dawon, my life has become anything but ordinary. Now, when one searches for Seo Dawon,' my name also appears as a related search term. And when you search for my name, public information such as my age, schools I've graduated from, occupation, and level are also displayed.

However, Dawon never paid much attention to any of that. Instead, he always diverted my attention away so I wouldn't take them too seriously. He would ask about what we would eat today or what we would do tomorrow, rather than dwelling on hateful comments or the like.

Therefore, I

"Do you want to go see a movie next time?"

"Should we? Ahthere was something I wanted to watch."

"What is it?"

"I can't remember the title, but the protagonist"

As long as Dawon-ie was by my side, I was fine with anything.

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TL: The uneasy happiness continues >.<

Also, can I just say? I would hate to have people shop for me at a mall. Like, dang, part of the mall experience is window shopping lmao.

  1. Think Naver, Daum etc
  2. can be literally translated as "enough to make your tongue stick out," but it essentially means that you'll be utterly astonished.

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