Necromancer Survival

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

I’m speechless. Of course, I was someone who couldn’t act upon non-existent feelings. But maybe Seo Dawon…

However, Seo Dawon–who I have no idea what he made what of my silence–adorned an inexplicable smile before drawing me to his chest. Before I was made to hug him again, I managed to push at his chest, stopping him by creating some distance between us.


However, even after stopping him, I could not say what I wanted to ask with ease. Questions like: Why did you kiss me? Is it because you have feelings for me? What would you like to happen in the future…?

But, while I stammered, Seo Dawon reached out and began stroking my messy hair once again. He, in a faultlessly calm manner, said, “Trying to do something when there is nothing is impossible so don’t even dream about it

Of course, his tone was flutteringly quiet, but the content didn’t seem so sweet. Somehow, I felt threatened, so I flinched before looking at him. Seo Dawon was staring straight back, with that same inexplicable smile that I couldn’t read–did that smile herald his good or bad mood?

“Why didn’t you ‘command’ me when I told you to in the first place?”


“Then, I could’ve stopped if you had told me to stop…”

I couldn’t understand at all what Seo Dawon was saying, but I got the feeling that he genuinely felt some pity and sympathy for me. However, before I could further ask about its meaning, Seo Dawon stood up while holding me. He then carried me to my room. “Sleep well.”

“Hey, wait a bit… I still–!”

“Let’s talk about the rest tomorrow. You’re [sleepy now], right?”

I tried in my own ways to stop him from leaving, but as soon as he finished speaking, unbearable sleepiness hit me as if someone had slammed the back of my head.

Belatedly, I could see the faint silhouette of Lackey chasing after me into the room; soon, I felt the soft feel of a blanket on my cheek. I tried to swear at him, “Crazy bastard!” But, opening my mouth to do that was my last memory before passing out.

* * *

I woke up and looked down at Lackey’s rounded back burrowed into my arms and quickly remembered all that had happened last night. As I was returning to my senses, I ran, loudly thumping, to open the door and sprinted into the umami-scented kitchen.

“Hey, Seo Dawon!”

“…..Now, you even search only for hyung as soon as you wake up.”

However, the person cooking was Jung Garam and not the Mage. The young Assassin looked back at me with a slightly sulky expression and not his usual sly grin.

Since Seo Dawon was always the one who cooked, I was so sure he’d be there… Feeling a bit embarrassed, I relaxed my frown and asked Jung Garam, “Huh? Ah… It’s nothing–where’s Seo Dawon?”


Slam–! Jung Garam’s lips stuck out even more as he dropped the egg-fried rice down on the table.

Pushed by the momentum of his glare, I sat at the table for now. “Mmm…”

It seems as if Jung Garam had cooked it himself. Honestly, I felt a bit sorry to compare them, but compared to what Seo Dawon usually made the dish was a bit clumsy.

Jung Garam, sitting across from me, glared with his eyes, “Is Dawon hyung’s food more delicious or mine?”

“… B-Both are tasty…”

“…… You’ve improved your social perception.” 1

That… wouldn’t everyone improve in front of an Assassin wielding a knife? Eventually, with a teary face, I ate all of the salty and bitter egg fried rice.

Perhaps his mood was lightened, Jung Garam cut an apple for dessert when I finished breakfast. Fortunately, it was peeled normally so I could rinse my mouth with its taste.

When Jung Garam’s pouting lips had finally returned to its original shape, I carefully asked again, “About Seo Dawon…”

“Ah, stop talking about Seo Dawon hyung. No, that hyung isn’t even a hyung anymore–he’s now just ‘Seo Dawon-ssi.'”

Bewildered by the extreme response, I asked, “Why… Did you guys fight yesterday?”

“……” Jung Garam stopped talking and turned bemused eyes towards me.


“Hyung and I were going to share a pizza, right?”

“Uh? Can you eat food?”

“But, Hyung waited in front of the front gates and ate it all by himself.”


“Trusting hyung, I just waited with a raised fork.”


For some reason…I don’t think he’s actually talking about pizza… After speculating that the relationship between these two seemed to have soured because of me, I shut up despite my complicated feelings.

Jung Garam didn’t seem to intend to speak clearly, considering his roundabout pizza talk. Crunching sounds filled the silence between us.

“Did your fever get any better?” Suddenly, the door that connected the utility room and the kitchen opened, and Kim Olim came in. The words came out of nowhere, but it seemed like they were directed at me–I nodded.

“So, that means you’re in a normal condition right now…” With that said, Kim Olim glanced at me out of the corners of her eyes and murmured something incomprehensible. Then, with a pleading tone, she continued, “Necromancer. When you make important decisions, you must first check your condition.”

“Uh? Uh… What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“Whether you ate well, you slept enough, or to check for any aches in your body…It wouldn’t be considered too late to make the decision after first checking on your physical status.”

“Mmm… T-That’s true…” I nodded without much thought, because what she said was just so fundamental. At my words, Kim Olim’s frowning expression relaxed.

However, before she could continue speaking, I could feel a chilling touch on the back of my nape, “Did you sleep well?”




I didn’t know since when he stood behind me, but Seo Dawon began to speak affectionately, silently touching my neck from behind.

Unlike me, who jumped straight up in surprise, Kim Olim and Jung Garam stared at Seo Dawon with a hostile expression. The atmosphere became sensitive enough to overshadow the awkwardness of the jump.

‘Just…Why are they like this…’

Wasn’t the vibe pretty good around the three of them just yesterday?

However, from then until now, Seo Dawon’s mood became more lighthearted than dirty, and the other two were full of dissatisfaction with the Mage.

Disregarding them, Seo Dawon bowed his head towards me and placed a kiss on my cheek, as if he were displaying for the others to see. Everything felt so natural, I lost the timing to push him away.

“Y-You…what…” I stuttered.

“Did you eat well?”

“The food was…No, the food isn’t the issue here!”

“So shy…” Seo Dawon smiled, as if he were looking at something super cute… I got goosebumps from his unusual attitude and retreated three steps from him. What’s wrong with him!

“Ah…how annoying.” Of course, Jung Garam did not remain a peaceful observer. Kim Olim stepped between me and the Mage and blocked him from approaching me.

Additionally, Jung Garam, with a completely angry expression, skewered the marble table with a fruit knife and began to interrogate Seo Dawon, “You used [Mind Control] on Choi Lee-kyung. Correct?”


“Don’t make me laugh. Choi Lee-kyung had always been scared of hyung.”


“Hyung is… Hyung isn’t in a position to be able to criticize Koo Hui-seo.”

“Is that so?” Seo Dawon, adopting a cheeky expression, responded half-heartedly to Jung Garam.

Frozen, I could only watch the back and forth conflict, ‘But, what’s [Mind Control]…?’

Meanwhile, Kim Olim suddenly turned back at me and asked, “Choi Lee-kyung. Didn’t you feel any indications of Seo Dawon using any skills on you yesterday?”


“Have you suddenly thought that Seo Dawon was attractive? Or have you felt like your breath hitched around him?”


Honestly, I felt that a few times, but I stuttered, unable to properly explain.

Kim Olim squinted, “As expected… Inappropriate methods must have been used.” Then, looking at Seo Dawon once more, she spoke in a contemptuous tone, “Trying to possess someone by manipulating their mind… Are you insane?”

It was as if they couldn’t believe that I would like Seo Dawon if I were sane.

Seo Dawon shrugged, holding back his laughter–it felt like he was teasing me and the others. “It’s possible that Lee-kyung-ie might like me.”

“As if.”

“Don’t give me that bullcrap!”

Kim Olim and Jung Garam responded to Seo Dawon’s sarcastic remarks simultaneously.

TL: Kim Olim and Jung Garam would be the woman in this meme. Seo Dawon is the corpse she’s carrying behind her.

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