Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 307: The Dragonkind Frontline Outpost Dungeon Becomes A Stronghold

Mo Xinghe stood at the entrance of the archives, drawing curious glances from those nearby. He was a rare sight at the institute, and his unexpected presence could only mean one thing—something important was about to unfold.

"Dean Mo seems to be waiting for someone."

"Who in the institute could warrant such attention from Dean Mo?"

"Don't you want to know who it is?"

As they speculated, Lin Moyu emerged from the archives. After a month of reflection, his aura had grown more refined and composed. The sharpness and battle-worn edge that once clung to him had softened, replaced by a steady calm.

The students quickly realized who Mo Xinghe had been waiting for.

"No surprise there. Lin Moyu is the only one worthy of Dean Mo’s personal attention."

"Lin Moyu is a godly general, just like Dean Mo."

"I wonder what this meeting is about. Dean Mo looks serious."

"Can you blame him? The Dragonkind are acting out on the Dimensional Battlefield. Several skirmishes have already broken out between them and our forces, and the casualty reports keep coming in. We might be called to the battlefield soon."

The group continued their whispered discussions. Over the past month, the Dragonkind had become increasingly aggressive, their actions an explosion after a thousand years of restraint.

Lin Moyu approached and greeted Mo Xinghe, "Godly General Mo, what can I do for you?"

Since Mo Xinghe addressed him in a formal, military manner, Lin Moyu responded in kind. This exchange of etiquette signaled that their upcoming discussion would center on military matters.

Mo Xinghe showed a faint smile, "I’m here to ask a favor, Godly General Lin."

"Is this a personal or official request?" Lin Moyu asked.

"It’s official." Mo Xinghe confirmed.

"Then please, go ahead."

"This matter is a bit complicated. Let’s walk while we talk." Mo Xinghe said, turning as they began walking side by side.

He continued casually, "Recently, there’s been an issue with the Dragonkind Frontline Outpost dungeon near Fortress No. 1. Since the Dragonkind returned to the Dimensional Battlefield, the dungeon has mutated."

Lin Moyu raised an eyebrow. He was familiar with that dungeon and couldn't help but wonder what kind of mutation had taken place. However, he refrained from asking any questions and simply waited in silence for Mo Xinghe to continue.

"The Dragonkind Frontline Outpost dungeon was created a thousand years ago, a remnant of the Dragonkind from that great war. There are several such dungeons scattered across the Dimensional Battlefield, each of a different level."

"We initially overlooked them, assuming they were just lingering traces of the Dragonkind’s strength. But with the Dragonkind’s resurgence, these dungeons have mutated, turning into teleportation bases."

Mo Xinghe’s expression hardened as he explained, "Now, Dragonkind forces are using these dungeons to reach any part of the Dimensional Battlefield. Only then did we realize these dungeons were purposely left behind. In fact, they played a pivotal role in the Dragonkind's return."

A bad feeling crept over Lin Moyu, "Have there been many casualties?"

Mo Xinghe replied, "Fortunately, not too many so far—over a thousand have died."

Lin Moyu’s expression darkened. A thousand deaths were no small matter. Class users weren’t afraid of injuries—healing spells could mend any wound—but death was final, unless one possessed a soul brand like his.

Murderous intent flickered in Lin Moyu’s eyes. "Why don’t we destroy these dungeons?"

He knew that godly powerhouses had the ability to wipe out dungeons, so it seemed like a simple solution.

Mo Xinghe shook his head. "By the time we reacted, it was already too late. The Dragonkind used special methods to fortify the dungeons, and now they can only be destroyed from within."

Lin Moyu cut to the chase, "What do you need me to do?"

"Enter the Dragonkind Frontline Outpost dungeon and clear it at hell-rank difficulty. You’ll be working with a military team to destroy it together." Mo Xinghe said.

Lin Moyu looked confused, "But my level…"

Mo Xinghe clarified, "The dungeon has mutated. Its difficulty has risen from level 25 to 35, and the entry conditions have changed accordingly."

The Dragonkind Frontline Outpost dungeon had once been a level 25 dungeon, but after the mutation, it was upgraded to level 35, with adjusted restrictions. Now, only class users between levels 33 and 37 could enter. Additionally, the difficulty settings had shifted: normal rank changed from three people to one, nightmare rank was reduced to three participants, and hell rank was restricted to five. Moreover, only one party could attempt each difficulty level at a time.

The dungeon had transformed entirely, becoming a Dragonkind teleportation hub. While normal and nightmare rank difficulties were still manageable, clearing hell rank with just five people was a daunting task.

Mo Xinghe continued, "To destroy the dungeon, we need to clear normal, nightmare, and hell rank difficulties simultaneously. Once all three are cleared and their exits appear, we can use special scrolls to trigger synchronized explosions, destroying the dungeon completely."

Lin Moyu considered a loud, "Given the military's strength, finding five legendary class users of the appropriate level and clearing the hell rank difficulty shouldn’t be a problem."

Though hell rank difficulty was challenging, but it seemed manageable with proper preparation.

Mo Xinghe sighed, "Before, yes. But then the Dragonkind intervened. They've stationed an army at hell rank difficulty…"

His tone darkened as he continued, "The Dragonkind designed this dungeon as a trap from the beginning. They have the power to interfere with it to some extent."

Lin Moyu’s eyes narrowed, "Does that mean the military failed?"

Mo Xinghe nodded. "We did. And we paid a heavy price—two legendary class users were killed inside."

The loss of two legendary class users was no small matter. The Dragonkind Frontline Outpost dungeon posed a severe threat, especially being so close to Fortress No. 1. This fortress, primarily defended by class users below level 40, had the weakest defenses of all nine fortresses. If the Dragonkind launched an assault from the dungeon, Fortress No. 1 would likely suffer catastrophic damage.

Without hesitation, Lin Moyu declared, "Then let’s go."

Mo Xinghe asked, "Do you need to make any preparations?"

Lin Moyu shook his head, "No need. It's just a level 35 dungeon—it won’t be too difficult."

Dungeon restrictions always remained in place, their rules immutable. Even if the Dragonkind had stationed troops within the dungeon, they would still be bound by the level cap of level 37. To Lin Moyu, let alone level 37, even level 47 troops wouldn’t pose much of a threat.


Fortress No. 1 stood under the shadow of war. The outwall, damaged during the Dragonkind’s attack a month earlier, had been mostly repaired, but a few sections still bore the scars of battle—traces of dried blood staining the stone.

Lin Moyu and Mo Xinghe departed the fortress and headed toward the Dragonkind Frontline Outpost dungeon. Along the way, they encountered a few roaming monsters, all easily dispatched by Mo Xinghe.

Mo Xinghe was a level 89 Holy Spirit Summoner, the same class as Mo Yun. He had undergone class sublimation during his second awakening, though he hadn’t achieved a second class sublimation in his third class awakening. Still, he was a formidable mid-tier legendary class user.

Lin Moyu watched Mo Xinghe’s attacks with curiosity. Rather than using summon creatures, as most summoners did, Mo Xinghe simply tapped his finger, unleashing a thin beam of light that reduced monsters to ashes.

It was an unconventional style for a Summoner, whose combat power usually came from their summoned beasts. But evidently, this wasn’t the case for Mo Xinghe. Even if his summoning skills were sealed, his power was still terrifying.

Lin Moyu recalled something Bai Yiyuan had previously mentioned: sealing the summoning skills of a third-awakened Summoner was futile. However, Bai Yiyuan hadn’t explained further, likely because it wasn’t the right time. Lin Moyu decided to observe without asking questions for now.

As they neared the dungeon, Lin Moyu noticed an army stationed at the entrance, keeping a close watch over it. Upon seeing the purple godly general badges on Lin Moyu and Mo Xinghe’s shoulders, the soldiers immediately stood aside, offering respectful salutes. Their eyes gleamed with awe as they greeted the two figures.

The leader of this force was Jiao Zhixiong, a three-star colonel and a level 70 third-awakened Sacred Sword Knight. Having received advance notice of Mo Xinghe and Lin Moyu’s arrival, he was ready to meet them.

Jiao Zhixiong respectfully saluted the two godly general, displaying no hint of disrespect despite Lin Moyu's level. Then, he led them to the dungeon entrance, which Lin Moyu immediately noticed had changed. A distinct Dragonkind aura now seeped from within, signaling the presence of real Dragonkind, not mere dungeon monsters.

Jiao Zhixiong explained, "About 20 days ago, a Dragonkind army suddenly emerged from the dungeon. At the time, several class users were outside and were caught off guard. Many casualties resulted from the Dragonkind's ambush. The army began hunting low-level class users near the fortress before we could arrive. We managed to surround the dungeon afterward, and when the Dragonkind appeared again, we eliminated them on the spot."

Lin Moyu cut to the chase, "How exactly do you want me to cooperate with you?"

At Jiao Zhixiong's signal, three teams stepped forward, consisting of one, three, and four members respectively.

"We’ll send four people to join you for the hell rank difficulty, Godly General Lin." Jiao Zhixiong said, "We have corresponding teams ready for the normal and nightmare rank difficulties as well. Once the dungeon is cleared, we’ll use these Linked Scrolls to detonate the exits and destroy the dungeon completely."

As he spoke, Jiao Zhixiong produced three Linked Scrolls, carefully prepared in advance for the operation.

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